“Palestine – United Nations’ Perfidy Exposed,” is the latest article, via the antipodean J-Wire service, by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer Writes David Singer: ‘The canard – supported by countless United Nations General Assembly Resolutions – that Jewish settlements in the West Bank are illegal in international law – has been […]
Rep. Keith Ellison Rewrites History on his Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR Ties
“One final note to the establishment media: you’re not going to be able to run and hide from these statements by the FBI and Justice Department about Keith Ellison’s Muslim Brotherhood front friends for much longer. Drop the witchhunt hysterics and let’s have a real debate about the facts. (This is me not holding my breath.)”
The most recent salvo in the kerfuffle between Minnesota congressmen Michele Bachmann and Keith Ellison finds Ellison attacking Bachmann for her statements made on Glenn Beck’s radio program on Thursday, where she said:
GLENN: Okay. So when you wrote this letter, then Keith Ellison comes out. And Keith Ellison is ‑‑ he has a record of being the Mafia hitman.
CONGRESSWOMAN BACHMANN: Well, he has a long record of being associated with CAIR and with the Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR is an unindicted co‑conspirator, as stated in the large terrorist financing case that we’ve had in the United States of America and so he came out and essentially wanted to shut down the inspectors general from even looking into any of the questions that we were asking. So he wanted to shut it down. In response I wrote another letter back to Keith Ellison, a 16‑page letter which I would encourage all of your listeners to go and read this letter. It’s what I call a bulletproof letter. I have 59 footnotes with one example after another of the penetration of the Muslim Brotherhood into the federal government…
In response, Ellison told the Huffington Post:
“I am not now, nor have I ever been, associated with the Muslim Brotherhood,” he said with a laugh.
In fact, it is his denial that is laughable.
But this weekend Ellison doubled-down on his denial, telling Politico:
I support American institutions. I don’t know enough about [the Muslim Brotherhood]. What I know about them is that in Egypt, one of their candidates has ascended to the presidency. I’ve never met that person. But I do think the United States should have a foreign policy where we talk to foreign leaders of all kinds. But no, I don’t have any, I don’t have any Muslim Brotherhood connections that she’s talking about.
According to Ellison’s impeccable logic, since he hasn’t met Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader and new Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, therefore he has no knowledge of the Muslim Brotherhood.
But a mountain of evidence of his contacts with and support of Muslim Brotherhood front groups – identified as such by the U.S. Government – shows that the Muslim Brotherhood definitely knows who he is.
Rewind to 2008 when Keith Ellison went on a 16-day hajj trip to Saudi Arabia paid for by the Muslim American Society (MAS) to the tune of $13,500.
As Scott Johnson at Powerline noted at the time that Ellison had conflicting stories about who paid for the trip:
The Star Tribune first reported on Ellison’s hajj in two puff pieces by Mitch Anderson this past December. Anderson first reported the statement of Ellison spokesman Rick Jauert that Ellison had paid for the trip himself. When Anderson returned to the story, he got such deep stuff from Ellison as this: “This is just me trying to be the best person I can be.” In the second story Anderson also reported that the MAS Minnesota paid for Ellison’s trip to Mecca, though Anderson didn’t pause to note the discrepancy between his two stories on this point.
As Fox News reported on the MAS sponsorship of Ellison’s trip, Ellison returned the favor to his benefactors by speaking at the 2007 and 2008 MAS-Minnesota conventions.
But who is MAS?
Fortunately, federal prosecutors cleared up the matter back in December 2007 when they said in a court filing in the federal appeal of convicted terror operative Sabri Benkahla (page 58, footnote 13):
MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Why should anyone worry about agents of the Muslim Brotherhood creeping in the back windows of the State Department, when President Obama has invited them to the front door of the White House? This is a time to unify the Republican Party, not split it, and Rep. Michele Bachmann’s misstep in the Huma Abedin […]
Latest embarrassing Obama fundraising gimmick is downright creepy
Thomas Lifson
The Obama campaign has a serious disconnect when it comes to understand the boundaries between a political candidate and people’s real lives. Apparently the vast campaign organization in Chicago that was burning through money faster than they could raise it last month is full of acolytes who really buy into the whole lightworker, messiah illusion.
