
“Every U.S. election year sees the next decisive nail in the coffin of the Serbs’ birthplace, where they fended off the Ottomans and the Austro-Hungarian Empire that gave us Hitler. In 2004 we had the deadly pogroms by Albanians which spurred our bureaucrats in Congress to reward the violence by putting Kosovo on the fast-track to independence, defying our own signature on international agreements. In 2008, we sealed the deal by encouraging the Albanians to avoid legality — and declare independence unilaterally. We recognized statehood immediately, of course, thereby giving Serbia the stick even after it went for the carrot (they had voted in an obedient ‘pro-Western’ regime).

This election year, while everyone is distracted, we will militarily force the Serbs to submit to Muslim Albanian mafia rule. If Americans think the fate of Kosovo’s Serbs doesn’t foreshadow their own future, they are manifestly mistaken.”

Ex-NATO Press Officer Suing U.S.-Sponsored Kosovo Police; Black U.S. Troops to Serbs in Kosovo: Yes, You Are the White Niggers

“The slow and systematic ethnic cleansing of Serbs and other minorities takes place in Kosovo every day.” – Kristian Kahrs, former NATO press officer in Kosovo

“[From] what I was taught in school in Communist Albania, Serbs have a genetic tendency to be submissive….They are natural slaves.”

– dissident Albanian-American professor Ilia Toli

“Those few reporters who dare to risk their lives in Kosovo have had a hard time being heard by a bored public…Now, faced with the horrors of the New Kosovo, we excuse ourselves from the consequences of our actions, pleading that ‘we didn’t know.’ And where have we heard that before?”

– Ronald Kim, UPenn Ph.D. candidate, The Daily Pennsylvanian, May 4, 2000

I recently heard from Kristian Kahrs, who in 2001 was a press officer for KFOR, NATO’s Kosovo force — and in 2011 publicly apologized to Serbia. He is closing his site http://serbtrade.no, and is now using Sorry Serbia.

So I went to “Sorry Serbia,” and learned that it was the 1999 gang bang of Serbia that saw Norway GOING TO WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 1788, and also saw the following stunning developments in the life of Kahrs, who is fast turning heroic in my eyes. He describes his ordeal as he accompanied a few thousand Serbs to Kosovo on June 28th to attend the annual St. Vitus Day (or Vidovdan) ceremonies commemorating the battle the Serbs lost bloodily to the Ottomans in 1389. His abridged blog posts follow later, but first is a breathtaking interview with Kahrs and Canadian journalist John Bosnitch, who is riveting. They were taken by International Antiserbism Monitoring (I-AM), a newly formed, first-ever body to counter the 20-year, worldwide, government and media free-for-all on the Serbs. Kahrs talks about his eureka moment on the Kosovo war, and there are outtakes from the scene of Albanian Muslims providing “security” at a Christian Serb commemoration. Note the way international monitors look on without interference or objection to the brutish discrimination by Kosovo police. Indeed, Kosovo’s supervision by the International Steering Group was removed this month, its “authorities” deemed worthy to be fully in charge of their own (still not recognized) state.

For those who haven’t been following the developments in Kosovo since our intervention there, what is said in the video may sound unbelievable, and at least two sentences by Mr. Bosnitch may come across superficially as “anti-U.S.” But his assessment is deadly accurate. What appears below describes perfectly everything I myself observed and concluded from articles, commentaries, sound bites, and conversations I either had or overheard — all filled with the most wounding attitudes toward a nation, about whom none of the usual rules applied. It fascinated me. In a region I had no knowledge, interest, or ties to, I’d stumbled onto a people without worth. I had found a true Lower People ( “untermenschen” ). Their suffering was dismissed or scoffed at, and the more violence visited upon them, the more they deserved it. For those who prefer reading to viewing, I’ve transcribed the interviews, which flash between Kahrs and Bosnitch. Any links in the text have been added by me, and rather than italicize emphasized words, I’ve bolded them.

To Release a Blind Sheik — on The Glazov Gang

To Release a Blind Sheik — on The Glazov Gang
Josh Brewster, Leon Weinstein and Dwight Schultz analyze the troubling indications that Obama might release a mass murderer.



Dr. Thomas Stephen Szasz has died at the age of 92 at his home in upstate New York. Born in Hungary in 1929, he came to the United States at the age of nine, trained as a psychiatrist, and served — after a stint in the military during which he was stationed at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda — as professor of psychiatry at the Upstate Medical Center in New York from 1956 until he retired in 1990.

Szasz serves as a powerful testament to the proposition that ideas have consequences — and that terrible ideas, no matter how demonstrably false and even absurd, can not only survive, but shape our institutions, in the process doing untold damage to human lives and the social fabric.

The bizarre idea that Szasz propagated for upwards of fifty years was that mental illness does not exist. The vast majority of Szasz’s 35 books and over four hundred articles are devoted to this claim. As Charles Krauthammer has observed, “Like the atheist who can’t stop talking about God, Szasz cannot stop talking about psychiatry.” Szasz disposes of mental illness by rhetorical sleight of hand: “Mental illnesses do not exist; indeed they cannot exist, because the mind is not a bodily part or bodily organ.” But of course what is diseased in “mental illness” is the brain, which is as susceptible to malfunction as any other bodily organ.

