FRANK GAFFNEY: TEAM OBAMA’S MENDACITY For the last two weeks, the American people have been encouraged by Team Obama – both official spokesmen for the administration, its champions in the press and other partisans – to believe a number of national security calumnies that can only be described as surrealistically epic lies and dangerous deceptions. Far more than the […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE GREAT MEDIA NOISE MACHINE According to the media, the Romney campaign is struggling to recover from a terrible week after an even worse week and the man himself has no hope of winning the election. Also according to the media, the murderers running wild in the streets belong to a religion of peace and the world is in […]


Michelle equates voting turnout to civil rights era….OH PULEEZ!!!
First lady Michelle Obama likened ci…
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GOP hits Obama on snubbing foreign leaders
USA Today
Sunday, September 23, 2012

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Obama’s Mideast favor fell before protests
Monday, September 24, 2012
Approval of U.S. leadership in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region was already slipping before the recent wave of anti-U.S. protests across the region. An average of 20 percent of adults across 12 countries Gallup surveyed between January and May approved of the job performance of U.S. leadership. Read more…

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Egypt warns Israel over Sinai military threats
Ynet News
Monday, September 24, 2012
Egypt is threatening to “cut the arm off any foreign or domestic aggressor” following Israeli calls for a military operation in Sinai in the wake of a terrorist attack that claimed the life of Corporal Netanel Yahalomi on Friday. Read more…

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Gitmo release list includes Osama bodyguard
Daily Caller
Sunday, September 23, 2012
President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have approved one of Osama bin Laden’s personal bodyguards for release or transfer from the Guantanamo Bay detention center to another country. Read more…

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Will Geert Wilders Be Denied a Visa to Australia? Posted By Bruce Bawer It’s been hard to keep track of all the rioting that’s taken place around the world lately, purportedly in response to the film The Innocence of Muslims, so it would be thoroughly understandable if you missed the news about the protests in Sydney on Saturday, September 15, at which participants carried signs reading “Behead […]

Did Obama Know the Embassy Attacks Were Coming? Posted By Daniel Greenfield While the White House and its still media allies are still mumbling about an offensive video, it is quite clear that the Mohammed movie was never anything but a distraction used by the Islamists to set the stage and by the Obama administration to avoid admitting that the attacks were not spontaneous protests, but […]

The White House Goes Mum on Free Speech
While France stands up for a basic right, the Obama administration sits on its hands.

When Rudy Giuliani was mayor of New York, he tried to cut off taxpayer funding for a museum showing a work entitled “The Holy Virgin Mary,” featuring an image of the Madonna smeared with elephant dung, surrounded by cutout porn photos of female genitalia. Mr. Giuliani said the museum didn’t have a “right to government subsidy for desecrating somebody else’s religion.” Hillary Clinton, then a Senate candidate, defended the right to show the artwork: “Our feelings of being offended should not lead to the penalizing and shutting down of an entire museum.”

Mr. Giuliani, who always acknowledged the artist’s First Amendment right while questioning the public funding, was a censorship softie compared with Mrs. Clinton today. Her State Department’s response to a movie trailer tied to Islamic mob violence and organized terrorism has been censorship and a global apology campaign.

The movie “Innocence of Muslims,” apparently made by a Coptic Christian in the U.S., mocks Muhammad, the Islamic prophet, but it exists publicly only as a 14-minute trailer on YouTube. Digital technology can spread mischief, but it was only when an Islamist television show in Egypt aired excerpts that the video got widespread attention. The movie, if there is one, would never have gotten distribution in theaters, with its amateurish filming and clumsily dubbed voices.

The U.S. government attributed enormous power to these 14 minutes of video. The White House press spokesman insisted that the attacks in Egypt, Libya and some 20 other countries were a “response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, not to the American people,” but “to a video, a film we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting.” The White House later backtracked, blaming organized terrorists for killing the U.S. ambassador in Libya and three other Americans.


The headlines this weekend were all about the boos Paul Ryan elicited on Friday when he addressed the AARP, the self-styled seniors’ lobby. The herd of independent media minds missed the real story, which is that the Republican Vice Presidential nominee went into the heart of the entitlement culture, told some hard truths, and even won applause for doing so.

Mr. Ryan deserves credit merely for showing up at an organization that portrays itself as nonpartisan but whose leadership is dominated by long-time liberals who consistently pursue the Democratic Party’s entitlement agenda. On Friday, our Kimberley Strassel reported on the long email trail showing how AARP officials served as an arm of the White House in promoting ObamaCare.

