Austria province to join growing ban on religious circumcisions. Governor of Vorarlberg state-run hospitals to suspend circumcisions motivated by religious custom, a week after a similar decisions was made by two Swiss hospitals.
The governor of Vorarlberg has told hospitals run by Austria’s westernmost province to suspend circumcisions motivated by religious custom, citing a German regional court ruling that the practice amounted to causing criminal bodily harm.

Markus Wallner says he sees the German decision last month, arising from the case of a child whose circumcision led to medical complications, as “precedence-setting judgment.”

He told provincial hospitals Tuesday not to perform the procedure except for health reasons until the legal situation is clarified in Austria.

The decision does not affect religiously motivated circumcisions performed outside hospitals run by the Vorarlberg government, and comes a week after two Swiss hospitals announced that they would temporarily stop performing circumcisions.

On Thursday, the Zurich children’s hospital announced that it was temporarily halting circumcision operations. “We are in the process of evaluating the legal and ethical stance in Switzerland,” said Marco Stuecheli, a spokesman for the hospital.

“There can be complicated cases where the mother of a child wants a circumcision but the father is opposed to it,” he added.


Powerful personal testimony.

The speaker in this video is a young, black, female, who is a liberal democrat who worked for ACORN until 2008. She voted for Barack Obama in 2008. Anita is is eminently believable, highly intelligent and is hopefully the first of many who are waking up to the fraud being perpetrated on the black community in its lock step acceptance of the President.

While working at ACORN she learned that she was part of a team that was colluding with the Obama campaign to commit fraud. First she tried to reform ACORN from the inside. But they began to ostracize her when it became apparent that she wanted to reform the organization,. So eventually she ended up going to the media in July 2008 (during the last few months of the presidential campaign). They avoided her and the well documented facts that she brought them.

Every major media outlet refused to air the story because they knew how badly it would damage Obama before the election.

Here is her story in two parts……it is riveting…

Part I:

Part II:


White Girl Bleed a Lot by Jamie Glazov Author Colin Flaherty discusses the return of racial violence and how the media ignores it.


URL to article:

Senator John McCain ought to be embarrassed. So should House Speaker John Boehner and Congressman Mike Rogers, the former FBI agent who chairs the Select Committee on Intelligence.

These pillars of the Republican establishment have been championing the cause of Huma Abedin, the deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Ms. Abedin’s name arose, along with several others, in connection with questions pressed by five conservative House Republicans regarding Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government. The GOP establishment, led by McCain, Boehner, and Rogers, has been slamming Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, one of the five House conservatives, over her refusal to back down from concerns over Ms. Abedin.

Here are four things, among many, that we now know:

1. Huma Abedin’s mother, Dr. Saleha S. Mahmood Abedin (hereafter, Saleha Abedin), is an influential member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s division for women, the Muslim Sisterhood. She is also a zealous advocate of sharia law’s oppression of women — which McCain himself condemned in a 2011 interview with Der Spiegel.

2. Not only that: Saleha Abedin is a board member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief. The IICDR has been long banned in Israel for supporting Hamas. It is also part of the Union for Good, which is a formally designated international terrorist organization under federal law. The Union for Good is led by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the chief sharia jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is the world’s most influential Islamic cleric, and has issued fatwas endorsing suicide bombings against Israel and terrorist attacks against American forces in Iraq.

3. Moreover, it turns out that Huma Abedin herself was, until late 2008, a member of another of her mother’s Islamist organizations, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs.

The Center for Security Policy has reviewed past mastheads of the IMMA’s journal. Huma Abedin is listed as an assistant editor (to her mother, the editor-in-chief) as far back as 1996, the year she began interning at the Clinton White House. The IMMA was started in Saudi Arabia in the 1970s by Huma Abedin’s parents, with the backing of Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef is a former secretary-general of the Muslim World League, which, as I’ve previously explained, has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology.


Why Has A Muslim Man Threatened Huma Abedin?

