
Herr Günter Grass:

By now you must be tired of hearing how shameful it is for a former SS man to denounce Israel as a threat to world peace at a time when the government of Iran (among others) publicly threatens to annihilate the Jewish state. It is obscene to suggest, as you did in your diatribe “What Must Be Said,” that Israel might “annihilate the Iranian people.” Now that we have that out of the way, I would to set your straight about your own country’s tragedy. It’s all your fault. Well, perhaps not exactly your fault, but the fault of your way of thinking and of people who thought like you. I am not talking about your enthusiastic service to the Nazis. I am going to surprise you.

People tend to forget that you hate Germany and the Germans almost as much as you hate Israel and the Jews. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the disgusting German Democratic Republic collapsed, you will recall, you pleaded with your government to give this monster another lease on life — not to reunify Germany, but to keep the GDR intact. As I used to tell my German friends before Wiedervereinigung, if you Germans had been as smart as us Jews, you would have gotten your own national homeland right after the war, like we did. But you hate the Germans so much that you did not want them together in a single state. That doesn’t make us Jews feel any better, but your consistency is duly noted.



In the middle of the battle for this year’s Republican nomination, a curiously irrelevant diversion has appeared. Suddenly, we’re told, a “Hillary 2016” bandwagon has sprung up out of nowhere. Senator Gillibrand proposed the idea, Nancy Pelosi endorsed it, Bill Clinton has coyly denied it (but given it his blessing), and a Google search discloses over 300 hits about it.

In Hollywood, they say that if a starlet gets on a magazine cover, she’s lucky, if she gets on two, she’s good, but if she gets on half a dozen, all at once, she’s got a good agent. Those 300 hits mean that somebody has been very busy. But to what end? To quote an earlier article about Hillary, “just as in Las Vegas, there are no coincidences in politics.” This curious timing must mean something.


How Obama Destroys His Enemies Posted By Ben Shapiro

URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/09/how-obama-destroys-his-enemies/

President Obama has always disliked free speech as a general matter, particularly for those who oppose him. He frequently suggests that those who disagree with him simply lack the power of reason; he constantly attacks those who do not bow to his opinions. In the last month alone he has directly castigated the Supreme Court (it would be “unprecedented,” he said, for them to strike down Obamacare); Rush Limbaugh (he called up Sandra Fluke to tell her how out of line Limbaugh was); and Congress (if they don’t act on whatever it is he wants, he will go it alone).

But he has one problem: the First Amendment does not allow him, as president, to use the power of government to fight his enemies. Obama’s solution to this dilemma lies in 501(c)3 charitable organizations working in close tandem with the federal government.

Here’s how it works. First, President Obama forges deep and abiding connections with like-minded charitable organizations. These are theoretically supposed to be non-partisan, but they are typically not – they have a direct line to the White House. So, for example, Media Matters for America coordinates routinely with the White House on important issues of the day. And they are experts at initiating so-called secondary boycotts.


Egyptian Cleric: It’s an ‘Obligation to Cheat at Elections’ Posted By Raymond Ibrahim

URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/09/egyptian-cleric-its-an-obligation-to-cheat-at-elections/

Over and over, evidence emerges from Islamic nations that democracy and voting are instrumental means to an intrinsic end: the establishment of a decidedly undemocratic but draconian form of law—Islamic law, or Sharia.

Earlier, for instance, there was Dr. Talat Zahran, an Egyptian cleric who proclaimed that it is “obligatory to cheat at elections—a beautiful thing.” His logic was simple: voting is a tool, an instrument, the only value of which is to empower Sharia.

Now an Egyptian cleric has thoroughly Islamized the concept of voting.

Context: the presidential campaign of Abu Ismail—the Salafi candidate who openly declared that there is no freedom in Islam, the candidate most likely to try to implement the totality of Sharia if elected—has been compromised due to recent allegations that his mother was an American citizen. In response, Hazim Shuman, a cleric that appears on satellite, just issued a fatwa saying, “Voting for Abu Ismail is jihad in the path of Allah [jihad fi sabil Allah], and paradise awaits whoever is martyred during Abu Ismail’s political campaign.”

Anyone familiar with Islam’s language knows that jihad fi sabil Allah is synonymous with violence or, from a non-Muslim perspective, terror. For example, the standard Islamic legal text, Umdat al-Salik (“Reliance of the Traveler”) translates fi sabil Allah as “those fighting for Allah”; next to the index entry for fi sabil Allah it simply says “see jihad.”