Late in June, as the cash deficit must have seemed awfully scary, the campaign came up with the Bridal Registry, which presumed brides would ask guests to give to the campaign rather than a gravy boat or chafing dish. It has been an embarrassing flop. The New York Post reports:
So far, “the Event Registry” has been all but ignored on social-media sites – even though Facebook, Twitter and other networks have been a strong suit for the Obama campaign.
“The number of links and stories about the announcement is very low since the news went live on June 22,” said Meredith Klee, a spokeswoman for the social-media tracking firm Topsy.
Her site’s latest data show 1,137 posts on Twitter about the registry.
And only a few hundred links to the registry have been shared on Facebook – even though Obama has more than 27 million fans on the site, according to Topsy.
But the campaign has outdone itself. Now they have announced a raffle to have Barack Obama appear in a family picture with the lucky winning family. Seriously. See:
Summer is traditionally a weak shopping season, but lately the bargains just keep on coming. First there was an offer to have dinner with Obama and now a chance to have him there in your family photo. You can bid on an opportunity to wish Obama a happy birthday in person with the present that he likes best… money.
The prices are reasonable, and there are so many ways to buy Obama. You can play the dinner lottery or ask your wedding guests to gift to Obama. The Barack Obama website accepts all payments, Visa, Discover, Master Card, foreign donations and stolen credit cards.
The opportunities are endless. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, major disasters; everything is just another reminder to give till it hurts. All you have to do is click one of the many buttons beneath the color-tuned hues of Instagram photos of Obama or his worse half smiling while the country slides deeper into poverty and debt.
There’s a reason that they call America, “The Land of Opportunity”. Sure it’s gotten a lot harder to come here and make a fortune with your own business, but buying time with the man at the top has just gotten a lot more affordable. You may not have the big wallet of a Warren Buffett or a George Soros and you won’t cash in to the tune of a few billion dollars like they did; but for 25 bucks you might end up briefly exchanging pleasantries with the man who is slowly sending you to the poorhouse.
The designers are working overtime digging up retro fonts that summon up the image of a more prosperous America. There are so many Obama portrait shirts that they will be filling up landfills for generations. More likely, they’ll be shipped over to the Third World, along with all the other surplus clothes that people donate once the trend has passed or they no longer fit, and, somewhere in an African village, children in the year 2021 will run around playing in “Obama 2012” t-shirts and Islamic terrorists in the Sahara will execute rebellious women while wearing “Forward” shirts.
In the 22nd July edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
· Israeli biotechnology instructs a patient’s own body to make proteins to cure disease.
· Israel ran a summer camp for sick children from Gaza and the Palestinian Authority.
· An Israeli runway debris detection system received Federal Aviation Administration approval.
· A June record of a quarter of million tourists visited Israel last month.
· An accident changed an unfit executive into a top Israeli paralympic athlete.
· Israel is to return the final remnant of the Ethiopian Jewish community to the Jewish State.
“It’s not a product – it’s an industry”. Israeli biotech Medgenics’ CEO said its Biopump technology has the potential to “start a whole new pharmaceutical industry”. Medgenics’ technology manipulates patients’ own tissue to produce proteins to fight diseases, eliminating the need for hundreds of vaccines.
A deal to fight cancer. Israeli biotech BioView’s cancer scanning systems will be integrated with French company ScreenCell’s technology to isolate rare tumour cells. The combined solution will improve diagnosis and speed up medical decisions about the best treatment options.
Smoking restricted. Israel has introduced an extensive expansion of laws to prohibit smoking in public spaces in Israel, including central bus stations, covered bus stops, train platforms, government offices, hospital entrances and doorways, places of worship, swimming pools, theatres, restaurants and cafes.
New heart valve centre. US biotech ValCare is to open a centre in Israel to develop a heart valve repair device. The mitral annuloplasty device is implanted using a catheter, thus avoiding open-heart surgery. It prevents mitral valve regurgitation (blood flowing backwards into the heart) affecting 4 million US citizens.
