FRANK GAFFNEY: HATRED’S STRANGE BEDFELLOWS Last week’s near-massacre at the Family Research Council (FRC) put into sharp relief a curious fact: The people most aggressively denouncing others for their “hatemongering” sure are engaging in a lot of it themselves – with dangerous, and potentially lethal, repercussions. Take, for example, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Back in the heyday […]


Click here: God of Religion Vs God of Government – Maggie’s Farm
The Chronicle of Philanthropy studied “How America Gives.” One of the study’s charts shows a remarkable difference: “Red states are more generous than blue states. The eight states where residents gave the highest share of income to charity went for John McCain in 2008. The seven-lowest ranking states supported Barack Obama.”

Yankee Northeasterners are cheapskates: “In states like Utah and Mississippi, the typical household gives more than 7 percent of its income to charity, while the average household in Massachusetts and three other New England states gives less than 3 percent.”What’s the bottom-line?: “The reasons for the discrepancies among states, cities, neighborhoods are rooted in part in each area’s political philosophy about the role of government versus charity.”
Posted by Bruce Kesler at 10:58



Israeli President Shimon Peres, supported by a substantial section of Israeli opinion, insists that Israel cannot strike Iran’s nuclear program without the support of the United States. President Obama, as Ha’aretz defense analyst Amos Harel observes, has done everything to dissuade Israel from attacking Iran short of appearing in person before the Knesset. Senior American officials, most recently Joint Chiefs chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, have been trotted out to assert that Israel can’t stop Iran’s nuclear program single-handed.

The problem is that American foreign policy faces catastrophic failure, or rather a comprehensive set of failures, bearing directly on Israeli security. Not only have sanctions failed to deter Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapons program, but the Islamic Republic has broken out of diplomatic isolation. Turkey, supposedly America’s partner in regional diplomacy, has reached out to Russia and China. And Egypt has reached out to Iran while threatening Israel in the Sinai. China is hosting a summit of the Non-Aligned Movement at which Iran will assume the organization’s three-year rotating chairmanship. Egyptian President Morsi will visit Tehran on Aug. 25 on his way back from the summit.

Campaign Contexts: The Kitchen Table Issues

We know the mess Obama has made of them. But what about Romney’s understanding?

We’ve heard a lot about “context” lately. It’s the first refuge of a scoundrel: what I said doesn’t mean what you think I said if you take it in context with everything else I said, whenever I said it.

But there’s a second part of the “context” issue, and it’s more important than the first. The second part is the context placing what politicians say into the issues that are in voters’ minds. How far apart is the rhetoric from what people really care about?

No longer does anyone claim the “context defense” for Joe Biden. When Mr. Biden he speaks, there is either no context at all, or there are so many unrelated concepts strung together that no one can keep track of them. Biden plays with words like a musician who changes the key he’s playing in three times in the course of one song.

Case in point: last week, Joe started with an accusation that Romney and Ryan would “unchain Wall Street” and ended the same phrase (sentence? paragraph? Who knows?) by telling an audience (about of which half were black), “…they’ll put y’all back in chains.” Only Joe would string together an accusation the first half of which is class warfare and the second half is the threat of a return of slavery. Rudy Giuliani had it about right in saying Biden evidently lacks the mental capacity to serve as vice president or president.

DIANA WEST: WARNING…2012 IS FOR KEEPS First, kudos to Mitt Romney for choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate. Now, the danger: Romney, Ryan, their surrogates, their supporters and the American people will continue to treat election 2012 as just another contest to determine whose hand is at the helm of state for the next four years. No, this election […]

ARNOLD AHLERT: P.C INSANITY AT THE NIDAL HASAN TRIAL | One could be forgiven for thinking that political correctness is only one step away from complete insanity. Last Friday, a military appeals court halted the murder case against Maj. Nidal Hasan indefinitely. Why? Because Hasan refuses to shave a beard he grew beginning in June to express his allegiance to Islamo-fascism. According to CNN, U.S. Army Col. Gregory Gross, the military judge presiding over the case, “had previously held that Hassan’s beard disrupts the court proceedings and held him in contempt of court five times, the Army said in a news release.” The case is on hold in order to “sort out issues” surrounding the judge’s threat to have Hasan forcibly shaved.

