Syrian dictator Bashar Assad is on his way out and the best he can hope for is to create an Allawite mini-state for his loyalists. Al-Qaeda smells blood in the water and wants a piece of the pie once Assad falls. The Muslim Brotherhood, like Al-Qaeda, envisions an Islamic State of Syria. Some of […]
Thousands of Syrians are fleeing into neighboring Lebanon — not entirely due to fear of the Assad regime. The country’s minority Christian population is suffering under attacks waged by rebel troops. In the Beqaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, Christian families are finding temporary refuge, but they are still terrified.
There had been many warnings that the Khouri* family wouldn’t talk. “They won’t say a word — they’re too scared,” predicted the mayor of Qa, a small market town in northeastern Lebanon where the Khouris are staying. “They won’t even open their door for journalists,” said another person, who had contacted the family on behalf of a non-governmental organization.
Somehow, though, the interview was arranged in the end. Reserved and halting, the women described what happened to their husbands, brothers and nephews back in their hometown of Qusayr in Syria. They were killed by Syrian rebel fighters, the women said — murdered because they were Christians, people who in the eyes of radical Islamist freedom fighters have no place in the new Syria.
In the past year and a half, since the beginning of the uprising against Syria’s authoritarian President Bashar Assad, hundreds of thousands of Syrians have fled their homes and sought safe haven abroad. Inside the country, the United Nations estimates that 1 million people have left their homes to escape violence and are now internally displaced. The majority are likely to have fled to escape the brutality of Assad’s troops. Indeed, as was the case at the start of the Syrian civil war, most of the violence is still being perpetrated by the army, the secret services and groups of thugs steered by the state. The long summer vacation — les grandes vacances — just started in France. From July 14 (Bastille Day) to September 2, one citizen out of two will be disconnected from work or business, and one out of two will be out of town, if not out of the country. Some people will leave for […] Some months ago, PJ Media submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Department of Justice. The request asked for all of the communications between the Office of Public Affairs and the Soros-funded Media Matters about Katie Pavlich’s must-read book Fast and Furious. The Office of Public Affairs is headed by the notorious screamer […] Speaker John Boehner and Representative Michele Bachmann have never been close. Now, in the midst of the Huma Abedin flap, the question is whether there will be open hostilities. After Bachmann’s presidential campaign fizzled earlier this year, the Minnesota Republican returned to Capitol Hill unsure of her role in the House Republican conference. She […]
The questions raised by Rep. Michele Bachmann and four of her congressional colleagues over the potential influence of Muslim Brotherhood operatives in Washington D.C. have been met with widespread scorn from the political chattering class and the establishment media.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has denounced Bachmann from the Senate floor, Speaker of the House John Boehner has called the charges “dangerous,” and House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers is now trying to force her out. (Bachmann serves on the Intelligence Committee, whose members are selected at the sole discretion of the Speaker.)
And that’s just on the GOP side of the equation.
But the notion that the U.S. government is influenced by Muslim Brotherhood operatives is absolutely nutty, right?
Take, for example, the case of Louay Safi, a Syrian-American Islamic leader who has been actively involved with groups close to the Obama White House.
Safi himself has been fairly influential in government circles. For several years, he was only one of two endorsing agents for the Pentagon’s Muslim military chaplain program as Director of Leadership Development for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). He was also responsible for teaching about Islam to American troops deploying to Afghanistan and Iraq. Over in Toronto, a Muslim cleric with the unwieldy name of Al-Hashim Kamena Atangana had a great idea. Al-Hashim’s idea was for Toronto to pass laws forcing women to wear Burkas. “Cover up or get raped”, was the implied message. Toronto only has an estimated 5.5 percent Muslim population so the Toronto Taliban probably […] The large Muslim UK population, the radicalization of its youth and an influx of terrorists coming to London for the purpose of attacking portends an ugly outcome. Are the Brits prepared? A foretaste of what might occur in London when the Olympic games open on Friday, July 27, occurred on July 20 when a […]
Adieu, two-state solution
The Arab Spring has punctured many received ideas about Middle Eastern politics — including the “two-state solution” to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The “two-state” formula was always based on two questionable assumptions: 1) that Palestinians regarded themselves as a nation in a world of nation-states and wished to create a state of their own; 2) that creating a Palestinian state was something that Israel acting alone could magically make happen.
The Arab Spring has seriously shaken the first assumption by revitalizing two ideologies that had lurked under the surface during decades of despotism. Both ideologies were born in the 19th century, partly as a result of contact with rising European empires.
Not interested: Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh wants a pan-Islamic caliphate, not a Palestinian state.
The first is pan-Islamism, with the ultimate goal of restoring the caliphate. The second is modernization — which, in practice, means westernization, albeit with a local cultural veneer (a recipe also adopted by such diverse cultures as India and Japan).
As the post-Arab Spring landscape takes shape, the clash between those two ideologies will dominate the politics of the Middle East in the coming decades. Here’s an excerpt from the Council on Foreign Relations’ Daily Summary. Compare it to our “Call” report on Monday. That helps explain why you should read Gatestone first. “That’s why even if Assad were willing to go–and there’s no sign that he is–those who have fought for his regime and now feel their backs […]