Yesterday (7/23/12) the New York Post [2] reported that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had been placed under round the clock security protection by NY police and federal officials, following an “unspecified threat” by a Muslim man from New Jersey.

New York Post reporter Larry Celona chose [2] to link the threat to the controversy surrounding Michelle Bachmann’s reasonable call for an investigation of the background security clearance procedures Huma Abedin underwent given her family ties—especially her mother, Saleyah Abedin’s [3]—overt connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, and its Sharia supremacist ideology.

But there is another more plausible avenue of inquiry the New York Post and other media investigators should pursue: Muslim anger at what, at least on the surface, barring any overriding Islamic purpose, is a clear violation of mainstream, Sharia-based Islamic rulings on the marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim man.

Indeed, the pre-eminent, mainstream consortium of Muslim legists in North America, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA [4]), issued a definitive fatwa [5] (ruling) in 2007 specifically prohibiting such marriages. AMJA stalwart [4], Salah al-Sawy’s ruling [5] invoking Koran 2:221 [6] (“And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikun till they believe (in Allah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater, etc.), even though he pleases you.”), and Koran 24:33 [7] (“And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His Bounty.”), stated explicitly [5],

Marriage between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim [man] is forbidden and invalid – that is a consensus among Muslims. A [Muslim] woman who has taken the liberty [of marrying a non-Muslim man] has removed herself from the fold of the Muslim community – and one who has done so knowing that it is wrong, has done something strictly forbidden, and has committed an open [act of] abomination that may hurl her into the abyss of heresy and apostasy.

Some clerics hold that [a Muslim woman who marries a non-Muslim man] is considered a heretic from the very beginning [i.e. from the moment she marries], since the bond of marriage allows her to have sexual relations and intercourse [with her husband], and to take pleasure [in this], and it is inconceivable that she should commit the crime [of having intercourse] without the sanction [of a valid marriage].

The wisdom of the religious ban [against the marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim man lies in] its preventing [the woman] from being tempted away from her faith. The Koran justifies this ban by saying that these marriages ‘beckon [the believer] to the Fire [of Hell; Koran 2:221].’ In other words, they lead to sins that doom [the sinner] to Hell… since [the woman] may be tempted to renounce [Islam], to doubt [the truth of] Islam, and to disparage its religious rituals.



“Whatever you may think about President Obama’s economic policies — the things he’s done, the things Romney said he’s going to do — on foreign policy, I think it’s pretty indisputable that President Obama has done a pretty good job. I think you see this in two things. You see conservative columnists like David Brooks have written columns pointing this out, other conservatives like David Frum have pointed this out, and most importantly, you see this as the one issue that Mitt Romney is not raising in the presidential campaign. It’s an unusual situation for a Democrat to have an advantage in foreign policy. You would have to go back to John Kennedy to find the time when a Democrat could credibly claim that he was tough enough and smart enough to have an advantage in foreign policy over his opponent. Obviously Johnson did not have that opportunity during the Vietnam War, and since then, the Democrats have always been seen as weak. But Obama has done two or three things very effectively, I think. First is, he has drawn down the United States to a more manageable position in this broader campaign that we’ve been talking about in the greater Middle East. He got troops out of Iraq. Everyone said all hell would break loose. You notice hell did not break loose. That is a very good model for how to approach Afghanistan. Everyone is going to be kicking, and screaming and telling you terrible things are going to happen. Well, some things are going to happen, but they were going to happen anyway. A lot fewer terrible things are going to happen than people say. We should continue to rebalance ourselves in precisely this way, so that we have the flexibility, the resources to deal with all kinds of other challenges. Principally, nation-building at home. But also dealing with the other real foreign policy challenges we face in Asia, which is going to be the center of the world and the world economy. President Obama has pivoted to Asia very wisely and strategically. I think that in his policy toward China, you have the right balance of toughness and cooperation. In the policy toward Russia, you have the right balance where you try to get them to work with you on things like Libya and Syria, but you stand up to them when you need to. On the whole, it’s a very practical approach. I think a bunch of Democrats or liberals aren’t happy that he maintained some of the elements of the war on terror that the Bush administration did. Some wish that he were more expansive in his interventions on the basis of human rights, but I think he has been successful precisely because it has been a balanced, centrist, pragmatic approach, which is actually very much in the American tradition of successful diplomacy.”

