Egyptian Clerics Repeat Franklin Prophecy Myth, Call the Jews “Donkeys” and “Apes and Pigs,” and Say: Making Our Children Loathe the Jews Is a Form of Worship of AllahFollowing are excerpts from Al-Rahma TV featuring Egyptian clerics discussing the Jews, which aired on March 6, 2012:

Egyptian cleric Gharib Ramadhan: There are very many traits that characterize the Jews, and the Koran focused on a few of them, such as the violation of commitments, from which we suffer to this day. Not just us in Egypt – the entire world suffers from this.Another trait is their hard-heartedness, God forbid. If you want to know what true hard-heartedness means, go to the Jews. You will find a lot of it there.

They were deported from England by King Edward, and from France by King Philip. They were deported from Hungary, from Belgium, from Czechoslovakia, from Austria – I won’t start with the dates – from Holland, from the Kingdom of Naples, from Russia… Wherever they go they get deported and then they return. For example, they went back to France and to Hungary, and were deported again. If they are good people, how come people get rid of them?Allah punished them by transforming them into apes and pigs, and by prohibiting them from eating several edible things. He forbade them to eat anything with claws – animals and birds that do not have cloven hooves, like camels, geese, ducks… They are prohibited from eating ducks. If Sheik Amin were here, he could have told us how greatly they were punished.Moderator: May Allah reward you, Dr. Gharib.


Dear Fellow American, Remember how the leftwing media crucified Sarah Palin in the 2008 election? Well, now they’ve made “Joe the Plumber” their new target. Since winning my primary Tuesday night, the media has made it their number one mission to discredit my candidacy and annihilate my character. I’ve been painted as a bigot, told […]

DOJ FILES OBJECTION TO TEXAS VOTER ID LAW….ANOTHER “OVERREACH” Justice Department files objection to Texas voter ID law The Obama administration has once more gone too far in its “overreach,” Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Monday, after the Justice Department objected to the state’s new voter photo ID law, saying Texas failed to demonstrate that the law is not discriminatory by design against […]


If not for Sen. Jeff Sessions, who would protect our Constitution from assault by Obama, Panetta & Co.?

President Obama and his congressional cohorts have never paid much attention to our Constitution. Nancy Pelosi laughed off the idea of considering it when Obamacare was debated.

Much the same is true whether Obama is implementing Obamacare or brushing aside other constitutional limits on his powers. Remember the “concession” he made on requiring religious institutions to pay for contraception? He just amended the regulations to require the insurance companies to pay for it, without anyone paying them back. That, my friends, is what we call a “Fifth Amendment taking” for which the government — by seizing something belonging to a private citizen — is responsible to pay the damaged party, even if it is an insurance company.

Such constitutional abuses are commonplace these days, but last Thursday the Obama regime took a far more sweeping and dark turn in a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was testifying on possible military action against Syria. Under questioning by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala), Panetta said some things that need to be set out clearly before I analyze or characterize them.

The issue is Congress’s power to declare war. Under our Constitution, only Congress has the power to declare war (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11) and this power is co-extensive with the power of the president as commander in chief. They — Congress and the president — are the only authorities named directly or indirectly as having a constitutional role in that decision.

DR. MARTIN SHERMAN- BARACK, BIBI AND THE BOMB Is a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv the only evidence that the Obama administration will accept as proof of Iranian intentions? Until now, I have refrained from writing on the Iranian issue for various reasons – but mainly because, without being privy to updated intelligence or to Israel’s true operational capabilities, it is almost […]


A Heinous Crime and a Double Standard

An American soldier has committed a heinous crime in Afghanistan, entering the homes of Afghan civilians, murdering at least 16 people, and wounding five. Barack Obama immediately called Afghan President Hamid Karzai to offer his condolences, said that he was “deeply saddened,” and announced that he was launching an investigation “to get the facts as quickly as possible and to hold accountable anyone responsible.”

Obama also said in a statement: “I offer my condolences to the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives and to the people of Afghanistan, who have endured too much violence and suffering. This incident is tragic and shocking and does not represent the exceptional character of our military.”

Indeed it does not, and the soldier, reportedly a staff sergeant, should be prosecuted and punished as severely as military justice allows: he has brought shame and discredit upon the U.S. military at a particularly delicate time in Afghanistan, when tempers are running high after the Qur’an-burning incident. And Karzai was in no mood to accept American assurances that the crime would be investigated and the perpetrator punished, saying in a statement of his own: “This is an assassination, an intentional killing of innocent civilians and cannot be forgiven.”


“History proves that the white man is a devil,” said Malcolm X. “Whites are liars,” said Jeremiah Wright. “I love to harass white folks,” said Derrick Bell.

“This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy,” a black teenager said to Allen Coon, a white student on the porch of his own home, as he set him on fire.

“Don’ tell me words don’t matter,” Obama once said. And he was right. Words do matter. The words of his mentors that have rooted hate so deep in the black community that it has become a cancer, a sore that bleeds violence, a stain on the soul.

While white racism continues to decline year by year, black racism has advanced to the White House and into the hearts and minds of millions. It leads to everything from discrimination to murder. It led to a thirteen-year-old boy screaming as fire ate at the flesh of his face, burning away the white skin that his attackers had been taught to hate so much.

The Butcher and the Surgeon
They call Bashar al-Assad “son of the butcher,” but he is merely a butcher twice removed.

The original butcher of Syria was Abul Abbas al-Saffah, the last appellation meaning “shedder of blood.” In 750 C.E., al-Saffah marched into Damascus and overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate. Concerned about a possible Umayyad resurgence, he invited the remaining family members to a conciliatory dinner and clubbed them to death before the first course.

A more recent Syrian butcher was Hafez al-Assad, Bashar’s father, who massacred 20,000 to 30,000 people in Hama on a single evening in 1982, then killed the livestock. Hafez intended his oldest son, Bassel—as murderous and conspiratorial as his father—as his successor. But Bassel had a playboy side and died driving a Maserati at 150 miles per hour. The Syrian leadership blamed the Mossad, and the mantle of successor was laid upon the thin shoulders of Hafez’s next-oldest son, Bashar. When Hafez died in July, 2000, Bashar was in London, enrolled in a post-doctoral program at the Western Eye Hospital. He was—maybe still is—an ophthalmologist, an eye surgeon. Ayman Zawaheri, head of al-Qaeda, is a pediatrician. Adherence to the Hippocratic oath does not prevent one from being a thug.

HOT PICKS FROM FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS White House Official Says Obama Insisted Netanyahu Postpone Attack on Iran Until After November Elections…[YNET HT/WEASEL ZIPPERS] U.S. offers condolences as U.S. service member investigated for alleged killing of Afghan civilians [FOX] ‘IAF strikes in Gaza kill 2 Islamic Jihad terrorists’ [JPOST] Iran rattles sabers: ’11,000 missiles ready to launch’ at Israel, US targets […]

ALEX ALEXIEV: WHY IS THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AFRAID OF HUNGARY? As Europe struggles inconclusively to stem the fiscal implosion that threatens the Euro and perhaps the European Union itself, another, largely unnoticed and seemingly peripheral, conflict may provide as much if not more insight into the systemic weaknesses of the once-promising European project. Technically, at issue is a quarrel between the European Commission (EC) […]