Team Obama has welcomed Islamists in their midst
The truism that you know someone by the company they keep has rarely been more true than in respect to the Obama administration and its burgeoning ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists. Just last weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton became the latest member of Team Obama to consort with sworn enemies of the United States when she sat down with the newly installed president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Despite official, media and academic efforts to portray Mr. Morsi — and, for that matter, the Muslim Brotherhood more generally — as the kind of people with whom the United States can safely deal in the evolving Middle East and here, the determination of these Islamists to impose their supremacist Islamic doctrine of Shariah worldwide could not be more palpable. Their hostility to America, Israel, Western civilization and other infidels goes back to the founding of the organization in 1928 and is rooted in its guiding program — Shariah — and it is absolute and unwavering. Those who say otherwise are deluding themselves or deliberately deceiving others.
Although it cannot be confirmed at this writing, Mrs. Clinton presumably was accompanied on her travels as usual — particularly in the Middle East — by her deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin. That would be all the more probable given that Ms. Abedin has myriad family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. For example, her mother, Saleha Abedin, is a leader of the organization’s secretive women’s auxiliary, the Muslim Sisterhood, in which she serves along with Mr. Morsi’s wife, Naglaa Ali Mahmoud.