—Transcribed by Rabab Al-Sharif

Fareed Zakaria, host of “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on CNN and editor-at-large for Time, introduces Chautauqua’s week of lectures on Pakistan Monday morning in the Amphitheater. Photo by Adam Birkan.

Laurence Léveillé | Staff Writer

Violence caused by jihads is a relatively new problem, but many people associate it with Islam as a whole.People first thought the cause of the Sept. 11 attacks had to do with Islam, a religion that has been around since the seventh century. Despite beliefs that the religion is the cause of some violence, countries such as Indonesia and India are peaceful and democratic societies, said Fareed Zakaria, editor-at-large of Time magazine and CNN host, during Monday’s morning lecture. Zakaria was the first speaker of Week Five, themed “Pakistan: Straddling the Boundary Between Asia and the Middle East.” He informed the audience about the history of Westernization in the Arab world and Pakistan’s deeply rooted religious nationalism.

“It is easy to understand why people kill,” he said. “The whole history of humanity is full of that, unfortunately. What is more difficult to understand is why somebody would be willing to die in killing people.”

The problems behind the practice of jihad in the Arab world are of recent origin, Zakaria said. When the Arab world was decolonized in the early 1950s, there was promise and hope for it, he said. Leaders spoke of renewing the Arab world and used Western economic ideas to take steps toward modernization.

But by 1965, that same area was a political desert and an economic wasteland because the Western style of modernization had failed. Stagnation, corruption and dictatorship followed.

“It fails because the political model, which promised republics and democracy, turned into military dictatorship,” Zakaria said.

As the rest of the world faced changes in the early 1990s, the Arab world went backward in time. In Egypt, people had more freedom of the press in 1950 than they did in 1995, he said. The failure of the political model led to the rise of dissent.

Dissent could not develop in cafes, newspapers or parliaments of the Arab world. As a result, it became prominent in the only place it could not be banned: the mosque.

“Islam became the language of political opposition to these regimes, because it was the only language that was permissible,” Zakaria said.

The rise of violent political Islam was linked to those repressive, Westernized dictatorships, he said.

With his analysis of the Arab world in mind, Zakaria said the country the United States should worry about most is Pakistan, as it has 80 nuclear weapons and is run by a military regime rather than a civilian government.

Zakaria said the reason he believes the U.S. will not win its war in Afghanistan is because the jihadi have safe havens in Pakistan, which Pakistan lets exist.

When Americans go into conflict, he said, they simplify the issue into a “good guy versus bad guy” scenario. But asking Pakistan for support cannot be simplified due to its roots.

Pakistan was founded when the British decolonized India. When they left, some Indians worried they would not be secure in a secular democracy and created their own state.

In 1956, Pakistan became an Islamic state, because its president believed it would provide a source of legitimacy for his dictatorship against democratic forces in the country, Zakaria said.

“He could ally himself with the mosques, the clerics, the preachers, against the Westernized liberals who are trying to do silly do-good things like the rule of law and democracy,” he said.

Pakistan’s strategy is to fight India, to keep Afghanistan on edge and to lead an invincible Islamic resistance against the U.S., Zakaria said.

“We confront this very complex reality of what do we do with a country not whose policies are ones that we oppose, but in whose national DNA or political DNA is hardwired a certain kind of religious nationalism, a certain violent opposition to the forces of secular democracy and an intrinsic anti-Americanism,” he said.

To understand Pakistan’s rooted anti-Americanism, the forces of its existence and nationalism must be understood. It was not necessarily an intended decision, Zakaria said, but rather a consequence of creating a nation with religious nationalism.

