In the days following the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, a bizarre press conference took place in Berlin. Hermann Goering stood before the foreign press corps and explained why Hitler’s regime had the obligation to murder hundreds of Germans in the dead of night without due process. The farce is described in […] It’s not the videotape, stupid. I am at my wits end hearing how a 14 minute trailer on YouTube, “Muhammad Movie Trailer – Innocence Of Muslims“, is the cause of these protests and riots.Let’s get a couple of things straight from the get go. The movie was originally uploaded to YouTube in June, almost […]
As the winds of Islamism blow across North Africa yielding unsettling horror, the American version of Neville Chamberlain sits in the White House, incapable of real action, but immersed in rationalization. Yes, the president did repudiate State Department moral equivalence (i.e. “offensive” film equals justifiable homicide). But he is inert, a model of confusion.
For months, Americans were told that the Arab Spring would, in time, produce democratic sentiments. In fact, the Arab Spring has led to elections and those elections have led in turn to Islamization. Islamic democracy – which so many naïve journalists wish to embrace – is an oxymoron. Islam shapes every aspect of the Middle East and its essence is totalistic. The idea that every individual yearns for personal expression is a chimera borne out by terrorists who shun liberty.
Can there be any justifiable explanation for the wanton slaughter of our Libyan ambassador and his colleagues? When human rights are trumped by religious fanaticism, the bonds of civil order are in question. According to the Islamic laws of blasphemy, any criticism of Mohammed or even alleged criticism warrants a violent response. A toxic brew of violence, Western innocence and guilt and complicit state governments that avert their gaze to the murders has driven the Middle East to massive brutality.
Samuel Huntington wrote about the clash of civilizations because he realized Islam, as presently practiced, cannot be compatible with basic Western ideals. The problem is that the State Department and many well meaning, but misguided individuals don’t believe it. Surely the attack on the U.S. Embassies in Egypt, Yemen, Libya should offer some concern that liberal assumptions are not compatible with Islam.
Despite a belief in ecumenism, the United States is learning a harsh lesson: the revolutions in the Middle East are not led by Washington and Adams seeking independence and individual rights. While scholars of Islam often contend the religion can change from within so that it is harmonized with Constitutional principles, there isn’t the slightest fragment of evidence that this is actually the case. 18 Charts Showing The Rise Of Government Dependence Gus Lubin | Sep. 18, 2012, 8:07 AM | and AP Mitt Romney and the notorious “47%.” Mitt Romney’s comment about 47 percent of Americans living on government handouts may not have been tactful, but he certainly has a point.Americans are more dependent on the […] Romney’s ‘gaffe’ a plus for him Jason Kissner Russian warships and Turkish jets appeared at a godless, we-all-belong-to-government DNC with abolitionist dreams of annihilating Israel, and soon thereafter a tape slips out (reportedly courtesy of Jimmy Carter’s grandson James Earl Carter IV)) of a respectable private fundraiser featuring Romney on the rhetorical equivalent of […]
Regarding your editorial “The New World Disorder” (Sept. 13): As the Romney campaign and the White House bicker over whether an apology was made over the cause of the tragic attacks on the U.S. missions in Egypt and Libya, it’s worth noting that the current situation isn’t entirely unprecedented.
In 1936, Vanity Fair published a cartoon lampooning Japan’s Emperor Hirohito. In a gallery of unlikely historical situations, the mikado was shown dressed in uniform, pulling a cart containing the Nobel Peace Prize. It was considered an outrageous insult because it suggested that the Emperor wasn’t Peace Prize material and depicted the divine emperor as a coolie.
The Japanese government banned the sale of the magazine in its empire and demanded an apology. During a meeting with Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Amb. Hiroshi Saito seemed satisfied with the secretary’s regret over the incident. But an apology was not offered. The misunderstanding was unfortunate but the secretary would not speak to the merits of the cartoon. In a telegram to the American Embassy in Tokyo, Hull advised: “For your information and guidance. Department considers the caricature . . . not repeat not offensive.”
He reaffirmed his position that he was sorry for how the cartoon was received but not for the cartoon itself in another telegram, this time to American missions in China: “For your particular information: any reports which may affirm that the Secretary made [an] apology or any statement tantamount thereto are contrary to fact.” Hull rightly realized that apologizing for someone’s exercise of free speech was out of the question, regardless of the expression’s tenor or tone.
Craig Gropper
La Canada, Calif.
Posted at PJM: Cross posted at my blog: A review of Andrew C. McCarthy’s Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy [3] The release of Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy [3], former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy’s brilliant, evocatively written jeremiad, could not be more timely. As Americans solemnly commemorated the […] Paul Sperry rakes the Pentagon response to jihad inside the wire — more “sensitivity” training — in the New York Post this week (must have been Prince Talal’s day off). Top officials believe culturally offensive behavior is the motivation behind the killings, so it’s stepped up Islamic sensitivity training for our troops. “Top officials” […]
In the past few days and in the midst of the murderous jubilation expressed by the Muslim communities throughout the Middle East for their new found Arab “Sprung” freedom, insider attacks number 37 and 38 reaped the religion of peace and our government, six more ISAF and American dead, two British Soldiers killed in an attack on Camp Bastion and some $150,000,000.00 worth of equipment including six Harriers destroyed and two severely damaged.
Not a bad five day’s work for Allah’s “peaceful worshippers”!
Of course the single most outrageous act of the week was the pre-planned, coordinated attack on our Embassy Staff in Benghazi which yielded another four completely unnecessary American deaths; an attack this administration, as of this writing still refuses to acknowledge as a pre-planned, coordinated attack.
Some clarification is in order at this point. Let’s define what elements define a “coordinated attack”:
1. The use of combined arms, ie small arms fire (rifles), rocket assisted direct fire weapons (RPG’s), indirect fire weapons (Mortars).
2. The assignment of individuals to specific elements of the attack:
a. Base Fire Element which provides, preparatory and suppressing fires – Mortars combined with machine guns, rockets and small arms are used to soften the target and render defenders inoperable.
b. A Maneuver element – a lightly armed unit(rifles, RPG’s, light machine guns), whose principle responsibility is to carry the attack to the enemy and engage them, one on one.
3. Rehearsal – Practice, Discussion, Intelligence coordination and dry runs to insure all individuals and elements understand their responsibilities and most important, the disposition of the other elements in relation to each other and the target.
Any coordinated attack that contained the two first elements would have been rehearsed for reasons that should be obvious even to a complete novice. The Base of Fire Element which is designed to soften up a target can be deadly if not coordinated with the Maneuver Element. This means a pre-designed communications/signal plan telling the Base of Fire when to cease fire, or shift to make a safe avenue of approach for the Maneuver Element.
US State Dept. Considers Releasing Blind Sheikh to Egypt The US State Department is actively negotiating with Egyptian President Morsi’s government about transferring Omar Abdel-Rahman from US custody to Egyptian custody. Rahman, also known as “the Blind Sheikh,” is currently serving a life sentence in the US for his role in the 1993 World […]