Don’t Blame SCOTUS, It Was the Obama ‘Bait and Switch’ By Frank Salvato I have become increasingly depressed about the fact that “truth” has become subservient – if not non-existent – in our culture today, and especially in our political culture. The recent US Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare – or the Affordable Care Act, if you will – is a perfect example. While many on the […]

WES PRUDEN: THE COURT’S GIFT TO MITT ROMNEY The court’s gift To Mitt Romney By Wes Pruden Now the fun begins. Nothing can fire the anger of an American like the arrogance of a government lawyer with his foot on the throat of a helpless citizen, and the justices of the Supreme Court are the government lawyers with the biggest feet of […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: OBAMACARE RULING-PURE FRAUD AND NO DUE PROCESS Led by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court decided that Americans have no right to due process. Indeed, the Court not only upheld a fraud perpetrated on the public — it became a willing participant. The assessment charged for failure to comply with ObamaCare’s “individual mandate,” which requires Americans to purchase health insurance, […]


Black Caucus plans walkout to protest Holder vote Members of the Congressional Black C… Read more… Read more: Ahmadinejad to attend Olympics over objections Ynet News Thursday, June 28, 2012 News Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to attend the Olympic Games in London, which will commence in a month, the secretary general of the […]


How long will the world continue to look away while Iranian women are oppressed by the systematic, gender-apartheid policies of the Islamist dictatorship?

In Iran, women who dress themselves in a manner deemed immodest must reckon with reprisals from the Iranian Moral Police and the Revolutionary Guards. For more than 30 years there has been a public feud between women who challenge the rules, and the repressive forces in charge of enforcing them.

Again and again the Islamist rulers have ordered stricter enforcement measures, often resulting in mass arrests. According to Iranian police Chief Ismael Ahmadi Moqadam, Iran now wants to ratchet up its fight against women who it believes dress in an un-Islamic way. Moqadam says that his forces require the assistance of Iran’s “moral capital and pious people,” and that the regime “must not allow the virus to spread by badly worn headscarves.”

On June 19th, Iranian news agency Fars News quoted the police chief as saying: “We are keen to fulfill our legal and religious duty and we will behave in this way very carefully, so that no one protests.” The regime is again displaying its intolerance for dissent.

While police forces focus on repressive efforts, Iranian clerical authorities have begun attacking the West for propagating against Muslim culture. On June 17th, Fars News reported that Iranian cleric Seyyed Mehdi Mousavi Hojatulislam claimed that “Westerners lay traps for the youth” by propagating against the hijab and women wearing veils.

P. DAVID HORNIK: THE AL QAEDA-MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD COALITION The Al Qaeda-Muslim Brotherhood Coalition Posted By P. David Hornik On June 28, 2012 @ 12:35 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 2 Comments Not long ago the Arab Spring was seen as a harbinger of democracy. It turns out that, instead, it’s creating breeding grounds for international terror—and safe havens for al-Qaeda itself. That […]

PAUL SCHNEE: DAVID HOROWITZ DISCUSSES THE NEW LEVIATHAN To order “The New Leviathan: How the Left-Wing Money Machine Shapes American Politics and Threatens America’s Future,” the new book by David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin, click here. Attendees of the Freedom Center’s June 22nd meeting of the Wednesday Morning Club were treated to an invaluable lecture by Center President David Horowitz on his […]


As the day of judgment approaches, half the country sits waiting for a small group of men and women to decide how many of our civil rights we get to keep. After two flawed decisions that draw not from the Constitution, but from policy and opinion, we wait hopefully for a third opinion that will set us free.
Today the Supreme Court is slightly tilted in our favor, which is to say that it has a few members who believe that the Constitution is more than blotting paper for their opinions, and that individuals and states have rights, rather than just being troublesome cogs in the mighty machine of the national policy apparatus bent on tackling one growing crisis or another.

How long will that tenuous state of affairs endure? Who knows. In the meantime we are caught between an omnipotent executive who believes that he is above the law, an unelected court which includes two of his appointees, one of them his lawyer, and a Congress which does little except spend gargantuan amounts of money. And our best bet is the court, because it is the hardest to bribe and some of its members believe in the law, rather than in the almighty policy ends that justify all means.

Robert Fisk Demonizes Mideast’s Persecuted Christians: Raymond Ibrahim….see note please


Robert Fisk, the Middle East correspondent for the UK’s widely-read Independent, recently showed why it is that Islamic jihadists and terrorists, including the late Osama bin Laden [1], strongly recommend his propaganda to Western readers.

In a recent article [2] Fisk goes out of his way to demonize the abused Christian minorities of the Middle East for supporting those secularist leaders most likely to preserve their freedoms and dignity. For instance, after portraying the Middle East’s “old guard” in the worst possible terms, he complains that “Ahmed Shafiq, the Mubarak loyalist, has the support of the Christian Copts, and Assad has the support of the Syrian Christians. The Christians support the dictators. Not much of a line, is it?”

In Fisk’s way of thinking, Christians of Egypt and Syria are freedom-haters because they support the secularist old guard, whereas the Sharia-pushing Islamists are freedom-lovers.

“Not much of a line, is it?” — especially from someone who supposedly lives and travels in the Middle East and is deemed an authority on the region. Completely missing from his narrative is why Christians are supporting Shafiq and Assad: because the alternatives, the Islamists, have been making their lives a living hell.

Fisk’s biased narrative is, of course, not original to him, but rather originates with his friends — the Islamists. Soon after the first presidential elections in Egypt, many Islamists bemoaned Shafiq’s good showing, laying the blame directly on Egypt’s Christian Copts, who reportedly came out in large numbers voting for the secular candidates. Tarek al-Zomor, a prominent figure of the Gama’a al-Islamiyya, the terrorist organization that slaughtered some 60 European tourists, including several of Fisk’s countrymen, during the Luxor Massacre, “demanded an apology from the Copts” for voting for Shafiq, threatening that “this was a fatal error.”

P. DAVID HORNIK: MY MURDERED FRIEND Early in October 1971, six young women in Vancouver, students at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, went to a dance one evening. Their names were Gerry, Gail, Linda, Laura, Gemma, and Eileen. Deciding the dance wasn’t any good, they went instead to Linda’s place, and “we all had quite a good time.” Adding […]