I see the Obama campaign has redesigned the American flag, and very attractive it is, too. Replacing the 50 stars of a federal republic is the single “O” logo symbolizing the great gaping maw of spendaholic centralization. And where the stripes used to be are a handful of red daubs, eerily mimicking the bloody finger streaks left on the pillars of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi as its staff were dragged out by a mob of savages to be tortured and killed. What better symbol could one have of American foreign policy? Who says the slick, hollow, vapid marketing of the Obama campaign doesn’t occasionally intersect with reality?

On the latter point, after a week and a half of peddling an utterly false narrative of what happened in Libya, the United States government is apparently beginning to discern that there are limits to what even Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice can say with a straight face. The official line – that the slaughter of American officials was some sort of improvised movie review that got a little out of hand – is now in the process of modification to something bearing a less patently absurd relationship to what actually happened. That should not make any more forgivable the grotesque damage that the administration has done to the bedrock principle of civilized society: freedom of speech.
The more that U.S. government officials talk about the so-called film “Innocence Of Muslims” (which is actually merely a YouTube trailer) the more they confirm the mob’s belief that works of “art” are the proper responsibility of government. Obama and Clinton are currently starring as the Siskel & Ebert of Pakistani TV, giving two thumbs-down to “Innocence Of Muslims” in hopes that it will dissuade local movie-goers from giving two heads-off to consular officials. “The United States government had absolutely nothing to do with this video,” says Hillary Clinton. “We absolutely reject its content, and message.” “We reject the efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others,” adds Barack Obama. There follows the official State Department seal of the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad.

Fellow government-funded film critics call “Innocence Of Muslims” “hateful and offensive” (Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations) and “reprehensible and disgusting” (Jay Carney, White House press secretary). Gen. Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Senior Pentagon Advisor to Variety, has taken to telephoning personally those few movie fans who claim to enjoy the film. He called up Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who apparently thinks “Innocence Of Muslims” is the perfect date movie, to tell him the official position of the United States military is they’d be grateful if he could ease up on the five-star reviews.


Palestinian rejectionism showcased again as their leaders go the extra mile to avoid peace talks with Israel

Perhaps the most famous remark ever attributed to an Israeli official about Palestinian unwillingness to forge a lasting peace was made in 1973 by one time Foreign Minister Abba Eban. The Palestinians, he said, “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity“.

Even then it was a sad statement of the obvious. Having rejected the United Nations partition plan of November 29, 1947, which was accepted by Israel and which would have provided for a two-state solution right at the inception of the Jewish state’s existence, the Palestinians had largely put their faith in frightening the Israelis out of their state through guerilla warfare, outright terrorism and the prospect of invading Arab armies doing the job for them.

With today’s announcement from chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat in mind, that last thought about other people doing the job for them is worth reflecting on. Erekat has added more detail to Palestinian plans for recognition of a Palestinian state on 1967 lines at the UN General Assembly later this month.

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that he believes the resolution would set “the terms of reference for Palestinian negotiations with Israel“. Erekat was quoted as saying that: “No-one is talking about cancelling the peace process“.

This is, frankly, delusional. For one thing, the Israelis are rightly suspicious of practically anything directed at them from the General Assembly or its affiliated institutions. The idea that they will merrily accept imposed conditions for peace talks from a body that it is heavily populated by people who dream of the country’s destruction is a non-starter.

Similarly, the 1967 lines are indefensible. They were not even borders; merely the armistice lines where soldiers rested up for the night at the cessation of hostilities following the Israeli War of Independence.

Even with the much vaunted land swaps that would accompany any real world scenario for a two-state solution, the notion that the 67 lines, rather than “defensible borders“, should form the basis for a peace agreement is ludicrous.

But let me return to the point referred to above. Why are the Palestinians so intent on getting someone else to set the terms of peace negotiations for them? Israel, after all, is practically begging them to sit down and talk directly, without preconditions. Why are they so desperate to avoid this?

