He was tall and darkly handsome, in a chiseled sort of way. Clearly intelligent. Quiet and attentive, yet distant in a way that intrigued her as they both drew closer together during those long evenings sipping cheap wine and practicing sophistication on each other.

Both were new to adulthood, trying out the public personalities each wanted the world to see, not the inner tremors that corroded their intestines during long nights when dark personal fears crept into the corners of their lonely apartments.

Like most others from somewhere else who found themselves living in New York City, they told each other how wonderfully exciting and diverse the filthy place was. One minute you could hear distant gunshots, sirens or witness a mugging in the musty subway. And the next you were in a lovely park watching someone declare their contempt for capitalism’s greed by defecating on a car, which is actually much harder than it looks on TV.

The young man and woman were drawn to each other by mutual inner emotional struggles and estrangement from America’s abundant appetite about affluence. He seemed so worldly to her, talking of the 57 states he’d visited and foreign languages he spoke fluently, like Canadian and Austrian. And he was a great conversationalist, always interested in what she thought of anything he’d just said.

He had lived in exotic foreign places, he claimed, consumed strange foods and painfully recounted his longing for an absent father that caused him to wildly over-spend other people’s money, desperately seeking to fill some hidden void by repairing bridges and hiring union teachers. He regularly talked of receiving dreams from his father.

He also claimed to have a fantastic jump shot, but always passed on any chance to show it. He said he’d done very well in school, but modestly demurred revealing the records — for fear of shaming her, he said. Nor, even after they’d shared showers, did he once produce his birth certificate, short or long form.

He even confided his plans to change his first name to something harder, tougher to replace Casper.

One night as they made long passionate love he cried out, “Julia! Julia!” Which attracted his lover’s attention because her name was Genevieve. Asked to explain Julia nano-seconds later, he cited a long private obsession with Fred Flintstone’s mini-skirted wife.

Informed that her name was Wilma, he suggested Genevieve had surely mis-heard him which, he added, was not an unprecedented opinion during the routine rapture he brought to female voters. “Trust me,” he suggested firmly. So, as millions of her countrymen would blindly do in the future, she did.

Sometimes, he would speak to her romantically noting, for instance, that her voice sounded to his immense ears like wind-chimes. But then he could act strangely too. One day on an idealistic impulse to combat poverty, Genevieve bought a tiny West Highland terrier, a white ball of bouncy, barky fluff.

Her lover routinely spent long evenings at work, outlining his future life plans day-by-day and week-by-week up through the age of at least 51. Inspired by his favorite American philosophers Thompson, Wenner and someone named Al Linsky, he wanted to appear to improve the lot of urban Americans while improving his own even more.



The big news in Friday’s employment report was not the miserable 115,000 jobs the economy added in April, but the disappearance of 340,000 workers from the labor force. We haven’t seen unemployment on this scale since the Great Depression. Indeed, since Obama took office, the labor force participation rate has fallen from 66% to 63% as almost 5 million American adults stopped looking for work. About a fifth of working-age Americans aren’t working — and a fifth of all personal income is transfer payments. These numbers are astonishing and without precedent. If they continue, America will go bankrupt. Obama’s hope for re-election lies in dependency. No one could run for re-election as dogcatcher with this record — except for the cynical presumption that Americans have become so dependent on the state that they have lost hope of working again, and will vote for more state dependency.

If you’re not scared, you haven’t read the numbers. Here they are, courtesy of the St. Louis Fed’s excellent free data base.

EILEEN TOPLANSKY: THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD WANTS TO REELECT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA In this YouTube video from Walid Shoebat‘s site, Tom Trento, of United West, describes the recent collusion of the president of the United States with the terrorist group known as the Muslim Brotherhood. Besides heading United West, Tom Trento is the executive director of the Florida Security Council; both organizations “specialize in international terrorism […]

DIANA WEST: ISLAM’S WAR ON WILDERS AND US I had the great honor and pleasure of interviewing Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders yesterday. Wilders is in the United States to mark the long-awaited publication of his book, Marked for Death: Islam’s War on the West and Me, with a packed round of radio, TV and print interviews. So far, these include […]

GADI ADELMAN: RELIVING 9/11 ONE SICK JOKE AFTER ANOTHER As I watch the KSM (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) trial unfold, one thought comes to mind: Jihad Justice Joke. Problem is, it’s not funny. April 19, 1995 a truck bomb exploded at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. It killed 168 people; including 19 children and hundreds more were injured. Timothy McVeigh […]

ALAN CARUBA: IS “FAST AND FURIOUS” THE NEXT WATERGATE? When suspects in a crime are interrogated, they often develop memory loss. When the crime is running guns to drug cartels on both sides of the border, the crime involves the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol officer, Brian Terry, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, Jaime Zapata, and countless Mexican citizens. Katie Pavlich has […]


Ominously, an inversion of victim and perpetrator has taken place.

