The New Black Panthers’ Unpunished Threats

George Zimmerman is facing charges of second-degree murder. A jury will decide his guilt or innocence. Here’s hoping the criminal-justice system cools rather than exacerbates the passions the killing of Trayvon Martin has raised.

But Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t helping. Wednesday, he appeared before the Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network to praise Sharpton “for your partnership, your friendship, and your tireless efforts to speak out for the voiceless, to stand up for the powerless, and to shine a light on the problems we must solve, and the promises we must fulfill.”

This is the same Al Sharpton who has led several rallies against Zimmerman, in which he called for civil disobedience and an “occupation” of Sanford, Fla., where the shooting occurred, if an arrest wasn’t made.

This is the same Al Sharpton who has never apologized to Steven Pagones, the assistant district attorney he falsely accused of raping Tawana Brawley, a black teenager. The “dastardly deed” Sharpton accused Pagones of was found to be a complete fabrication. In 1998, Sharpton was found liable for seven defamatory statements he’d made against Pagones and ordered to pay $65,000.


Weapons and Explosives Expert Publishes First Issue of ‘Al-Qaeda Airlines’ Magazine
GSA employees spent 5 days in Hawaii for 1-hour groundbreaking event
North Korea Missile Launch Expected in Next 24 to 48 Hours
‘Tough questions’ await Defense officials over Afghan night-raids deal
Veteran journalist, who was forced to resign after commenting that ‘Jews should go back to Germany,’ received a medal from PA President Mahmoud Abbas
Gov. Christie: Nation turning into ‘people sitting on a couch waiting for their next government check’
Obama White House pays women much less than men
Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Wednesday that scientific evidence of climate change is getting more and more powerful

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a literary hoax and forgery of disreputable antecedents. It claimed to be the records of a conference of Jews to mastermind the subjugation of the world. Occasionally, in the mainstream media, one hears the Protocols being pooh-poohed. Infrequently, a scholar of Islam and Judaism will appear as a guest to discuss the fabrication of the Protocols and the horrendous crimes it inspired.

The sordid literary genealogy of the work is a series of mongrel plagiarisms and adaptations, appropriated for political reasons by antisemitic writers and the Tsarist secret police. Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, an 1864 political satire by French writer Maurice Joly (parts of which were plagiarized from Eugene Sue’s Les Mystères du Peuple (1856), was the chief source the Protocols, and intended to excoriate Napoleon III.

Dialogue and narrative were freely lifted from Joly’s work and only slightly altered to appear in a chapter of Biarritz, an 1868 novel by the antisemitic German novelist Hermann Goedsche. This chapter contained not only plagiarized portions of Joly’s work, but also a scene from Alexander Dumas père’s novel, The Queen’s Necklace (1848, in which none of the conspirators were Jewish). The specific chapter that deals with the conspiracy of Jewish elders, “The Jewish Cemetery in Prague and the Council of Representatives of the Twelve Tribes of Israel,” which also involved Freemasons as co-conspirators, was translated into Russian in 1872 and appeared as a pamphlet.


Alas, racial tension in this country is not new. What is new is having a president who, for political gain and selfish ideological reasons, is instigating a racial divide that has not been seen for decades.

On my train ride to work this week, a black man sat near me. He was listening to his music loud enough for anyone in the vicinity to hear. As I pointed out to him that he dropped his ticket, I asked him if he would please turn his volume down since I was trying to work. He refused, told me to move, and actually turned his music up. As the conductor came by, I asked for assistance. The music man started screaming irrationally that he had all sorts of rights, and then came the kicker. “You’re complaining because I’m black.” When the conductor walked away, the volume of the music went back up — with a leer telling me to shut up, or else.

Alas, racial tension in this country is not new. What is new is having a president who, for political gain and selfish ideological reasons, is instigating a racial divide that has not been seen for decades. In order to ignite a passion in his base, Obama is intentionally taking this country back to the Civil Rights Era, when violence in the streets was commonplace. But a black person in America in 2012 has every civil right that a white person has — and then some. Affirmative action has led to black people actually having an easier time accessing certain schools, jobs, and positions of higher authority. (The exception to this seems to be if you want to work on Obama’s re-election campaign.)

The Unmentioned Significance of Recent GSA Shenanigans Mercer Tyson

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How do you turn a dollar into thirty cents? Give it to the government. It’s not Obama’s fault.It’s a function of government. That’s why we need less government.

The wanton waste of taxpayer dollars for folly and fraudulent cronyism profit has been going on for decades. That won’t change much, regardless of who is at the wheel. Who doesn’t remember a time when stories such as the military buying $2,300 toilets were commonplace, regardless of who was president?

When President Obama took office, he promised to create sweeping changes in the federal government that would cut costs and make us more efficient. From “But I will also go through the federal budget line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less, because we cannot meet 21st-century challenges with a 20th-century bureaucracy.”