Palestinian rejectionism showcased again as their leaders go the extra mile to avoid peace talks with Israel

Perhaps the most famous remark ever attributed to an Israeli official about Palestinian unwillingness to forge a lasting peace was made in 1973 by one time Foreign Minister Abba Eban. The Palestinians, he said, “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity“.

Even then it was a sad statement of the obvious. Having rejected the United Nations partition plan of November 29, 1947, which was accepted by Israel and which would have provided for a two-state solution right at the inception of the Jewish state’s existence, the Palestinians had largely put their faith in frightening the Israelis out of their state through guerilla warfare, outright terrorism and the prospect of invading Arab armies doing the job for them.

With today’s announcement from chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat in mind, that last thought about other people doing the job for them is worth reflecting on. Erekat has added more detail to Palestinian plans for recognition of a Palestinian state on 1967 lines at the UN General Assembly later this month.

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that he believes the resolution would set “the terms of reference for Palestinian negotiations with Israel“. Erekat was quoted as saying that: “No-one is talking about cancelling the peace process“.

This is, frankly, delusional. For one thing, the Israelis are rightly suspicious of practically anything directed at them from the General Assembly or its affiliated institutions. The idea that they will merrily accept imposed conditions for peace talks from a body that it is heavily populated by people who dream of the country’s destruction is a non-starter.

Similarly, the 1967 lines are indefensible. They were not even borders; merely the armistice lines where soldiers rested up for the night at the cessation of hostilities following the Israeli War of Independence.

Op-Ed: Berlin’s Jewish Museum of Anti-Zionism: Giulio Meotti Excellent!!!!****

“That was the last letter I sent to George Steiner. I didn’t want to have anymore conversations with him. That is why I broke with Steiner and the Jewish Intelligentsia. I understood that there is much more Jewish destiny and courage in a bullet proof bus going to Gush Etzion than in any rant of this horrible member of the Jewish intelligentsia.”
German taxpayers would be happy to fund Berlin’s Jewish museum if it continues to host Jewish anti-Semites. Meotti has broken off contact with the anti-Israel Jewish intelligentsia, but not before putting them in their place.
The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book “A New Shoah”, that researched the personal stories of Israel’s terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary. He is at work on a book about the Vatican and Israel.
There is no explanation for this pathological phenomenon: the Jewish Diaspora proclivity for self-abasement and sycophancy toward Jew-haters.

A few days ago, the internationally renowned Jewish Museum in Berlin hosted a podium discussion with US academic Judith Butler, who renewed her calls to boycott Israel. It’s the first anti-Israel event held in the Jewish museum since its opening.
Why did only a few Israeli intellectuals and personalities raise their voices against the shameful decision to host Butler? What happened to moral clarity?

In an era in which the Jews are sentenced again to solitary confinement on the moral high ground and where no other nation except Israel is expected to disappear, the Jewish intelligentsia is getting sick.
Thousands of Jewish leading writers, intellectuals, academics, authors and journalists, joined by painters, photographers and actors, have been unceasingly preaching that Israel’s cause is not just. And this, they say, is true not since the Six Day War, the beginning of what they call that unjust “occupation”, nor since the establishment of the state in 1948, which “was born in sin”, but since the beginnings of the Zionist enterprise at the end of the XIX century.

The conclusion is uniform: that Zionism amounted to an evil, colonialist conspiracy to exploit the people dwelling in Palestine, enslave them, steal their land, disinherit them.
After the Butler disgrace, the people in charge of the Berlin Museum could rename it Jewish Museum of anti-Zionism. The German taxpayers would be happy to fund this institution in the middle of Berlin.