The virus of antisemitism persists in haunting Europe. In recent months, antisemitism has been exhibited all too often in European countries, not just in theory but in practice. France has been the scene for the murder of Jewish schoolchildren in Toulouse; attacks on Jewish property in Paris and Dijon; desecration of Jewish graves in Nice, and anti-Semitic graffiti throughout the country. Malmo, Sweden, with a now considerable Muslim population, has witnessed increasing outbreaks of violence against Jews. It is disquieting that Ilmar Reepalu, the mayor of the city, has denied these attacks, and dismissed criticism of his denials as the work of the “Israel lobby.”

Over the last decade, antisemitic incidents have occurred not just in France and Sweden but also throughout Europe; some of the more notable have been in the Kreuzberg section of Berlin populated by Palestinians and Turks; even more significantly, in other neighborhoods of Berlin that are not populated by Middle East immigrants; in Stockholm, Amsterdam, and major French cities besides Paris; on the island of Corfu in Greece, and in Rome.

In the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam, the European Union called for joint efforts to combat prejudice and discrimination experienced by individuals and groups on the basis of their ethnic features, cultural background, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability. As a result of this treaty, comprehensive data and an analysis of the state of discrimination in Europe with special emphasis on antisemitism is now available in a just-published comprehensive study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Berlin.


David Singer is an Australian Lawyer, a Foundation Member of the International Analyst Network and Convenor of Jordan is Palestine International – an organisation calling for sovereignty of the West Bank and Gaza to be allocated between Israel and Jordan as the two successor States to the Mandate for Palestine. Previous articles written by him […]

DIANA WEST: CHERYL BORMANN, DHIMMI FOR THE DEFENSE From the New York Post — “Defense Lawyer Calls for Coverup,” a cute headline that can’t cover up the story’s nauseating contents. This legal eagle has made herself over into the draped defender. In a pandering fashion choice, Washington-based lawyer Cheryl Bormann showed up in the Guantanamo Bay terror courtroom yesterday in a traditional […]


Faith and Destiny

God must love us or how else do you explain how we Jews overcame seemingly insurmountable odds, time and time again for the last 100 plus years, in establishing and growing a Jewish state.

Although the Jews repeated in their prayers for two thousand years after the Romans destroyed their Temple and sent them into exile, “Next year in Jerusalem”, there was no political movement to realize that prayer until Theodor Herzl was energized by the Dreyfus Affair, to publish, The Jewish State, in 1896. At that time, Judea and Samaria was part of a province of the Ottoman Empire which was called Palestine and had been since the time of the Romans. Try as he might, Herzl could not get the Ottoman Sultan to agree to allow the Jews to set up their “Jewish state” in Palestine. So he turned to the British who were sympathetic but could only offer Uganda which the Jews rightly rejected. The Jews continued to knock on the Ottoman door with little hope. As a result, Zionism languished, but not for long.

The First World War pitted Germany, Ottoman Empire and others against Britain, France and Russia. Although the great mass of Jews lived in the Pale of Settlement which was situate in eastern Poland, Ukraine, and western Russia, there was an established Jewish presence in Western Europe and in the United States. The Jews were divided into ideological camps, namely, the assimilationists, the Communists, the socialists, the orthodox and the Zionists. For the most part they were loyal to the country where they lived. So Jews fought Jews. How could they do otherwise. But the Zionists, consisting of the Jewish masses in the Pale and the elite in Great Britain, although not of one mind, began debating who was likely to win the war so that they might support that side and hopefully be rewarded with a state. If they chose wrong, the Jews in all countries would pay the price.

Fortunately they choose right. They offered to support Gr Britain by doing their best to get America to ally with her and doing their best to get Russia not to withdraw from the war as she was considering doing. They offered to fight on the side of Britain if she would form a Jewish Legion. All this they offered in exchange for a promise of a Jewish National Home as set out in the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and the right to have the Jewish Legion part of the British forces which would conquer Palestine. Germany and the Ottoman Empire were defeated in 1918. Then in 1919, when the WWI victors met in San Remo, they awarded the Jewish people the right to reconstitute their national home in Palestine. Things were looking up for the Zionists, but they went quickly downhill from there.