ROGER ARONOFF INTERVIEWS BRIGITTE GABRIEL **** With so much media attention in this country focused on the presidential race and the Supreme Court’s ruling on ObamaCare, not enough attention is being paid to what is going on in the Middle East, and at the United Nations. Egypt has recently chosen as its next president Mohamed Morsi, who was the candidate […]

DANIEL HALPER: THE PRICE OF OBAMACARE IS NOW 17 MILLION MORE THAN OBAMA PLEDGED!! The Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee will later today release the following chart, detailing the rising projected cost of President Obama’s signature legislation, Obamacare:   The latest estimate, as the chart details, is that Obamacare will cost $2.6 trillion dollars in its first real decade. The bill does not fully go […]

The Somali Saga Continues by NANCY HARTEVELT KOBRIN, PHD Case # 1: Al Shabab British Somali — “CF” A Somali Al Shabab Al Qaeda affiliate member, age 24, referred to as “CF”, was re-arrested after having violated his ban not to trespass the Olympic Park in London, while wearing his court ordered electronic tracking device. CF was reportedly doing reconnaissance as a suicide […]

DIANA WEST: “DISSING ISRAEL”…THE ULTIMATE IN DHIMMITUDE The Free Beacon reported this week on the continuing omission of Israel from the new Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF). At a recent forum meeting in Spain, Maria Otero, US Under Secretary of State, delivered a speech titled “Victims of Terrorism” but she didn’t mention Israel The conference at which she spoke was called a […]

AMAZING ISRAEL: SYSTEM STOPS SEPSIS THE LEADING HOSPITAL THREAT….ABIGAILKLEAIN LEICHMAN Sepsis, a blood infection, causes more than 200,000 deaths in US hospitals every year. A non-invasive monitoring device from Israel is changing that. A nurse can easily hook up this NICOM monitor by sticking leads on a patient’s skin. “Sepsis is a huge issue — one of the top killers, often as a complication […]

LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH AND PALARAB…ABBAS STEALING MILLIONS ADAM KREDO Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has allegedly deposited nearly $13 million in U.S. taxpayer aid into a secret bank account, and routinely uses his political connections to profit from the stagnant peace process, according to testimony presented to Congress Tuesday by several Middle East experts. Abbas has enriched himself during his seven years in […]

AMAZING ISRAEL: THE NEXT GENERATION MICHAEL ORDMAN As a fan of the classic TV series Star Trek Next Generation, I’m always on the lookout for Israeli inventions that were once only in the imagination of science fiction writers. Just recently, the Jewish State has made some “out of this world” advances in science, medicine and in several other areas. One […]


There has been great reporting on the report from Israel that declares the legitimacy of Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. It brings joy as well as a bittersweet reflection.

Herbert Zweibon the late Chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel, my beloved friend and mentor is not here to see his words and deeds vindicated.

Shmuel Katz, the late mentor and early founder of Americans for a Safe Israel is also not here to see his words and deeds vindicated.

I can imagine their response. Repeat….imagine.

Herb: “Big deal. What took them so long? It was always true and that’s why we stayed on message at Americans for a Safe israel.”

Shmuel: “Outrageous! They come to this conclusion after having signed away so much patrimony and endangered the nation with so much withdrawal and appeasement? Don’t bother me with this. Call me when they annex it.”

Yes Herb and Shmuel…rest easy. AFSI is alive and well and carrying on with Helen Freedman at the helm. And OUPOST appears on schedule thanks to Rael Jean Isaac.

MOSHE DANN: ON THE LEVY REPORT.. Whether or not its recommendations are accepted and implemented, the report is a turning point in how Israel and hopefully the international community understand the critical question: whose land? For more than four decades Israel’s acquisition of Judea, Samaria and Gaza in the 1967 Six Day War has been portrayed by those who oppose […]

CAROLINE GLICK ON ISRAEL’S “OLMERTA” I have not had the opportunity to read the court decision on Olmert. And so my thoughts on his acquittal have little to do with the merits of the prosecution in the three cases adjudicated by the Jerusalem District Court. I have a problem with corruption investigations against politicians generally and against Ehud Olmert […]