AARP CEO Barry Rand used his opening remarks to defend President Obama’s health-care bill, including its accounting trick of taking $716 billion from Medicare to make a new entitlement appear to save money. He then turned the event over to President Obama, who via satellite attacked Mitt Romney and Mr. Ryan for wanting to deny medical care to seniors.


It has long been a contention of mine that the most important reason that governments shouldn’t make economic decisions, such as favoring one form of technology over another or bailing out a failing company, is that politicians—who are first, last, and always in the re-election business–can’t make decisions for economic reasons. They can only make decisions for political reasons.

Consider a thought experiment. Say there is a national widget crisis and there are two possible technological solutions to the problem. Most people in the widget industry think that technology A is the better bet. Technology B, however, has been researched by a company that has its headquarters and 40,000 employees in the state represented by Senator Snoot, who chairs the Senate Widget Committee. Which technology do you think Senator Snoot is going to favor? To be sure, he might put the national interest ahead of his political interests and thus become a candidate for a sequel to Profiles in Courage. But there’s a reason that that famous book is a very short one.

One of the major components of the left these days, and by no means just in the United States, is the so-called environmental movement (so-called because it is, at heart, a misanthropic and anti-business movement, not an environmental one). And one of their current hobby horses is “renewable energy,” such as wind and solar power. Liberal politicians have relentlessly pushed for this, offering lavish subsidies and tax advantages, ($14 billion for wind energy in the United States alone in the last four years) even though wind and solar energy still cannot produce electricity at a cost that can compete with coal or natural gas on a per-kilowatt basis.

But over and above that, there is a huge problem with renewable energy sources that environmentalists and their political allies ignore. I’m not talking about the vast amount of land wind farms and solar arrays require, nor the environmental damage they cause by, in the case of wind farms, killing huge numbers of birds, nor the fact that wind and sun tend to be most abundantly found in areas where electricity demand is low, such as the high plains east of the Rockies, necessitating long, visually polluting transmission lines to where power is needed.

Echoes Of A Shofar (video)
Not new, but worth another look, an echo of the Mandate period when the British authorities forbade Jews to blow the shofar at the Kotel on Yom Kippur for fear of offending Arabs. It’s the story of several individuals who defied the ban, and were imprisoned for their efforts. Of course, shortly after that the Kotel fell into Jordanian hands, and was inaccessible to Jews until liberated by Israeli troops in 1967.
All of which suggests that Jews should never agree to entrust their holy places to the control of others.


Obama: Does Romney want ‘to start another war’ in Middle East?


“Still, the incumbent faces a dismaying number of foreign policy problems.Bombings regularly rock Iraq, where the war isn’t over — America is just not as involved. And it seems like each week brings a new report of Afghan security forces killing their NATO and American counterparts. Iran defies international pressure to halt its suspect nuclear program, while civil war rages in Syria. Russia has moved to expel American aid workers. Violent protests have struck U.S. diplomatic posts in the Muslim world, and extremists who have yet to be formally identified stormed the consulate in Benghazi and killed the American ambassador — marking the anniversary of 9-11 with a terrorist attack. China’s territorial disputes with some of its neighbors have escalated.”

President Barack Obama hit back hard in a “60 Minutes” interview broadcast Sunday at Mitt Romney’s criticisms of his handling of Syria and Iran, saying that if the Republican standard-bearer “is suggesting that we should start another war, he should say so.”

Obama also brushed aside talk that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been pressuring him to take a harder line on Iran’s suspicious nuclear program — source of some of Romney’s sharpest campaign-trail criticisms.

“When it comes to our national security decisions– any pressure that I feel is simply to do what’s right for the American people. And I am going to block out any noise that’s out there,” the president said.

“Now I feel an obligation — not pressure but obligation — to make sure that we’re in close consultation with the Israelis– on these issues, because it affects them deeply,” Obama said. “They’re one of our closest allies in the region. And we’ve got an Iranian regime that has said horrible things that directly threaten Israel’s existence.”

Romney has accused Obama of not doing enough to curb Iran’s nuclear program, which Tehran says is a civilian energy program but America and its allies say is an effort to develop the ability to build a nuclear weapon. He has also charged that the president has done too little to help rebels against Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad topple his regime as the civil war there has left perhaps as many as 20,000 dead.

Asked about those criticisms, Obama bristled.