A Brief case for a Renewed Alliance of Free English-Speaking Peoples by DANIEL HANNANYou can find this online at: http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/a-brief-case-for-a-renewed-alliance-of-free-english-speaking-peoples
I’ll go to the ends of the Earth to argue against the EU. Almost literally in this instance.
But there was a particular reason why I wanted to take the battle to New Zealand. At the beginning of the year, I set myself the goal of touring the core Anglosphere nations to make the case for a renewed alliance of free English-speaking peoples.
I’ve duly harangued audiences in Ireland, the United States, Canadaand Australia.New Zealand completes the set: thanks to Oliver Hartwich and the NZ Initiative. All I now want is to get through the summer without another longhaul flight (sorry, Singapore!)
Still, I learned one thing. The Anglosphere isn’t fanciful or romantic or passé. Across the Anglophone democracies, there is a continuity of values that is immediately palpable to anyone who has travelled elsewhere: common law, representative government, private property, control of the executive by the legislature, equality before the courts, free enterprise, habeas corpus, residual rights, trial by jury, limited government. It’s especially moving to see how easily these values are embraced by people with non-British backgrounds.