
KABUL, Afghanistan — The U.S. military has halted the training of some Afghan forces while it digs deeper into their background following a surge of attacks by soldiers and police on their international partners, officials said Sunday. The move only puts about 1,000 Afghan trainees into limbo, a small fraction of the country’s security forces. But it shows how these attacks have the potential to derail the U.S.-Afghan handover of security so essential to the international drawdown strategy.

Officials say that the international coalition ultimately hopes to recheck the backgrounds of the entire 350,000-strong Afghan army and police.

The United States and its allies are pushing to have Afghan forces take over security for the country by the end of 2014. This effort has been imperiled by the spike in insider attacks that have killed 45 international service members this year, most of them Americans. There were at least 12 such attacks in August alone, resulting in 15 deaths.

The attacks are straining an alliance already stretched by a tense relationship with a notoriously corrupt Afghan government and disagreements over NATO tactics that Kabul claims endanger civilians.

Coalition authorities have said about 25 percent of this year’s insider attacks had confirmed or suspected links to the Taliban. The militants have sometimes infiltrated the ranks of the Afghan army and police and in other cases are believed to have coerced or otherwise persuaded legitimate members to turn on their coalition partners.


Vote buying is completely illegal – unless you are forcing someone else to buy the vote.

“Free” birth control is a prime example of buying votes. We see a figure of $9 a month for birth control pills. It doesn’t sound like much, but that isn’t the real figure. The real figure is $108 per year. If an 18 year old girl is going to use birth control for 30 years, the total cost is $3,240. If the woman is an older woman, with a need for birth control for just one more year, her vote is going to cost just $108.

With this precedent set, every 4 years the parties will have to offer an equivalent new incentive. For an 18 year old who will vote in every presidential election, the cost, in today’s dollars, will be $13,824. For someone who will only vote in one election and use whatever the incentive is for one year, the cost will be only $108. Again, this cost is not a burden on the presidential election committees. It is a cost imposed on the general population.

This method of getting votes is blatantly discriminatory based on age and gender.

It is also discriminatory when the most disadvantaged of the population, the homeless, the alcoholics and drug addicts are paid some food or booze for their vote or to vote in place of a dead person.Since men are paying for a good bit of this free birth control, they should get something in return. If we allow “Sex on Demand”, then much of this resentment will go away. In this case, the DNC can point out all of the benefits to society getting them even more votes for your buck:

.Rape will be a crime of the past

.No longer will police departments have to waste time on “he said, she said” crimes

· Prostitution won’t be profitable and will go away along with the pimpin

· No longer will we need vice squads

· The DNC will have additional funds without having to do any fund raising

Obama and his campaign are so brilliant, so ethical. How can anyone argue with this plan?

Arabs Rob and Poison Jewish Family in “Nationalist” Attack in Ranaana….see note


So jihad terror is now called “criminal/nationalist” crime????rsk

After months of the story being censored, Israel Army Radio announced that the police have solved what they are calling a very serious “criminal/nationalist” crime.

The Lerner family returned to their home in Raanana and discovered their home was robbed. The family called the police, and while the police were there, the father, Eyal Lerner began to become very sick. Very quickly, other family members became sick too, as well as one of the volunteer policemen that was on the scene, for a total of 4 sick people.

Eyal Lerner was in a coma for 24 hours and in the hospital for at least a week.

The police announced today that the robbers not only robbed the house, but as part of a nationalist attack also poisoned the drinks and food in the house in the hope of killing the Jewish family. The police are not releasing the name of the poison at this point, but they brought the poison with them specifically for that purpose.

The investigation led the police to find the two, or possible three, suspected terrorists. Two are Israeli Arabs, and the third suspect, Atman Nasrallah, who supplied the poison, is from the territories.

One of the Israeli Arabs, Hassab Addel Rachim, had been hired by Lerner as a contractor to do some construction work on Lerner’s new apartment. Lerner says there were no financial or other disputes between the two beforehand.


http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/InnovativeIsrael/Innovative-nonagenarian-30-Aug-2012.htm From his easy chair in a Jerusalem assisted living residence, Prof. Nathan Citri wondered why the desperate call of the World Health Organization for a way to contain antibiotic-resistant bacteria remained unanswered, and hospitals continued to be hotbeds for these deadly “superbugs.” The 91-year-old Hebrew University microbiologist formally retired in 1989 but never stopped […]




I have been disturbed by the recent exchanges of personal attacks inthe comments section of my blog. I realize that the subject-matter, and my views, are controversial, and attract strong responses for and against. I have tried to be broadly receptive to this broad range of opinions, and have excluded only those that have no substantive serious content. From my perspective some of these views are quite extreme, and as such provocative and deeply objectionable to those who see things differently. This tension among readers of the posts, not surprisingly, is mainly in relation to the Israel/Palestine conflict, and relates to both my views and to those of some of those who take the trouble to submit comments.

I had the hope that the comment section could serve as a dialogic channel for the exchange of views, but I increasingly realize that this was an unrealistic wish. In my long academic experience I have found that dialogue is only mutually beneficial if there is a minimum of shared underlying understanding. If such an understanding is absent, the discussion quickly deteriorates, and becomes an exchange of angry views, and accusatory claims directed at the opinions of those who views are rejected. To be more concrete references to ‘Jew-hater’ and the like, or merging criticisms of the Zionist project with Judaism as religion or Jews as a people, create an atmosphere of discussion that I find unacceptable.

In the interests of full disclosure, I acknowledge that I am deeply critical of many aspects of Israeli behavior, especially in relation to the Palestinians, and strongly supportive of lawful Palestinian resistance to a prolonged occupation (that, incidentally, has become an increasingly transparent cover for annexation and apartheid) and to the overall Palestinian struggle to realize their inalienable right of self-determination, as well as other rights under international law, including those pertaining to Palestinian refugees.

