Today marks the launch of Andrew McCarthy’s new blog “Ordered Liberty,” at The inaugural post is below. also please see the interview by Roger Simon at:

Roger L. Simon talks to former prosecutor, author and PJ Media columnist Andrew C. McCarthy about the illusion of Islamic democracy. McCarthy is an expert on the constitution, law enforcement and homeland security. He is working on a new book about the Arab Spring which he thinks is akin to spring fever. Hear why as McCarthy brings his insights about the Middle East to PJTV viewers.

For Edmund Burke, liberty was the distinguishing feature of the British constitution. He did not, however, mean liberty in some vacuous, hopeychangey sense. “The only liberty I mean,” he wrote, “is a liberty connected with order; and that not only exists with order and virtue, but cannot exist at all without them.”

When we hear the term “ordered liberty” nowadays, it is generally in a legal context. It has become famous — we might better say “infamous” — in the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence of “incorporation”: the doctrine holding that Bill of Rights protections that restrict the federal government are also validly asserted against the state governments, through the Fourteenth Amendment. The doctrine’s premise is dubious: state sovereignty is the foundation of our form of constitutional governance; if it had been the purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment to undo that basic assumption, one might have expected that incorporation would be clearly prescribed — and that it might have taken less than sixty years for the Supreme Court to start enforcing it.

That said, though, the real infamy lies in the doctrine’s inconsistency. It does not apply all of the Bill of Rights against the states; only those rights that the judges, in their wisdom, determined to be “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty,” as Justice Benjamin Cardozo put it in Palko v. Connecticut (1937). That is to say, there is an arbitrariness to “ordered liberty” as judicially manufactured. Caprice, even if it piously flies under the “rule of law” banner, undermines the very idea of order.



Eastern Equine Encephalitis has a 30% – 60% mortality rate once contracted. Severe damage to the central nervous system occurs in those that survive the illness.
West Nile Virus symptoms include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and rash, which are mild symptoms to severe symptoms that include neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, tremor, coma, vision loss, and paralysis. These severe symptoms could last weeks or could be permanent.

The symptoms of yellow fever include fever, chills, headache, backache, nausea, and vomiting; jaundice can also occur. More serious cases may affect the blood, liver, and kidneys. The disease can be fatal.

Symptoms of malaria include fever, chills, headache, muscle ache, and malaise. In its early stages it can resemble the onset of the flu. These symptoms can develop 6-8 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito or as late as several months after the traveler has left the area.

(CNN) — Ahead of upcoming nuclear talks, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad downplayed the threat Israel poses to Iran, comparing it to an annoying bug.

“Israel is nothing more than a mosquito which cannot see the broad horizon of the Iranian nation,” he said Saturday in northeastern Iran’s Khorassan province, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.

Ahmadinejad said “regional states” were being duped into buying billions in arms from “arrogant and imperial powers,” driven in part by all the talk surrounding a potential war involving Iran and Israel, the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported. Such military purchases, he said, are unnecessary because there is no war on the horizon between those two nations.

The Iranian president alluded to “rulers” who sold “their petrol” for $60 billion worth in arms, though he did not mention by name either the purchasing or selling country. Saudi Arabia is in the midst of a 20-year, $60 billion arms deal with the United States, including nearly $30 billion for F-15 fighter jets announced late last year.

Ahmadinejad has long questioned the existence of the Holocaust and, months after taking office in October 2005, he participated in a lengthy protest called “World Without Zionism” and has repeatedly derided Israel.

“With the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism,” he said then, according to another IRNA report.

On Saturday, while seemingly backing away from the potential for an armed conflict, Ahmadinejad hardly signaled that Iranians should or will embrace Israel.

He predicted Israel could fall if regional powers cut ties — particularly by refusing to sell oil to Israelis.

Tensions have ramped up in recent years over Iran’s controversial nuclear program. Iran claims it is being developed for peaceful means, while Western powers and Israel say they think Iran is evading international inspections and intent on developing nuclear weapons.

