ALAN CARUBA: THE DNA OF THE CIA….. “I would hazard to guess there are more foreign intelligence officers inside the U.S., working against U.S. interests now than even at the height of the Cold War,” said Crumpton.” In June 2010, the arrest of ten members of a Russian spy ring barely caused a ripple of public consternation. One of them, a […]


Dr. Sebastian L. Gorka, a member of the faculty of the College of International Security Affairs at the National Defense University, said on Tuesday that the Obama Administration is rapidly revising federal counter-terrorism training materials in order to eliminate references to Jihad and Islam.

Government bureaucracies usually take a long time in changing a policy. In this case, he said, “I have never, ever seen such a wide ranging review executed with such alacrity.”

Although he blamed Quintan Wiktorowicz, a member of Obama’s National Security Council, for implementing the Obama Administration’s new overall policy of accommodating radical Islam, including the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Gorka said Spencer Ackerman of Wired Magazine had helped sparked the review of federal counter-terrorism training materials through a series of controversial articles. One of those articles ran under an inflammatory headline about “Islamophobia” supposedly characterizing the federal government’s response to global Islamic terrorism.

As a result of this kind of coverage and the new policy, Gorka said the Obama Administration today forbids the use of the word “Jihad” to describe the terrorists that target America for destruction, even though they are members of the Muslim religion and openly declare their Islamic aims. What is happening in terms of redefining the threat is “unprecedented” and dangerous, he said.

The battle against radical Islam has been transformed into a concern, under President Obama and his adviser Quintan Wiktorowicz, about “violent extremism,” not Islamic terrorists or Islamists, he said.

Gorka said that the administration believes there are “good” Islamists and “bad” Islamists and the former can be dealt with. He said this policy is apparent in the decision by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to have contact with the Muslim Brotherhood “Supreme Guide” Mohammed Badei.


The Executive-Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Greater Area of Los Angeles Area chapter, Hussam Ayloush, has been elected as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. CAIR was labeled as an “unindicted co-conspirator” by the federal government in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation, a charity shut down for financing Hamas. On July 1, 2009, District Judge Jorge Solis upheld the label, ruling that the government provided “ample” evidence tying CAIR to Hamas.

On April 29, Ayloush announced on his Twitter page that he was elected as a DNC delegate for California’s Congressional District 42. The California Democratic Party’s website has the results of the delegate caucuses, confirming Ayloush’s victory.


Getting Tough on Illegal Immigration — on The Brewster Gang this week’s Glazov Gang, Josh Brewster filled in for Jamie Glazov as host and was joined by Gang members Ben Shapiro, Shari Goodman and Rob Nelson. In this second segment of a three part series, Brewster, the host of “Duck Calls,” the Anaheim Ducks’ postgame radio show on AM830 LA/Orange, CA., nurtured an animated debate between the guests on the Getting Tough on Illegal Immigration. To see Part I, which dealt with Egypt’s Election and Rising Islamists, click here. We will run Part III in tomorrow’s edition.

RAYMOND IBRAHIM: A PRESIDENT’S APPEASEMENT POLITICS American intellectual Will Durant’s The Lessons of History—co-written with wife Ariel and published in 1968, when the Soviet Union posed a threat to the United States—still offers insightful lessons, especially concerning American-Muslim relations. In the chapter titled “History and War,” the Durants posit some hypothetical speeches and approaches concerning war. First, an imaginary U.S. […]


Nancy Pelosi Hires Former Terrorist Fundraiser URL to article: In 2000, he oversaw a week of events that raised money for Islamic terrorists murdering Jews. From 2005 until the present, he oversaw a left-wing blog whose contributors used language that even he admitted was anti-Semitic. And now Faiz Shakir is about to become a […]

NEWS 24/7

Obama ducks demands for his college transcripts
Dave Boyer

Decades after Mr. Obama completed his own college course work, his academic performance is still a mystery. Before and after his election as president, Mr. Obama has refused to release his college transcripts from his days as an undergraduate and a law school student. Read more…

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Muslim Brotherhood takes control of Syrian opposition
Free Syrian Army is no longer the so…
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SCANLON: Picking seniors’ pockets
Terrence Scanlon
SCANLON: Picking seniors’ pockets
I’m going to come right out and say it: AARP is about money and power. That’s all it’s interested in. Formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, the nation’s largest seniors group hasn’t cared about its elderly members’ well-being for eons. It’s been too busy building a financial empire. Read more…

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DANIEL GREENFIELD: IN THE SIXTEENTH YEAR OF OBAMA A Scientific Romance of the Year 2024 In the sixteenth year of Obama, Marc and Julie obtained a carbon pass and set off on a light rail journey in a comfortable semi-transparent carriage traveling at a top speed of 30 kilometers per hour whose motive power came entirely from sunshine. As it was a […]


Palestinian Arabs prefer to buy Blue and White!
Al Watan Voice reports (excerpted and slightly paraphrased):
[click on hyper-link of All Watan Voice, scroll down to see video, if you understand Arabicor even if you don’t]
Imad is a manufacturer of soap and detergents in Bethlehem. His products used to be labeled in Hebrew but in a fit of patriotism he replaced all the labels with Arabic-only labels.
And his sales plummeted.
Imad says: “I get frustrated when a customer comes to me, asking: ‘Where’s the Israeli soap?’ All this time they are thinking the producers and manufacturers of these products they consume in their homes are Israelil this is really frustrating.”
Imad says his products are much less expensive than their Israeli counterparts.
“I am surprised of the Palestinian consumer, who deals with the products only by their source, and is ready to buy expensive Israeli products but does not even consider our own national product that is sold at reasonable prices.”

ANDREW McCARTHY: CHRISTIE ADMINISTRATION IN NEW JERSEY CALLS NYPD SURVEILLANCE LEGAL As a number of readers are aware, I’ve had more than my fair share to say about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie of late, much of it on the negative side of the ledger — although I’d caution that that “ledger” is more about whether he is a “consistent conservative” (no) than about his […]