ANDREW McCARTHY: ROMNEY IS MISGUIDED ON SYRIA***** His support for “opposition groups” is misplaced. Congratulations to Mitt Romney. In calling for “opposition groups” to be armed and trained for their ongoing jihad against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, the GOP’s presidential contender has managed to align himself with al-Qaeda emir Ayman al-Zawahiri and Muslim Brotherhood icon Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Like the legacy media, […]


Shimon Erem, a giant Jewish leader succumbed to cancer on Sunday, May 27th, 2012, at the age of 90.

The “buzz” term is that ‘they do not make them like Shimon anymore.’ And indeed, Shimon was part of a generation that have not been duplicated, i.e. David Ben Gurion, Shmuel Katz, Golda Meir, Menachem Begin, Moshe Sharet, Yitzchak Shamir, et al. A generation of leaders who put their country, Israel, and the Jewish nation before their own life. Their dedication, devotion and commitment to defend and stand for the state of Israel had no boundaries.

So if they do not make them like Shimon Erem was, then either there is something wrong with the present generation or, we need not take this insult and show everyone that they do make them just like Shimon and his like today.

Shimon was like the watchman on the tower. Nothing that concerned Israel and the Jewish people passed him unspoken or, when needed, defended or rebuttal.

Shimon was a one man army; but we can be a collective watchman on the tower and an army of many and continue his legacy with more vigor and as much dedication. Shimon taught us the ropes, he opened the doors for us and he left us the instruction manual and all we need to do is run with it.

There is a book by Malcolm Gladwell, named ‘The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.'( If each one of us does only one little thing for Israel and the Jewish nation, together, we will make a HUGE difference; we will be an army Shimon Erem would be proud of as his legacy will emerge stronger.

Shimon was among those who took upon themselves the crucial role in the founding and survival of the State of Israel. A man with many hats. Military, political, and community leader. He built the Golden Bridge for Jews and Christians to walk on, meet and cooperate. Take actions together that benefit mankind.

For the past 75 years Shimon devoted his life fighting for Jewish survival and the nation state of the Jewish people, Israel. He very well knew that Israel needs to have friends. A country that was established by many Holocaust survivors, the latest victims of the hate so many, world over, have for the Jews, needed allies. So for the past three decades Shimon worked tirelessly to bring Christians onto Israel’s side so they support the Jewish state and Jewish communities in their midst. When he saw his idea can work and work well, in 2002 he founded the Israel Christian Nexus-ICN (, an organization its main goal is to unite and mobilize Jewish and Christian communities in the support of the Israelis, the people of the state of Israel.

Many of us are graduates of Shimon Erem’s university of community leadership and devotion to the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Now we all need to take what we have learned and teach others to duplicate and do the same. Take the torch and run with it.

Today we are mourning the loss of Simon. Tomorrow we will celebrate that he has not left a world empty of cause behind him.

Shimon followed, Psalm 121:4, ‘Behold, he that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.’

We owe him to do the very same.

Victor Frenkl said, everything can be taken away from a person, except one thing, attitude.

Goodbye Shimon and please watch over us from His heavens.

FAREWELL GENERAL SHIMON EREM 1922-2012 Farewell, Gen Shimon Erem – 1922 – 2012 The pro-Israel community has lost a giant supporter of Israel and a cherished symbol of Israel’s modern history.General Shimon Erem died on Sunday, May 27, 2012. When he was just 15 years old, Shimon Erem joined the Jewish underground. For the past 75 years since that […]


Top administration officials cut backroom deals with the nation’s top drug companies to win support for President Obama’s health care overhaul, threatening them with steeper taxes if they resisted and promising a better financial deal for the industry if they acquiesced, according to internal documents released Thursday by House Republicans.

In some of the key deals, Mr. Obama agreed to drop his long-standing support for letting Americans buy cheaper foreign prescription drugs — something the pharmaceutical industry vehemently opposed — and the drugmakers promised to mount a public campaign to sell the public on the health care legislation.

The drug industry financed the famous “Harry and Louise” commercials in the early 1990s that many credit with helping to turn public opinion against President Clinton’s massive health care bill. In 2009, the industry revived the fictional married couple — this time with words of praise for Mr. Obama’s bill.


Guiltless in Guantánamo by Nidra Poller (June 2012)

It’s been years since I last bought a copy of the International Herald Tribune (New York Times abroad) and I don’t bother commenting anymore on its stylized bias, but I got a free copy the other day and, not being wasteful, tried to read it. Now here I am dissecting an article. Not just any article: a template “guiltless in Guantánamo” piece, featured four-columns wide on page two of the print edition. You can read it online here.

The innocence of the liberated Guantánamo prisoner is established in the first paragraph:

“IT was James, a thickset American interrogator nicknamed ‘the Elephant,’ who first told Lakhdar Boumediene that investigators were certain of his innocence, that two years of questioning had shown he was no terrorist, but that it did not matter, Mr. Boumediene says.”

The extent of the injustice is tallied in the second paragraph:

“The interrogations would continue through what ended up being seven years, three months, three weeks and four days at the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.”

The cause of the injustice is the subject of the third paragraph: Mr. Boumediene, who was running an aid program for orphans in Sarajevo, was “swept up” in the post 9/11 panic.

JIHAD AND SHARIA…WHAT’S THE CONNECTION WOMEN? CLARE LOPEZ A new dark age is descending across much of the Middle East as the forces of Sharia Islam, enabled by official U.S. government policy, again demand strict enforcement of Islamic law. Parliamentary elections in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia already have brought the sharia-adherent Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) to positions of unprecedented power in each legislature; […]

P. DAVID HORNIK: TERRORIST CORPSES FOR PEACE? In a strange peace offering, on Thursday Israel transferred the bodies of 91 terrorists to the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. They had been interred in an enemy combatants’ cemetery in the Jordan Valley. The purpose, for Israel, of retaining corpses of terrorists is for possible use in hostage deals. Doing so is also a […]

WELFARE FOR FAKE REFUGEES: DANIEL GREENFIELD Each century brings forth its own patriots. Once upon a time we had Patrick Henry, today we have Senator Patrick Leahy, who declared in the Senate that his opposition to an amendment that would distinguish how much of the UNRWA’s funding goes to actual refugees versus fake refugees was a patriotic act. “I always […]

BEN SHAPIRO: SENATOR LEAHY’S ANTI-ISRAEL EXTREMISM Last Thursday, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) targeted an amendment by Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) that would force the State Department to determine how many actual Palestinian refugees – not their children, relatives, friends, or distant relations – are being served by US tax dollars. Leahy was upset because he knew, as most supporters of […]


Thou shall have no other gods before Obama. For Obama is a jealous god who demands total obeisance.

In 2008, Americans voted to deify a unique man of history. Obama is much more than the first president to be raised by a transsexual nanny in Indonesia. He’s also the very first commander-in-chief to thank his drug dealer in his high school yearbook, instead of his mom.In the last election, public schoolteachers forced their students to sing hymns of praise to their puppy-eating Obama-god, and proudly placed their devotionals on YouTube. Media acolytes proclaimed him “The One” and “The LightBringer,” and audiences fainted dead away at his rallies, presumably overcome by all that dang Light he was a’bringin’.

And religious people and institutions went right along with the whole preposterous charade, unfazed by this utterly un-American worship of a politician. (Can anyone imagine true believers fainting at an Eisenhower rally?)