Incidentally, “jihad in the path of Allah” is what conquered most of what is now called the “Muslim world.”


More Obama Leaks to Sabotage Israel? Posted By P. David Hornik

URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/09/more-obama-leaks-to-sabotage-israel/

On Sunday the Washington Post published an article that seems to further validate those who believe the Obama administration is running a campaign of leaks aimed at stopping Israel from attacking Iran.

Called “U.S. intelligence gains in Iran seen as boost to confidence,” the article cites “officials” saying that “expanded intelligence collection has reinforced the view within the White House that it will have early warning of any move by Iran to assemble a nuclear bomb….”

Authors Joby Warrick and Greg Miller mention a “covert campaign by the CIA and other agencies to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program” and quote a “senior U.S. official” who claims “there is confidence that we would see activity indicating that a decision [to build a nuclear bomb] had been made.”

The article does include some qualifications, mentioning officials who “conceded that aspects of Iran’s nuclear decision-making remain opaque” as well as “the chastening experience of Iraq.” But its main thrust is that “Israeli officials [who] have pushed for a more aggressive response” are jumping the gun, with “White House officials contend[ing] that…it would take Iran at least a year to [build a nuclear weapon] if it were to launch a crash program now.”


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/09/justice-kagans-ineligibility-to-rule-on-obamacare/?utm_source=FrontPage+Magazine&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1d00af143c-Mailchimp_FrontPageMag It is no secret that whatever ruling the United States Supreme Court reaches on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the decision will have monumental repercussions for the nation and the Obama administration. Critical to that ruling is the ability by individual justices to render an impartial decision on the issue. Considering […]


http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3003/muslim-brotherhood-political-terrorism-strategy “The Ikhwan [Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” from: An Explanatory Memorandum […]


HEADLINE: Israel has reacted with hysteria over Gunter Grass German author Gunter Grass, a Nobel laureate for literature, did no more than write a poem. The State of Israel, through its interior minister, reacted with hysteria.


The position of the Israeli Fascist Left has never been so clear
as it is these days. The leftwing fascists, led by Haaretz are
falling all over one another to identify with German ex-Nazi and
Neo-Nazi author Gunter Grass and his “poem” expressing desire for
Israel’s extermination. Haaretz today runs an editorial, not an
Op-Ed, denouncing Israel’s Minister of Interior for declaring Grass a
persona non grata. The Palestinian newspaper printed in Hebrew
denounces such a policy as a policy non grata. See English version
here: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/israel-has-reacted-with-hysteria-over-gunter-grass-1.423312

After all, what did Grass really do that was so awful, bellow the
lefties, all he did was write a poem! Freedom of expression!
Academic freedom.

And all this coming from exactly the same people who are demanding
and petitioning the court that the authors of a controversial book on
Rabbinic law be arrested, jailed, and their book burned. After all,
what did THEY really do that was so awful? Write a book. And the
leftwing fascists are also demanding that anyone who even RECOMMENDS
that people read that book also be jailed. The only possible
conclusion is that leftwing fascists favor freedom of speech only for
anti-Israel and anti-Jwish opinions but not for anyone else.
CERTAINLY never for CRITICS of leftiwng treason!!

It is time to proclaim Haaretz a treasonous newspaper non grata.



Al Beeb on its website carries excerpts from a radio interview on the BBC World Service with a genuine Saudi princess, resident in London. These excerpts focus on the institutionalised oppression and infantilisation of women in the desert kingdom. In the course of these remarks relating to women she also touches on other aspects of Saudi society – the fossilised educational curriculum and the endemic poverty encompassing much of society – which she emphasises must also be changed.

For example:

‘The content of the syllabus is extremely dangerous. For one, our young are taught that a woman’s position in society is inferior. Her role is strictly limited to serving her family and raising children. They are actually taught that if a woman has to worship anyone other than God it should be her husband; “that the angels will curse her if she is not submissive to her husband’s needs”. Girls are also strictly forbidden from taking part in any physical education. This is a result of a complete misinterpretation of the Koran. I consider these ideologies to be inherently abusive.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.11751/pub_detail.asp In the “glory years” of the global warming hoax, you had Al Gore picking up Oscars and Nobel Prizes (shared with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and government employees like James Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies were picking up wads of cash as awards, speech fees, and grants. The […]