This sentiment has led to sweeping sanctions targeting Iran’s economy, government and its leaders.

DANIEL MANDEL: WHY DID THE JEWISH DAILY FORWARD INTERVIEW A HAMAS SPOKESMAN? The recent interview accorded to Hamas’s Mousa Abu Marzook by the Jewish Daily Forward underscores an all-too-frequent and serious failure of perception when dealing with totalitarian movements and those who speak for them. The problem is not the totalitarian addiction to falsehood. One need not be a totalitarian thug in order to lie. Rather, […]


Obama’s Gay Marriage Flip-Flop — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Leftist film producer Tommi Trudeau joins Evan Sayet and Rob Nelson and the heated battle ensues.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE LEFT WING MOVEMENT TO HIJACK KOSHER FOOD…THE SOROSIAN SWINE AT WORK Orthodox Jews, as well as vegans and allergy sufferers, know that a Kosher certification label on food means that it complies with religious dietary laws. For example a Kosher product marked as “dairy” will not have meat ingredients in it. But to the left, Kosher food represents an untapped opportunity to use as a […]

GIULIO MEOTTI: CHRISTIANS AND JEWS TO UNITE AGAINST GENOCIDAL ISLAM?,7340,L-4228025,00.html Op-ed: Will Jews, Christians finally join forces in battle against genocidal Islamic hatred? The Coliseum, where thousands upon thousands of “Judaeis” have been massacred by the Roman emperors, became for one night an arena for alliance between Christians and Jews against “odium fidei,” or religious hatred. Last Wednesday in Rome, Jewish leaders for the […]

RUTHIE BLUM; SALUTING CHRISTIAN-JEWISH SOLIDARITY If you come across the byline of Giulio Meotti, stop and read what he has to say. Like Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein — a fearless warrior in the battlefield of ideas — Meotti is among the small number of European intellectuals who have not been carried out to sea by the tide of cowardice […]


Who Will Suffer As A Result of Euro Policies? The Jews. Peter Martino

It is as if the U.S. were to renounce the dollar for the “amro,” a common currency with countries as different as Mexico. Colombia, Brazil and Argentina. A documentary on German television last week revealed that the political class in Europe knew that the Greeks were cooking the books, but did not care. Extremist parties of the Left and the Right (all of them anti-Semitic) are rapidly gaining electoral support at the expense of mainstream parties….

The European Union, and especially its common currency, the euro, is on the brink of collapse. The Greeks, unable to form a government after the May 6 elections, will have to go to the polls again next month. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel is rapidly losing support. If she cares about her reelection next year, she had better push Greece out of the eurozone rather than keep that country afloat with German taxpayers’ money. If Greece leaves, the whole euro edifice might come down – a better outcome than the present situation, in which extremist parties on the Left and the Right (all of them anti-Semitic) are rapidly gaining electoral support at the expense of mainstream parties which keep clinging to the failed project of the common European currency……read more
Our Intelligence Community: What Are We Getting for Our $80 Billion? Peter Huessy

The briefers knew less than the Commission members they were briefing. What the intelligence community failed to do was see weapons of mass destruction and missiles as “instruments of state power,” rather than as “contraband traded contrary to traditional norms.”

Americans are justifiably concerned that our national leaders do not seem to anticipate looming threats. They quite correctly ask, “What are we getting for the $80 billion a year we pay to gather intelligence?”

“Don’t worry” says the former deputy director of its Counterterrorist Center: it is not the fault of the intelligence community: “They screw things up all by themselves” he states. “On major foreign policy decisions, intelligence is not the decisive factor”.

Is the intelligence community really that innocent?

Now retired, this same 28-year CIA veteran had a hand in the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran. The report was a bombshell: its summary dismissed Iran as a threat to US, effectively taking it out of the mix of national security issues in the 2008 Presidential campaign.

This was apparently accomplished by a sleight of hand. In a footnote, the NIE report clarified that Iran had stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003, and that the report was referring only to the warhead design and not the harder part, the enrichment of uranium and the production of nuclear weapons fuel.