PillCam gets approval in Japan. Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has issued reimbursement codes for Israel’s Given Imaging internal camera, so that it can be used as a first line tool in diagnoses.
Advanced medical clowning. (Thanks to Israel21c) Some of the world’s leading experts participated in the first Advanced Medical Clowning International Summer Seminar at the University of Haifa. Israel is a leader in professionalizing the field of medical clowning and providing scientific evidence for its effectiveness.
The fifties are the most productive. A study by University of Haifa researchers has shown that white-collar workers show their “highest level of professional vitality” between the ages of 50 and 60. That’s really good news for one 55-year-old newsletter editor.
28,212 tons of goods enter Gaza. Despite rockets from Gaza terrorists, Israel brings humanitarian aid into the terrorist mini-state. Over 1000 trucks carried in over 28,000 tons of merchandise each week. Hundreds of Palestinian Arab medical patients, musicians and athletes were allowed to enter Israel.
Summer camp for PA kids with cancer. 24 sick Palestinian Arab children (including from Gaza) along with their parents spent four days of fun, financed by Israel’s Civil Administration, in the Jordan Park (run by JNF).
Masters for Arza Haddad. The daughter of the late Head of the South Lebanese Army, Saad Haddad, has just graduated from Israel’s Technion with a Masters degree in Aeronautics. Arza fled from Lebanon in 1984.
Charities benefit from Israeli start-ups. Israeli non-profit organisation Tmura has contributed $6.3 million to over 100 educational programs since it started ten years ago. Tmura receives a few share options from early-stage Israeli start-ups and then exercises these options if and when the start-ups are taken over.
Clearing runways can save life. FODetect from Israel’s Xsight uses hybrid radar and electro optical technology to detect junk on runways. The system can prevent incidents such as when an Air France Concorde hit Foreign Object Debris (FOD) from a previous flight, caught fire and crashed, killing 113 people.
An exhibition for inventors. Tel Aviv is hosting the first of its kind Israeli Patents Exhibition in September. It intends to put 10,000 Israeli and foreign inventors, investors, patent attorneys, mechanical engineers and computer programmers in the same room and turn good ideas into actual products.
Yeshiva University scientists at Bar Ilan. 30 male and female undergraduate YU science majors will spend seven weeks of the summer carrying out their research in Bar Ilan University’s state-of-the-art laboratories in Tel Aviv.
New York to import Israeli tech culture. Good video clip summarising Israel Technion’s involvement in the building of New York’s Technion Cornell Innovation Institute.
Star of tomorrow. The magazine Scientific American has featured 28-year-old Israeli physicist Eldad Kepten in its “30 under 30” list of future possible Nobel Laureates. Kepten’s speciality is the stochastic dynamics of chromatin (DNA) in the cellular nucleus with advanced microscopy and single particle tracking. Wonderful!
We can rebuild it. In 2005, an Israeli F16 plane crashed on landing. The front was completely shattered, its tail was broken, the wings were curved, and the engine was filled with mud. Seven years later, the plane has been repaired and the original pilot and navigator took it back into the air.
Military device to save lives. Tel Aviv-based Netline Communications Technologies has made one of the smallest jammers ever for stopping improvised explosive devices (IEDs). It was made after a NATO country for a “handball sized” jammer that elite units like Special Forces could carry in an urban operation.
For landing on the Moon. Dozens of volunteers are working to turn Israel into the fifth country in the world, to have landed spacecraft on the moon. The team presented a model of the tiny space vehicle at a meeting of the Knesset Science and Technology Committee’s subcommittee on space.
Another record for tourism to Israel. Nearly a quarter of a million tourists visited the Jewish State in June. 1.4 million tourists arrived in Israel during the first half of 2012. Both figures are up 6% on 2011 equivalents.
The world invests in Israel. According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), global foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow to Israel totalled $11.37 billion in 2011, 106% more than the $5.51 billion in 2010.
EU & Israel sign joint research agreement. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with visiting European Union President José Manuel Barroso in Jerusalem on Monday to oversee the signing of a new water and energy cooperation deal on technological development.