My main motivation to write posts for this blog, a considerable investment of time and energy, is to have a self-monitored outlet for my views on a wide range of issues having long ago realized that the mainstream media in the West would generally not publish what I have to say. This conclusion was not fanciful, but is substantiated by a pile of rejection slips and equally frustrating experiences of having submissions accepted on condition that I soften my views if I was to be permitted to pass through various gates of informal censorship maintained, with great arrogance, by the NY Times and other august media establishments.


An Islamist at the DNC — on The Darwish Gang
Dwight Schultz, Amani Mustafa and Pastor Reza Safa mix it up on Frontpage’s television show.


Obama speech to troops met with silence


Obama speech to troops met with silence
President Barack Obama speaks to troops and military families Friday at the 1st Aviation Support Battalion Hangar at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. Photo Credit:AP President Barack Obama was greeted with fleeting applause and extended periods of silence as he offered profuse praise to soldiers and their families during an Aug. 31 speech in Fort Bliss, Texas.His praise for the soldiers — and for his own national-security policies — won cheers from only a small proportion of the soldiers and families in the cavernous aircraft-hanger.

The audience remained quiet even when the commander-in-chief thanked the soldiers’ families, and cited the 198 deaths of their comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Read more: http://times247.com/articles/obama-speech-to-troops-met-with-silence#ixzz25JbzC9iR
Rasmussen: GOP voters at all-time high
Big Government
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Rasmussen: GOP voters at all-time high
According to new Rasmussen research, more voters identify themselves as Republican than ever in the last 8 years. By a 4 point margin, more voters identify as GOP than Democrat. If the electorate is evenly split on election day, then current media polling is way off-base. Democrats and the media may wake up in shock on November 7. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/?right-now#ixzz25Jcig2jh
Rains wash away ‘Mount Obama’ sculpture
The Washington Times
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Rains wash away ‘Mount Obama’ sculpture
A torrential downpour that struck Charlotte Saturday afternoon damaged the Mount Rushmore-style sand sculpture bust of President Obama — an ominous beginning to what many fear is a plagued convention. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/?right-now#ixzz25Jcu4KQe
Matthews admits to verbally accosting delegates
Friday, August 31, 2012
MSNBC host Chris Matthews has admitted to verbally confronting several GOP delegates at a restaurant in Tampa, Florida calling them a “douchebag convention.” He later added, “I wanted to confront them,” describing his exchange with the men as “towel-snapping” among guys. Read more…
Newsweek’s anti-Obama issue flies off newsstands
Ad Age Media News
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Newsweek received withering and widespread criticism over its “Hit the Road, Barack” cover story by Niall Ferguson. But it turns out the cover may have also been a newsstand hit. The read on sales suggests the issue could double Newsweek’s newsstand average. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/?right-now#ixzz25JdCMlyY


http://pjmedia.com/rogerkimball/2012/09/01/obamas-skin/?print=1 Everyone knows that Barack Obama has a skin issue. Liberals pretend that it’s skin color. The real issue, though, concerns thickness, not color. James Taranto, in a characteristically splendid article in the Wall Street Journal [1] today, underscores this point. “The question of race,” he notes, is central to the leftist media’s protectiveness toward […]


http://pjmedia.com/blog/pj-media-exclusive-anwar-al-awlaki%e2%80%99s-long-lost-u-s-speech-from-september-1-2001/?print=1 The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which bills itself as “the largest Islamic umbrella organization in North America,” is meeting in Washington, D.C., this weekend for its annual conference [2]. One former ISNA speaker won’t be in attendance this year — al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in a CIA drone strike [3] […]


URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/andrewmccarthy/2012/09/01/crucifixion-must-be-the-aspirations-of-arab-peoples-for-greater-freedom/

Crucifixion? Must Be the ‘Aspirations of Arab Peoples for Greater Freedom’

From the Republican platform adopted this week:

We recognize the historic nature of the events of the past two years – the Arab Spring – that have unleashed democratic movements leading to the overthrow of dictators who have been menaces to global security for decades. In a season of upheaval, it is necessary to be prepared for anything. That is true on the ground in the Middle East, and it will be equally true in the next Administration, particularly with a new President unbound by the failures of the past. We welcome the aspirations of the Arab peoples and others for greater freedom, and we hope that greater liberty – and with it, a greater chance for peace – will result from the recent turmoil.

I hope that Mitt Romney becomes our new president, but if he is going to be “unbound by the failures of the past,” he should ignore the above plank. To truly “be prepared for anything,” the new president would have to understand that what the “Arab Spring” has “unleashed” is Islamic supremacism. Whether we face up to it or not, that is the mainstream Islam of the Middle East.

My imminent new book, Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, acknowledges that there are indeed democrats in the Middle East; the problem is that they are vastly outnumbered. With due respect to the GOP’s “Islamic democracy” enthusiasts, the “aspirations of the Arab peoples,” in the main, are not for “greater freedom.” In the Middle East’s predominant construction of Islam, the concept of freedom is decidedly not our idea of liberty; it is “perfect slavery,” as the 13th century Islamic scholar Ibn Arabi put it — selfless submission to sharia, Allah’s framework for society which dictates all of human life, from the great matters down to the small details.

Contrary to the tired retort of Sen. McCain, former Secretary Rice, and the rest, what I just said is not an insult. Trying to understand one’s adversary is a form of respect, not ridicule. It is not that the Muslims of the Middle East don’t grasp the Western notion of liberty; it is that they don’t want it. They think their civilization is superior. They are wrong, but they’ve been wrong for fourteen centuries, and they are certainly not going to change now when they are winning.