Szasz rejected mental illness on ideological grounds. An unsparing libertarian, Szasz insisted that each man was responsible for his actions. “Autonomy is my religion,” he wrote. It is thus ironic that his notion that mental illness does not exist owed its impact to being taken up by the political radicals and counterculture of the 1960s, which Szasz despised. The mentally ill became a group to be “liberated” along with blacks, Hispanics, and third-world peoples. Some countercultural intellectuals went so far as to claim the sane were mad and the mad sane, for it was the latter who rejected the irrational reality of a rotten social system.

Szasz’s idée fixe of mental illness as merely an invention of power-hungry psychiatrists came to be the foundation of public policy through its impact on a cohort of radical young attorneys who would make “liberation” of the mentally ill their lifework. Bruce Ennis, the single most influential member of this group, admits he knew nothing about mental illness until he stumbled on the works of Thomas Szasz while working on a new project on the rights of “the mentally handicapped” for the New York Civil Liberties Union. Within a year, the NYC Civil Liberties Union had passed a resolution denouncing involuntary hospitalization as incompatible with the principles of a free society. Szasz would write the preface to Ennis’s 1972 book Prisoners of Psychiatry, praising Ennis for recognizing “that individuals incriminated as mentally ill do not need guarantees of ‘treatment’ but protection against their enemies–the legislators, judges, and psychiatrists who persecute them in the name of mental health.”

Anti-psychiatric doctrine in its Szaszian formulation (Szasz’s veneer of logical reasoning was especially appealing to lawyers) soon made its way into articles on mental illness in legal journals. Entire issues of law journals were devoted to demolishing all psychiatric claims. In one such issue, the May 1974 University of California Law Review, Ennis and Thomas Litwack argued that relying on psychiatric expertise was worse than relying on chance, and so psychiatrists should not be allowed to testify as expert witnesses in commitment hearings. Indeed, anti-psychiatry so dominated discussions on mental illness in law journals in the 1970s that it was rare to find an article with a different perspective. And these articles became the acknowledged underpinning for judicial decisions in the flood of law cases brought by the new mental health bar.

If mental illness was a myth, there was nothing to treat, and so psychiatric treatments, and above all the psychoactive drugs that were psychiatry’s proudest achievement, became the next targets. Law journal articles painstakingly described their every possible unpleasant side-effect, with no hint of their benefits. Yet it was these medications which could restore the individual’s ability to make choices in any meaningful sense — in other words, restore the autonomy that Szasz claimed to value above all else.

The upshot was that as a result of judicial decisions and actions of state legislators in response to them, state mental hospitals were emptied, and involuntary commitment became contingent on imminent dangerousness — and even then, treatment was uncertain because the law instituted a right to refuse it, which could be exercised even after commitment. All this had a devastating effect on families, who were forced to watch helplessly as someone they loved deteriorated, and on the lives of the mentally ill themselves. This did not trouble Szasz. For all his emphasis on the alleged brutality of psychiatry (many of his volumes are extended comparisons of psychiatry to the persecution of witches and Jews, the Inquisition, and slavery), it is Szasz’s ideology that is truly inhumane. In a 1975 speech in California, he declared that he did not give psychotropic drugs and did not promise patients he could make them better: “They can go home and blow their brains out.”


http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/flintstone-spy-device-explodes-at-iranian-nuclear-site/story-fnb64oi6-1226479668976 A monitoring device disguised as a rock exploded when it was disturbed by Iranian troops near an underground nuclear enrichment plant, according to western intelligence sources. Revolutionary Guards were on a patrol last month to check terminals connecting data and telephone links at Fordo, near Qom in northern Iran, when they saw the rock […]


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2245/The-Army-Response-to-SSG-Sitton.aspx Army chief of staff Odierno’s so-called response to SSG Sitton’s letter is below. More on the story of SSG Sitton from the Tampa Tribune — specifically, the US military’s response: LARGO — Cheryl Sitton’s questions are simple. To her, the answers should be, too. And so far, she’s not satisfied with what top U.S. […]


Silent Obama hears it over ‘Piss Christ’ art
Fox News
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Silent Obama hears it over ‘Piss Christ’ art
Religious groups such as the Catholic League are blasting President Obama for not condemning an anti-Christian art display, titled “Piss Christ,” set to appear in New York City, and one Republican lawmaker said he is fed up with the administration’s “religious hypocrisy.” Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz27IMsecy4
Smothering speech OK, so long as Muslims do it
The American Spectator
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The only religion for which liberals make excuses is the most illiberal one — Islam. Self-styled Voltairean liberals, who normally gush about the glories of free speech, have popped up on mindless morning shows to endorse the imprisonment of Islam’s critics. So much for fighting to the death for free speech. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz27INFVNw7


http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com/ ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Israeli robotic spine surgery in the USA. Israel’s Mazor Robotics has just sold its 18th Renaissance robotic spinal surgical guidance system in the US – this time to the Parker Adventist Hospital in Denver. Parker is a Blue Distinction Center for Spine Surgery, so the latest sale is especially prestigious. http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000785405&fid=1725 […]



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See an update at the end of this report. BY LORI LOWENTHAL MARCUS

In what originally was supposed to be a slam dunk, US Senator Sherrod Brown’s race for reelection in Ohio against the youthful Republican Josh Mandell may instead be turning into a squeaker, and Brown is none too happy about it.