What Mr. Romney [might have] meant Americans have always liked to believe one of the remarkable achievements of U.S. society – differentiating it from The Old Country – was social mobility. Our “aristocrats”, whether moneyed or “stars”, were mostly only a generation away from obscurity. And chances were their progeny wouldn’t hang on to their […]

What If Israel’s ‘Peace Partners’ Actually Prefer War? By: Louis Rene Beres

What If Israel’s ‘Peace Partners’ Actually Prefer War? At this point in Israel’s problematic diplomatic agenda, there is really only one overriding policy question: Can any form of negotiation with the Palestinians, Fatah and/or Hamas, ever prove reasonable and productive? From the very beginning, even before formal statehood in 1948, Israel has sought courageously and […]

The Humanitarian Approach: Responding to Readers – Part I By MARTIN SHERMAN **** Into The Fray: Not economic cost, but lack of political will in Israel and perceived legitimacy abroad prevent implementing the humanitarian solution. Over the past few weeks, I have presented the reasoning for, and the operational elements of, an alternative humanitarian paradigm to replace the two-state solution (TSS), and to forestall what has been […]


To anyone who asserts that Israel is a racist society, Shlomo Molla has a simple retort: Just take a look at my life. The 46-year-old was born in an Ethiopian village with no electricity and he has risen through the ranks of Israeli society, where he now holds the position of deputy speaker of the Knesset.
Lawyer Geore Burrell (left) with Shlomo Molla, Kadima member and deputy speaker of the Knesset

“If you have your motivation, Israel is a country where the sky is the limit,” Molla, the Kadima Party member, declared during a Sept. 7 stop in Philadelphia.

“I am not saying that we don’t have problems,” he added, acknowledging that the transition from the pre-industrial society of his native village to Israel’s high-tech one hasn’t been an easy transition for the Israeli Ethiopian community, especially for his parents’ generation.

The soft-spoken social worker is currently one of two Israelis of Ethiopian origin serving in the Knesset. He had been the only one, but just this past week Likud Party member Aleli Admasu took the place of Yossi Peled, who resigned from parliament. Molla’s Kadima Party is not part of the coalition government, but that does not preclude him from serving as deputy speaker.

Molla’s visit to the United States was sponsored by the America-Israel Friendship League, a nonprofit organization dedicated to deepening ties between Israelis and Americans of all religious backgrounds.


Click here: A liberal rabbi’s wake-up call for liberal Jews | Bruce Kesler | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel In a typically politically liberal Reform synagogue in America, this one in a suburb of San Diego, the typically politically liberal rabbi’s Rosh Hashanah sermon should be a wake-up call to other […]


Below is an extraordinary, heart-stopping and historic letter. It is a letter SSG Matthew Sitton sent to U.S. Rep. C.W. “Bill” Young after his commanders in Afghanistan told him to “quit whining” about orders to lead patrols without objective “through, for lack of a better term, basically a mine field on a daily basis,” as Sitton wrote. Twice daily basis, in fact. On August 2, 2012, Sitton and another US soldier were killed in the IED-riddled field he spoke of. Eighty-one-year-old Rep. Young, who attends the same church in Florida as the Sitton family, this week announced he no longer supports the presence of US troops in Afghanistan and called for their withdrawal in advance of 2014. Young also held a hearing yesterday to ask the agency in charge of protecting troops against IEDs to explain why so many are still dying and suffering horrific injuries despite an annual budget of nearly $3 billion.

I support immediate withdrawal (“Let it go”) and commend the Congressman’s resolve — all but unique among his hundreds of peers in the House and Senate, which is in itself a national disgrace — but he is asking the wrong people the wrong question. This is a question of strategy that goes to the heart of the whole multi-billion-dollar nation-building endeavor predicated on a Big Lie that Islam and the West are compatible. It is time for Sitton’s commanders and their commanders and on up the chain of command to be questioned, to talk to We, the People about who devised and signed off on this morally and militarily bankrupt doctrine — counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy — that patriots such as Matthew Sitton have paid for with their lives. It is time for Generals Petraeus, McChrystal, Allen, Dempsey, Admiral Mullen and many more to face us and explain. This letter by Matthew Sitton, RIP, is the right place to start.

OBAMA’S DANGEROUS CONSISTENCY: CAROLINE GLICK On Tuesday, Egypt’s chief prosecutor issued arrest warrants against eight US citizens. Their purported crimes relate either to their reported involvement in the production of the Internet movie critical of Islam that has received so much attention over the past 10 days, or to other alleged anti-Islamic activities. One of the US citizens indicted […]