ANDREW BOSTOM: Remember the 9/11 Jihad Terror Attacks…and the ~20,000 Deadly Jihad Terror Attacks Since The late southern Sudanese leader John Garang, in 1999, posed [2] the following dual-part existential question for our era:Is the call for jihad against a particular people a religious right of those calling for it, or is it a human rights violation against the people upon whom jihad is declared and waged? As nearly […]



Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.The victims were in airplanes or in their offices — secretaries, businessmen and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve……… it all…

Alas, since 9/11 they have dented the steel of American resolve. “They” are our enemy…those that Bush pledged would be brought to justice at a time of our choosing. Instead political correctness and the incoherent fear of some mythical Islamophobia has made it impolitic and impolite to even state the obvious. As a result of our appeasement and blindness Islam has exploded its inherent rage across the entire Moslem world. The march for the Caliphate is on, full speed ahead, and in our own nation radical Moslems have infiltrated our courts, our government, our academies and our media.

And, once again in the horrific history of the Jewish people….they and Israel are offered up as bribes to an insatiable enemy.

P. DAVID HORNIK: ISRAEL’S RIGHTWARD DRIFT Which way America will turn in November—Democrat or Republican, left or right—is still very up in the air. Israel, for its part, is in a clear rightward drift that only appears to be accelerating. It turns out this week that the Israeli daily Maariv is getting bought out by Makor Rishon, a small right-wing […]

THE STILL UNNAMED ENEMY : DANIEL GREENFIELD **** As the sun sets over Manhattan, the cladding on the crown of the Chrysler building bursts into a reddish flame that quickly dies out. Lights wink on across the panorama of office buildings and condominiums to the north of the island. In the south there is an island within the island, a space of […]

BRUCE THORNTON: ELEVEN YEARS OF THE SAME MISTAKE **** Eleven years ago today America was violently awakened to the fact that it was at war. The attacks of 9/11 were the latest gruesome assault in the long conflict between the West and Islam, a war most Americans didn’t know was being waged, a war that had been going on for 14 centuries. Yet […]

DEMS FIBBING ABOUT ISRAEL: DANIEL PIPES Last week saw a dispute over Jerusalem at the Democratic National Convention that, in the context of similar incidents, provides an important insight into the party’s covert distancing of itself from Israel. The story broke on September 4, when the Washington Free Beacon reported that “Jerusalem is unmentioned” in the 2012 Democratic party platform. […]


Two heads belonging to the same monster: This is the way a significant portion of the world saw America and Israel on September 11, 2001. On television that day, we watched people jump to their deaths to escape the flames engulfing the World Trade Center. But if you switched channels, you could watch a very different scene: Palestinians of both sexes and all ages dancing in the streets to celebrate al-Qaeda’s killing of almost 3,000 human beings. For the celebrants, the attack was first and foremost a blow to Israel’s most important ally. And Palestinians were not the only ones celebrating.

Ten years later, the Obama White House has issued “guidelines” setting a tone for the American government’s commemoration of September 11 at home and abroad. This tone, administration officials told the New York Times, “should be shaped by a recognition that the outpouring of worldwide support for the United States in the weeks after the attacks turned to anger at some American policies adopted in the name of fighting terror—on detention, on interrogation, and the decision to invade Iraq.” To assuage this anger, U.S. officials would emphasize America’s kinship with “all victims of terrorism, in every nation of the world, . . . whether in New York or Nairobi, Bali or Belfast, Mumbai or Manila, Lahore or London.”

But there was no “outpouring of worldwide support for America” in the wake of September 11. A Pew Research Center poll conducted soon after the attack produced data that still shock. Fully 70 percent of non-U.S. citizens said it was “good for the U.S. to feel vulnerable.” This sentiment did not come from Arab or Muslim countries alone: it was endorsed by 66 percent of Western Europeans, 71 percent of Latin Americans, and 76 percent of Asians.

Why did these respondents feel good about America’s trouble? The most popular reason, given by 88 percent of those polled, was “resentment of U.S. power.” The second most popular, given by 70 percent, was “U.S. support of Israel.”

In the decade since September 11, poll after poll has shown the combined hatred of America and Israel becoming still more widespread and intense. Barack Obama’s 2008 election triggered a modest uptick for America, but it was soon erased. Theories placing direct responsibility for September 11 with America or Israel rather than with al-Qaeda continue to circulate, even among the non-Islamist reformers of the Arab Spring. Writing in the New Republic, Eric Trager notes that in a recent Pew survey asking about al-Qaeda’s role in the September 11 attack, the “same revolutionary Arab Street that toppled Mubarak in Egypt also registered the highest level of denial among all the countries surveyed,” with “a full 75 percent of respondents recording their disbelief” in al-Qaeda guilt.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: TOWERS IN TWILIGHT ***** In the first few years it seemed as if they were still there, stark lines rising into the sky, tall shadows falling on the streets, a missing space that your eyes filled in without even thinking. You walked past, and your eyes said, “Of course they’re there. They’re always there” and for a moment […]

Voter Fraud Knocks Maryland Dem Out of Congressional Race

I’m feeling a trollface coming on. Democrats love to claim that voter fraud does not exist. That voter ID is not necessary. That voter ID is, in fact, voter suppression.

But suddenly Democrats have to admit that voter fraud exists. That’s really going to dent the narrative.

Wendy Rosen, a small-business owner running against freshman Rep. Andy Harris (R) in the Eastern Shore-based 1st Congressional District, released a statement saying that “with great regret, and much sorrow” she was resigning from the contest.

“Personal issues have made this the hardest decision that I have had to make,” Rosen said

Rosen’s announcement came the same day the state Democratic party released a letter to state Attorney General Douglas Gansler and state prosecutors reporting the allegations against Rosen.

“The Maryland Democratic Party has discovered that Ms. Rosen has been registered to vote in both Florida and Maryland since at least 2006; that she in fact voted in the 2006 general election both in Florida and Maryland; and that she voted in the presidential preference primaries held in both Florida and Maryland in 2008,” wrote Yvette Lewis, the state party chair. “This information is based on an examination of the voter files from both states. We believe that this is a clear violation of Maryland law and urge the appropriate office to conduct a full investigation.”

Rosen admits that she did indeed register in both states to vote. But she meant well.

Wendy Rosen, a Cockeysville businesswoman who is registered to vote in Maryland, told The Baltimore Sun on Monday that she also registered in Florida several years ago in order to support a “very close friend” running for the St. Petersburg City Council and to vote on local issues there.

Yeah. That’s illegal. I wonder who the “very close friend” is. There must be a story there. Florida might want to launch an investigation of its own.

In any case, Rosen says that she does not remember whether she cast two votes for Barack Obama in 2008. Which means, of course, that she did but she doesn’t want to admit it with an investigation underway. It was only four years ago. She can’t not remember that.

BARRY RUBIN: OBAMA IS A DANGEROUS LEFTIST OF A NEW KIND Barack Obama is not a Communist, a fascist, a Muslim, a Marxist, a Progressive (in the pre-1920s’ meaning of that word), or even a socialist. Obama and those who control much of America’s academia, mass media, and entertainment industry — plus a number of trade unions and hundreds of foundations, think tanks, and front […]