Brown originally had as much as a 17 percentage point lead, but according to a report in Bloomberg, several polls last month showed the race to be deadlocked. Mandell claims the race has become intense because Ohioans are increasingly turned off by the “ultra-liberal, hyper-partisan” Brown, while Brown claims that millions of dollars in negative ads have been run against him by “outside, undisclosed interest groups.”

One Ohioan found out just how testy this race has made Sherrod Brown. Following a talk he gave at the Dayton, Ohio Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, September 18, Senator Brown invited questions. There were a few tough questions put to the Senator by business owners opposed to President Obama’s healthcare legislation, and a softball question about how to contact the Senator’s office.

And then 32-year old Ohio native Joel Griffith stood up. Griffith said, “I’m a proud Jewish American and I’m concerned that the single biggest entity funding you is J Street. J Street has given you $60,000, and as you know, J Street is funded by an attorney for the Saudi Embassy and has also been funded by the producer of one of the most anti-Semitic films ever made …” but Griffith was not allowed to finish his question. The Senator’s first response was that Griffith’s was “clearly a political question.”

True, but the Senator is a politician who was engaging in politics. The political question doctrine only forecloses the judicial branch from addressing a particular issue. In fact, political questions are reserved exclusively to the legislative branch of which Senator Brown is hoping to remain a part.

But as Griffith sought to continue asking his question, and paused to ask whether it was okay if he filmed the exchange, Senator Brown cut him off and told Griffith to “talk to that man in the back of the room who is Jewish,” because that Jewish man supports Brown and “knows that I am pro-Israel.”

On his third attempt to get out his question, the frustrated Griffith began once again, saying, “What do you say to those Jewish Americans who are very concerned…” But again, Brown cut him off. The Senator instead told Griffith what he should do before Brown would answer him. Senator Brown told his constituent, “You find out where the $18 million came from that is funding ads against me,” and said Griffith could then come back and ask his question next year. The Senator then wrapped up that portion of the program.



Responding to the Sydney Mohammed riots featuring bloodied police officers and Muslim children holding beheading signs, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said, “What we saw in Sydney on the weekend wasn’t multiculturalism but extremism.”
Muslim extremism is multicultural. It is the essence of their approach to multiculturalism. Only through, what Gillard calls extremism, do an Egyptian, a Pakistani and a Malay have anything at all in common with one another.

Immigrants from different nations can move to a nation and accept a new national identity. Hundreds of millions of Americans and Australians are the result of such an arrangement. The immigrants can meet up at folk culture festivals where they partake of each other’s national foods or they can stick to their own foods– it doesn’t make that much of a difference except for when politicians running for office gain 40 pounds eating bratwurst, pizza and bagels and drinking Guinness at campaign events.

When there is a strong national identity, either former or present, there is rarely a conflict between religious identity and national identity. Those conflicts have usually been settled in the past in some uneasy, but final way, that allows everyone to believe what they want to believe without turning that belief into the defining form of national identity. That way one can be a good Englishman without being a member of the Church of England or a good Frenchmen without being a member of the Catholic Church. Arriving at that point was not easy, but it ended the religious wars of Europe.

Muslims do not have a strong national identity. Their nations are a hodgepodge of military dictators, colonial leftovers and tribal alliances. Their societies are “multicultural” in the sense that they are composed of numerous hostile ethnic groups, tribes and families who are united only by a common religion. This unity is fragile, but it is the most common form of unity that they have and they value it far more than national identity.

To the Muslim, his nation is a fleeting thing, a historical accident by a colonial mapmaker digging up ancient names and drawing lines that cut across the lines of ethnic and tribal migrations, but his religion, though he understands very little of it, is a fine and great thing that has long preceded the nation and means far more to him than the nation does.

Even Muslims in moderate countries poll as identifying more with Islam than with a political faction or national identity. That is why what happened when Muslim democracy was unleashed on the Muslim World was completely inevitable. Muslims chose the one form of identity that they could agree on. It was an identity that excluded Christians, but democracy draws a circle around the largest number of people and outside Lebanon and Israel, those people are all Muslims.

Muslims bridge multiculturalism through religion and they do not accept any form of national identity that is not based on religious unity. That is what the Arab Spring really meant.


http://pjmedia.com/claudiarosett/scores-of-u-s-visas-for-ahmadinejads-bulging-entourage/ When Iran’s pro-genocide president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, attends the United Nations General Assembly annual opening in New York this coming week, how many Iranian officials will he bring in his entourage? Far too many, if the numbers reported today by Iran’s Fars News Agency are to be believed. As Fars describes it, the U.S. has […]