Netanyahu Blasts Those Who Think Military Strike Worse Than Nuclear Iran: ‘New Standard for Human Stupidity’….see note Can you just imagine those rampaging savages if they had nukes? rsk Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed Iran’s nuclear ambitions during an interview with NBC’s David Gregory recently, and had some harsh words for those who don’t recognize the threat a nuclear Iran poses. When Gregory asked Netanyahu why a policy of containment […]

HILEL HALKIN: ISRAEL’S CIVILIAN-MILITARY DIVIDE A REVIEW Have you ever wondered why Iran, after halting (according to Western intelligence reports) its nuclear weapons program in 2003, resumed it (according to more such reports) by 2005? Patrick Tyler, a former New York Times foreign correspondent, thinks he knows. It wasn’t because the initial shock of the American invasion of Iraq had worn […]



I apologize (believe me I do) Oh believe me I do.
I apologize (honest and true) Oh honest and true.
Because I know I was wrong
And so I sing you this song.
And I’m tryna get through to make it up to you yeah.


I Apologize lyrics

(From the bottom of my heart, dear,
I apologize)

If I caused you pain, I know I’m to blame
Must have been insane, believe me
From the bottom of my heart, dear,
I apologize

I realize I’ve been unfair to you
Please let me make amends
Don’t say that you forgot the love we knew
After all, we were more than friends

If I made you blue, I’ve had heartaches too
Now I beg of you, forgive me
From the bottom of my heart, dear,
I apologize
(Forgive me)

DAVID SOLWAY: THE END OF OBAMERICA At this moment I’m checking out the sites and dailies for the latest news — the fruits of the Arab Spring which, in an article [1] at PJ Media for April 27, 2011, I dubbed a “fundamentalist winter.” The American embassy in Cairo is under siege and the U.S. ambassador and three other staff […]


Bachmann: Attacks clear path for Shariah law SEE THIS VIDEO:
Former Republican presidential candi…
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State Department goes into 24-hour crisis mode
The State Department has gone into …
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Kanye claim: ‘Mitt Romney don’t pay no tax’
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Hip-hop artist Kanye West took a shot at Mitt Romney in “To the World,” a song on his new album “Cruel Summer.” Aside from being grammatically flawed (the double negative suggests Romney does pay tax), West’s claim is factually untrue. Read more…

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Die Welt: Obama’s foreign policy ‘in ruins’
The Washington Free Beacon
Friday, September 14, 2012
Die Welt: Obama’s foreign policy ‘in ruins’
While the U.S. media focus on GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s reaction to the attacks on American embassies across the Middle East, the international media have focused their attention on the actual president, Barack Obama. Read more…

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HUMBERTO FONTOVA: CHE GUEVARA IN CHICAGO You just knew Che Guevara would show up as an icon of the union demonstrators in Chicago. Why? Well, let’s consider the factors in this demonstration by union-educators who were mostly educated by other union-educators. *Che Guevara outlawed trade unions. Then– at Soviet gun-point– he herded all recalcitrant Cuban union-members into forced-labor camps and […]

THE NEW REPUBLIC’S ATTACK ON PAUL RYAN….FICTION….MARIO LOYOLA Writing in The New Republic, Leon Wieseltier recently unleashed an attempted decapitation strike on Representative Paul Ryan. But the bombs land all over the place: on his own magazine, on President Obama, on Walter Lippmann, on Daniel Patrick Moynihan — on people and positions he had no intention of criticizing. As a hit piece, […]

MARK STEYN:DISGRACE IN BENGHAZI **** So, on a highly symbolic date, mobs storm American diplomatic facilities and drag the corpse of a U.S. ambassador through the streets. Then the president flies to Vegas for a fundraiser. No, no, a novelist would say; that’s too pat, too neat in its symbolic contrast. Make it Cleveland, or Des Moines. The president […]

DANEIL GREENFIELD: PART TWO “The events that are shaking the pillars of the world would have happened anyway, because Obama and his administration have over and over again by actions and by words, from his first speech abroad as president in Cairo in 2009 to Hillary Clinton’s speech yesterday, impressed on Muslims the world over that they have […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: ALL AROUND….DEATH TO AMERICA PART ONE THE LIBYAN ROUNDUP Copts are worried for their safety in California, two American universities have been evacuated and there are cries of “We Are All Osama” across the Muslim world. The media is sticking to the movie narrative even when it makes no sense, as in a Sudanese attack on the German embassy or […]