Let me tell what this case is not about. It’s not about trying an alleged mass murderer in a timely manner, for killing 13 people and wounding another 32. We already know that the PC-infested swamp of the Obama administration’s Defense Department has referred to this atrocity as “workplace violence,” as opposed to the Islamic terrorist attack it truly was. That in and of itself is a flirtation with insanity, one that allows for such a definition despite the reality that Hasan was shouting Allahu Akhbar! as he executed one person after another.

Equally insane was what Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey was apparently most concerned about shortly after the shooting. After noting that “what happened at Fort Hood was a tragedy,” Casey contended “it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty here.” Got that? Compare the tragedy of 13 people killed and 32 wounded against the potential tragedy of a less diverse military, and diversity wins. Best news here? Casey has retired.

Unfortunately, Col. Gregory Gross has not. And he is apparently going to let Hasan’s beard become a far bigger issue than it has to be. Is the beard a violation of Army regulations? Absolutely. But so is mass murder and attempted mass murder. Gross’s fallback position is that Hasan’s beard is a disruption and he wants to avoid any such disruptions during the trial. Closing the trial to anyone, including the media, not directly involved in the case?

Whom Does U.S. Government Intend To Shoot? By Major General Jerry Curry, USA (Ret.)


The Social Security Administration (SSA) confirms that it is purchasing 174 thousand rounds of hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 locations in major cities across the U.S. No one has yet said what the purpose of these purchases is, though we are led to believe that they will be used only in an emergency to counteract and control civil unrest. Those against whom the hollow point bullets are to be used — those causing the civil unrest — must be American citizens; since the SSA has never been used overseas to help foreign countries maintain control of their citizens.

What would be the target of these 174, 000 rounds of hollow point bullets? It can’t simply be to control demonstrators or rioters. Hollow point bullets are so lethal that the Geneva Convention does not allow their use on the battle field in time of war. Hollow point bullets don’t just stop or hurt people, they penetrate the body, spread out, fragment and cause maximum damage to the body’s organs. Death often follows.

Potentially each hollow nose bullet represents a dead American. If so, why would the U.S. government want the SSA to kill 174,000 of our citizens, even during a time of civil unrest? Or is the purpose to kill 174,000 of the nation’s military and replace them with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) special security forces, forces loyal to the Administration, not to the Constitution?

All my life I’ve handled firearms. When a young boy growing up on my father’s farm in Pennsylvania Dad’s first rule of firearms training was, “Never point a gun at someone, in fun or otherwise, unless you intend to shoot them. If you shoot someone, shoot to kill.” I’ve never forgotten his admonition. It stayed with me through my Boy Scout training, when I enlisted in the army as a Private to fight in the Korean War, during my days as a Ranger and Paratrooper and throughout my thirty-four year military career.

DIANA WEST: THE SLAVE MEDIA AND THE SHACKLED RECORDS….MUSTREAD Posting wasn’t just “light” for the past couple of weeks, it was non-existent. This was due to finding myself blissfully “off the grid” — the only way to R & R in the 21st century. I wasn’t in a total news vaccuum, however. In fact, I probably absorbed the same basic bulletins that the […]

ROBERT SPENCER: THE FOOL’S ERRAND IN AFGHANISTAN American and Afghan officials in Afghanistan’s Farah province were holding an inauguration ceremony [1] last Friday for new recruits to a village police force. As part of the ceremony, the new policemen were given weapons that they would use for training. As soon as one of the recruits, Mohammad Ismail, received his, he turned […]

BRUCE BAWER: NORWAY’S MUSLIMS DEMANDING SHARIA-CONTROLLED ZONE After the one-two punch, on a single day last summer, of a deadly explosion in the center of Oslo and an even more deadly shooting spree on a nearby island, the Norwegian government did what it does best: it formed a commission. This one was charged with figuring out just how one man had […]