RAYMOND IBRAHIM: HOW THE MEDIA WHITEWASHES MUSLIM PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS While the MSM may report the most frugal facts concerning Christian persecution, they utilize their entire arsenal of semantic games, catch phrases, and convenient omissions that uphold the traditional narrative—that Muslim violence is anything but a byproduct of the Islamic indoctrination of intolerance. When it comes to Muslim persecution of Christians, the mainstream media […]

Mainstream American Muslim Group Warns Muslims Against Working in Law Enforcement, Becoming “Pleased with a Legal System That Does Not Come from Allah”
Posted by Translating Jihad
The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA) cautioned American Muslims in a 22-page Arabic-language paper in 2008 against working in law enforcement in countries which do not rule by Allah’s dictates. One of their main concerns was that such work might cause Muslims to gain love and respect for secular laws:

…there are many evils which result from working in law enforcement, the greatest of which is compelling people to obey rulings which do not come from Allah. It could also cause reverence and love for these rulings to enter the heart of the police officer, and perhaps spread to the hearts of his family members and other Muslims who see him at the mosque or even Muslims in general. They could lose conviction of governance by Allah, and become pleased with a legal system that does not come from Allah. (italics added)

AMJA provided some allowances for Muslims to work in certain law enforcement professions, fearing that a lack of Muslim representation in this sector could bring negative effects for the Muslim community. They also reasoned that Muslims working as police officers might be able to use their positions to help the Muslim community, such as helping out with traffic near their mosques and protecting their mosques. Still, there was concern that some of these might be required to enforce laws contrary to the shari’a, such as “arrest[ing] a Muslim man whose wife said he ‘raped’ her.”

The AMJA paper specifically forbade Muslims from working for the FBI or in national security positions, due to their alleged arbitrary targeting of certain Muslims for “their political beliefs, charity work, or some of their convictions under the shari’a”–an apparent reference to counterterrorism investigations against Muslim suspects.

The paper also made clear that Muslims are to seek justice not in secular courts, but in Islamic courts which are compliant with their shari’a: “It is not permissible to pursue justice in the man-made (i.e. non-Islamic) judiciary, except where there is an absence of a shari’a-compliant substitute capable of restoring one’s rights and working out one’s grievances” (see my translation of another AMJA paper on working in the judiciary here).

Throughout the paper it is made clear that the duty of Muslims is not to uphold and respect the laws of the land in which they reside, but rather to do everything in their power to make the laws of Allah–the shari’a–supreme:

[Muslims are] to seek through legal means which exist in the countries in which they reside to make it possible for themselves to seek legal recourse in their shar’ia, and (not only) for personal affairs.

The duty to make Islam supreme comes above all, even preserving one’s life:

We must remember that preserving the religion comes before preserving one’s self, mind, wealth, honor, or offspring. […] But if saving [the individual’s] life destroys Islam, then saving Islam comes first, even if it means the individual is destroyed. This is the case with jihad against the infidels, and the killing of apostates, and so forth.

It is worth stressing once again that AMJA–whose stated purpose is to “clarify the rulings of the sharia which are relevant for those who live in America”–is a mainstream American Muslim organization. Their membership list contains a large number of highly-influential American imams and Muslim leaders, including Muhammad al-Majid of the Adam Center in Virginia; Hussein Hamed Hassan, director of the financial consultancy firm which advises Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and other large American banking institutions; Zulfiqar Ali Shah, former president of Islamic Circle of North America and current executive director of the Fiqh Council of North America; and the author of this paper, Dr. Hatem al-Haj, MD, PhD, a fellow at the American Academy of Pediatrics, and founder and president of “Building Blocks of Islam.”

A longer list of some of their prominent American members follows:

Into the Fray: Stop calling a “spade” a “manually operated tool for producing elevation differentials in earth’s crust.”

There is something frankly silly to me about a Jewish community that feels so self- confident in how our values apply in Bosnia, the former Soviet Union and Darfur, but is so timid in talking about how our values apply in [Israel] the place we care about most. – Peter Beinart, Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, June 21, 2010

Benjamin Netanyahu, understands that the standing ovation he got in Congress this year …was bought and paid for by the Israel lobby (September 17, 2011)…. The powerful pro- Israel lobby in an election season can force the administration to defend Israel at the UN, even when it knows Israel is pursuing policies not in its own interest or America’s. (13 December, 2011) – Tom Friedman, New York Times


Jonathan Pollard: Clemency Long Overdue
by Jerrold L. Sobel


Back on New Years Day of this year, the Tea Party Tribune published, “Jonathan Pollard: Revisited Again and again,” the third of three articles I had written about Jonathan Pollard and the wrongful sentence he received for the crime he committed. Some of my dear readers wrote to me me “he’s a traitor,” “he should rot in hell,” and so on. Interestingly, I was accused of being a leftist for stating Pollard had engaged in criminal behavior; me being accused of being a leftist, that’s a new one, others on the right called for my head because I advocated for his release. In all my years of writing I can’t remember another situation having to defend my position to both sides of the political spectrum. What castigators on both sides fail to recognize, this is not about left or right, it’s not about Pollard being Jewish; although the veracity of this statement could come into question, it’s not even about Pollard. It’s about a modern day injustice which has kept a man incarcerated for an inordinate amount of time despite protestations from those most closely related to this action.

For those interested in the facts of this case and not just gut feelings, you may wish to read the article.
Jonathan Pollard: Revisited Again and again

However, mitigating circumstances aside; and there are many, the question begs, why after 26 long years; many of which served in solitary confinement hasn’t Pollard been granted clemency? Many, many people have done far worse and in times of war but have been either pardoned or granted clemency, why not Pollard? Let’s review some of them.

CLIMATEGATE PROFESSOR MICHAEL MANN REPORTEDLY OFFERED “CHAIRED PROFESSORSHIP AT UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA–Reportedly-offered-chaired-professorship-at-UVA – By Marc Morano – Climate Depot Climate Depot has learned that Climategate professor Michael Mann, who has been at the center of a legal firestorm, may be moving back to the University of Virginia. Climate Depot has heard that the UVA Environmental Sciences department has just offered Mann a “chaired professorship”. Sources tell […]