In this instance, US policy on Iran was being guided by an intelligence community as an accomplice in dumbing-down our security assessments to make the “Iranian problem go away.” The former Secretary of Defense, the late Les Aspin, had a phrase for such work: “They cooked the books.”….READ MORE


Another week, another heated Republican primary.

On Tuesday it’s Nebraska’s turn, as Republican voters pick their nominee to replace retiring Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson. State Attorney General Jon Bruning, the front-runner, boasts more money than his rivals and has the backing of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He has led consistently in the polls, and he recently won the endorsement of Rick Santorum.

Running to his right is Treasurer Don Stenberg, propelled by the Club for Growth and the Senate Conservatives Fund, headed by Sen. Jim DeMint (R., S.C.). Those two groups regularly get involved in GOP primaries, backing candidates they see as uncompromisingly conservative. Both organizations supported Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock, who this past Tuesday upset Sen. Richard Lugar in Indiana.

The wild card: state Sen. Deb Fischer, who on Thursday won the endorsement of Sarah and Todd Palin.

Nebraska is one of Republicans’ biggest pickup opportunities as they try to erase Democrats’ 53-47 majority in the Senate. Tuesday’s GOP winner will face Democrat Bob Kerrey, a former Nebraska governor and senator who is widely seen as the one Democrat who could give his party a fighting chance in the state.

Republicans are seeking to portray Mr. Kerrey as a carpetbagger, noting that he has lived in New York for a decade. Mr. Kerrey, a former Navy SEAL wounded in Vietnam, says he has stayed in close touch with Nebraska, where he owns five restaurants and three health clubs.


• First President to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government• First President to Violate the War Powers Act • First President to Orchestrate the Sale of Murder Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels• First President to issue an unlawful “recess-appointment” while the U.S. Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own Justice Department).• First President to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico • First president to intentionally disable credit card security measures in order to allow over-the-limit donations, foreign contributions and other illegal fundraising measures.

…and there’s lots more “History” where that came from. Just imagine all the “History” he can make in another four years”


So after four years, Obama finally got around to openly stating a position that everyone knew he always held, but that he sorta denied he held until the fundraising needs were bad enough to bring it to the table. And it’s a position devoid of specific commitments too.

If that’s not courage, I don’t know what is.

Four years from now maybe he’ll finally admit that he intended to badly damage American business and have the Muslim Brotherhood take over the Middle East.

Meanwhile, the media is chewing over what Romney did in high school, described under the trendy label of “Bullying”. Isn’t it wonderful how we can’t nail down what Obama was doing far more recently than that, but our dedicated media corps is busy investing what Romney was doing as in high school.

Any day now we can expect a hard hitting piece on Romney’s war on women in first grade. The current news lineup includes a congratulatory piece on Obama’s fundraising, an attack on Romney via his High School years and another attack on Romney from Obama over the auto bailout.

We may not quite be living under communism, but we are certainly living under its media apparatus.


This is a point that flew most people’s radar when commenting on Obama’s big Holocaust speech.

While Obama mentioned ‘atrocities’ twelve times in his speech, he only mentioned ‘genocide’ three times and one of those times he was quoting from the mission statement of the Holocaust Museum. The list of examples from his own policies contained only one example of genocide, the mass murder program carried out by the Sudanese government.

Tellingly Obama described this actual genocide as a ‘conflict’ rather than an atrocity and urged both sides to negotiate, a sharp contrast with his next three examples, in Cote D’Ivorie, in Libya and in Uganda, where he clearly placed the blame on three leaders and described military and pseudo-military actions that he had taken to end the violence.

President Omar al-Bashir, whom he urged in his speech to have the “courage” to negotiate and make peace, is wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. There is no comparison between the actions of Gaddafi or Gbago and those of Bashir. Yet Obama ignored actual genocide, and defiled the Holocaust Memorial Museum by using it as a stage for whitewashing one of the world’s worst ruling mass murderers.