Are you shocked, shocked by the anti-Semitism in France? It was ever thus. Remember 1980 and the terrible terrorist bombing of a synagogue in Paris? Then Foreign Minister Raymond Barre enraged French Jews by declaring that “three innocent people and one Jewess” had been that?….rsk
And today is the 70th anniversary of a famous French roundup of Jews the Vel’D’hiv.
Pierre-Marie Giraud Updated: 10:01 p.m. 08/juillet/2012
According to Serge Klarfeld, president of the Association of son and daughters of Jews deported from France, 1,129 men, 2,916 women and 4,115 children were huddled in the Vel d’Hiv for four days. Almost all the 13,152 Jews rounded up in Paris were deported. Among the “Vel d’Hiv”, less than a hundred – no children – survived, says Serge Klarsfeld.
PARIS (AFP) — There are 70, 16 and 17 July 1942, 13,152 foreign Jews fled to France in Paris were arrested by French police, which locked up the 8160 Winter Velodrome, near the Seine (XV) at the largest roundup of Jews in France during the Occupation.
According to Serge Klarfeld, president of the Association of son and daughters of Jews deported from France, 1,129 men, 2,916 women and 4,115 children were huddled in the Vel d’Hiv for four days.
Almost all the 13,152 Jews rounded up in Paris were deported.
Among the “Vel d’Hiv”, less than a hundred – no children – survived, says Serge Klarsfeld.
They were then taken to the camps of Beaune-la-Rolande and Pithiviers (Loiret), some 3,000 young children are brutally separated from their parents deported first. The children were deported between 17 and 31 August at Auschwitz, told AFP Mr Klarsfeld.
Simultaneously 1,989 men and 3,003 women, childless couples and singles, were arrested and imprisoned in the Drancy camp before being deported to Auschwitz also.