Singapore shows off Israeli water technology. A delegation of 13 Israeli water technology companies are exhibiting at Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2012. Specialities include purification, advanced filtering, transport infrastructure, biological monitoring, and energy-efficient desalination solutions.
Waze reaches 20 million customers. The navigation app from Israel’s Waze has been downloaded by millions of Americans, Europeans and Israelis. Muslim Malaysia has 600,000 subscribers. Waze is now targeting Japan, Korea and China.
US fibre optics firm sees Red. US Fibre optic communications giant Finisar has bought up Israel’s RED-C Optical Networks Inc. RED-C was founded in 2000 and has over 140 employees, all of whom are located in Israel.
Phillips has a healthy future in Israel. Phillips CEO met with Israeli President Shimon Peres following his visit to Phillips’ 600-employee development team in Haifa. Peres said, “Phillips occupies a central place in Israel’s high-tech industry”.
Recharging Australia’s cars. Better Place Inc. has teamed up with Australia carmaker GM Holden Ltd. to provide battery recharging services and equipment for the Volt electric car. Customers who choose to install a Better Place Charge Spot can charge their Volt in under four hours.
Groovideo puts your family video together. (Thanks to NoCamels) Israeli Startup Groovideo’s application and web based service allows you and your friends to produce different clips for the same film simultaneously in easy steps. You upload all the clips and Groovideo combines all the segments into one final video.
Your TV knows your taste. Israel’s Jinny is a discovery engine for your TV. It suggests programs that match your taste and mood. It has now teamed up with Swisscom for integration into On Demand and live TV.
A blue & white send-off for Israel’s athletes. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s Olympic and Paralympic teams had a gala send-off at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem. The 38 Olympians and 25 Paralympians began spontaneously to sing the song “All the world is a very narrow bridge, and the main thing is not to be afraid.”
Before the accident he was a couch potato. (Thanks to Israel21c) Until a crippling motorcycle accident in 1999, Israeli high-tech exec Nati Gruberg was a paunchy couch potato. He jokes that he barely lifted a finger. In August, he’ll be one of three Israeli handcyclists heading to the London Paralympic Games.
There is one operative word in Andy McCarthy’s illuminating examination of some of the facts obscured by the weird and racuous apotheosis of Huma Abedin currently enlivening the hysterical demonization of Rep. Michele Bachmann by the media and John McCain, a grotesque and shameful display triggered by a question — one question — Bachmann and four other House Republicans have raised about Abedin’s close family connections to the rapacious Islamic supremacist group, the Muslim Brotherhood.
That word is “adults.”
Having outlined these connections, which are not, the former federal prosecutor writes, “contrived or weightless,” McCarthy notes it’s not “a crime to have close relatives who are either members of, or associated with members of such an organization. Again, however,” he patiently explains, “no one is accusing Huma Abedin of a crime.”
He continues:
The five House conservatives instead are asking questions that adults responsible for national security should feel obliged to ask: In light of Ms. Abedin’s family history, is she someone who ought to have a security clearance, particularly one that would give her access to top-secret information about the Brotherhood? Is she, furthermore, someone who may be sympathetic to aspects of the Brotherhood’s agenda, such that Americans ought to be concerned that she is helping shape American foreign policy?
Pak cop kills sister for wearing jeans LAHORE, 21 JULY: A Pakistani policeman in this eastern city allegedly shot dead his sister for wearing jeans, officials said today. Constable Asad Ali was unhappy with his sister Najma Bibi, 22, for wearing what he considered were “men’s clothes”, especially jeans, officials said. The siblings often […] Activists of Islamist students’ organization Campus Front of India brutally murdered an ABVP leader at Christian College at Chengannur in Kerala’s Alappuzha district. Two other ABVP workers were injured in the Islamists’ attack. ABVP leader Vishal (19), who was hacked by a bike-mounted gang of Islamists in front of Christian College on Monday morning, […] To address the response of Prof. Berman to my previous post on international law and Israel’s legality to administer Judea, Samaria and Gaza or, at the very least, to facilitate and encourage Jewish residency therein, requires more than a comment box so I’ll devote this post to the subject. I will simply break up […]