Obama: Forgo wedding gifts, give to me instead
Obama asks supporters who are gettin…
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Krauthammer: Obama’s naked lawlessness
Federal immigration laws remain on t…
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Illinois beats California with whopping $43.8b deficit
llinois’ financial condition continu…
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Obama campaign blew $33k at Hollywood nightclub
The Daily Caller
Thursday, June 21, 2012
News outlets are making hay out of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign spending $385.24 at a popular Arizona nightclub that includes a “specialty champagne bar in the co-ed bathroom.” But last year, President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign spent much more money at a trendy Hollywood club known for throwing parties like its annual Playmates Of Hollywood Lingerie Fashion Show. Read more…
Pelosi urges Obama to eliminate debt ceiling by fiat
The Washington Examiner
Friday, June 22, 2012
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., thinks that President Obama should unilaterally eliminate the debt ceiling rather than negotiate with Congress to spend more money when the United States hits the debt ceiling later this year. Read more…
Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1ybtqbAxM