When Americans ask Pakistan to stop supporting terrorists in North Waziristan, he said, they are asking the country to unravel a policy that has been around for decades.

“You’re asking them to act in a way that really is beginning to question the very idea of Pakistan,” he said.


U.N. report recommends legalized prostitution
Monday, July 23, 2012
A report issued by the United Nations-backed Global Commission on HIV and the Law recommends that nations around the world get rid of “punitive” laws against prostitution — or what it calls “consensual sex work” — and decriminalize the voluntary use of illegal injection drugs in order to combat the HIV epidemic. Read more…
Moody’s puts Germany on negative watch list
Sky News
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The ratings agency Moody’s confirmed it had placed the credit outlook of not only Germany but also that of the Netherlands and Luxembourg on negative watch from stable, citing that no-one was immune from the effects of the economic gloom. Read more…
Pot protesters picket Obama fundraiser
Huffington Post
Monday, July 23, 2012
Obama will swoop through the Bay Area for three fundraisers, including a reception at Oakland’s Fox Theatre. And the local cannabis community is determined to make its presence known. Read more…

Read more:


A reader of last week’s column on Hillary Clinton chided me for failing to mention her remark, made as the revolt in Syria was gaining strength last year, that Bashar Assad was “a reformer.” The reader makes a fair point, one that helps explain why the administration has been so feckless about confronting the Syrian dictator.

But the real scandal of Mrs. Clinton’s remark lies in its broader context.

Here’s Mrs. Clinton’s fuller quote, from March 27, 2011, answering CBS’s Bob Schieffer on why the U.S. was prepared to intervene against Moammar Gadhafi but not against Assad: “There’s a different leader in Syria now,” she explained. “Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he is a reformer.”

That caused some raising of eyebrows. So a few days later Mrs. Clinton clarified: “I referenced the opinions of others. That was not speaking either for myself or for the administration.”

ARLENE KUSHNER: WHY REPUBLICANS MUST TAKE THE LEAD ON ISRAEL There is a truism – “You can’t be more Catholic than the pope” – that is rather scrupulously adhered to in political circles. With regard to Israel, this bit of political wisdom suggests that it is inappropriate for U.S. politicians, whatever their predilections or convictions, to move to the right of the Israeli government […]


The Olympic Games kick off in London this Friday. Though Israeli competitors hope to come home with some prestige, if not medals, there will be no minute of silence honored for their countrymen slaughtered 40 years ago at the same event in Munich.

The refusal of the International Olympic Committee to devote 60 seconds to memorializing the eleven Israeli victims of Palestinian terrorism – first taken hostage and then executed by members of the Black September group – has caused quite a social-media stir. Petitions have been multiplying on Facebook and Twitter, with much response.

One example is a placard showing thumbnail photos of the dead, with a caption reading, “Share if you agree: 17 days; 24,480 minutes. Not 1 minute to honor the memory of the Munich 11?”

It’s a clever idea, and its sentiment couldn’t be better. As a cause, it is as admirable as it is worthy. But it was hopeless from the outset.

To understand why, let us review the massacre itself and its aftermath.

The 1972 Summer Olympics took place in Germany from August 26 to September 10. The last time the Germans had hosted the mega sports fest was in 1936, when the Nazis were in power. As a result, the West German government wanted to present the country in a positive light. Ironically, as it would turn out, the event was officially titled “The Happy Games.”

On September 5, ten days into the games, Palestinian terrorists stormed the Olympic Village and took Israeli athletes and coaches hostage, immediately murdering the two who put up a fight. Eighteen hours later, the terrorists transferred the rest of the hostages by helicopter to a military airport, where they were going to board a plane to an Arab country. It was then that the Germans carried out a failed rescue mission, during which four of the hostages were shot and then blown up by a grenade that one of the terrorists threw into the helicopter. The five hostages left were then machine-gunned dow