MATTHEW M. HAUSMAN: THE DEATH OF OSLO AND THE REBIRTH OF JORDAN IS PALESTINE The Death of Oslo and the Rebirth of Jordan-is-Palestine  The “Jordan-is-Palestine” option for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict is an idea that, despite history and logic, was beaten into silence by Israel’s enemies and detractors. Critics denounced the concept as preposterous, reactionary and counterproductive. And yet, the idea has been resurrected from within Jordan itself. […]

New Pro-Palestinian Chutzpah Tactic To Silence Pro-Israel Professors

In blatant chutzpah, if the pro-Palestinians at UCSD will allow a Yiddish term, they have launched a specious campaign to claim they were harassed and insulted by their opponents. This false claim is in order to step up their own fear, slander and harassment that silences students and faculty at UCSD and other campuses from defending Israel.
These false charges are a test experiment to use elsewhere to counter the documented charges of harassment and violence by pro-Palestinian students at other campuses that have been deemed serious enough to be taken up by the federal government under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, and for which ten students were convicted for their acts at U of C Irvine.


“We gave the Palestinians money to help the poor, but they spend it on hate education.” — Andrew Percy, M.P.

It does not often happen that a cabinet minister loses his temper and starts scolding a parliamentarian of his own party. Last week, however, William Hague, the normally even-tempered British Foreign Secretary and one of the most influential politicians of the governing Conservative Party, lost his cool in a heated discussion with thirty MPs belonging to the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI). The MPs accused Haig of being part of a “bigoted” Foreign Office plot against Israel.

“The Foreign Office is not pro-Palestinian. I’ve never heard such claptrap,” an angry Haig snapped at Douglas Carswell MP when the latter told Haig that he is “under the thumb” of “pro-Arabist” diplomats in the Foreign Office. “The Foreign Office displays a kind of bigotry towards Israel,” Carswell said. “The whole idea of self-determination in the Middle East is anathema to some Foreign Office people. It is anti-Israel just as it is pro-EU.”


Hitler or not, the Nazi comparison is real

When the Hitler analogy is lodged against Jew-hating dictatorships, publicly hanging gays and stoning women to death, commentators denounce not the regime, but the comparison.Among the overused tropes of contemporary political discourse, few are as resilient as the Hitler analogy. Both liberals and conservatives indulge in this rhetorical practice – including politicians, commentators, celebrities, and academics.

To cite just a few from the superabundance of examples:

– Colorado Prof. Ward Churchill calling victims – not perpetrators – of the 9/11 attacks on New York’s Twin Towers “little Eichmanns,” accusing them of moral complicity in alleged U.S. military atrocities.

– Left-wing entertainer Linda Ronstadt calling the Bush administration a “new bunch of Hitlers” during the 2004 Presidential campaign.

– Republican Senator Rick Santorum comparing Democratic opponents of President Bush’s judicial nominees to “Adolf Hitler in 1942 saying, ‘I’m in Paris . . . How dare you bomb my city? It’s mine.’”


The high priests of global warming have lost their prestige. They’re still chanting the same old mantras. But no one’s listening, no one cares.

Something extraordinary is happening in the great Climate Wars. I had a taste of it just the other day on an LBC talk show. The producer had only booked me in for a ten-minute slot, in case the listeners weren’t interested in my boring new book about that tediously hackneyed subject Man Made Global Warming. But the switchboards were jammed and the station ended up keeping me in for a full hour to reply to all the calls.

There was one big problem though: “We can hardly find ANYONE who disagrees with you,” whispered the show’s host, Julia Hartley-Brewer. This was true. By the end, things had got so desperate that I found myself accidentally picking fights with callers who were on my side. An easy mistake to make for someone on my (sceptical) side of the debate: we card-carrying Satanic “deniers” are so used to being vilified at every turn it really feels kind of weird suddenly to be in tune with the popular mood.

THE RISE OF NEWSPEAK: DANIEL GREENFIELD The Rise of Newspeak Posted By Daniel Greenfield What we think the talking heads are talking about when they condemn racism, misogyny or some other form of bigotry is entirely detached from what they are actually talking about. If you are reading this, the odds are that you define racism as an expression of […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: OBAMA TO CONGRESS: “YOU’RE IRRELEVANT” Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave testimony in the Senate yesterday that was just breathtaking: asserting that the Obama administration believes it can go to war against Syria by obtaining permission from an international tribunal — the United Nations and/or NATO — and that no authorization from Congress is needed. The video is posted […]


More Obama Tapes: Michelle Obama a Race Agitating Occupier? Posted By J. Christian Adams
URL to article:

A treasure trove of information is coming out regarding Barack Obama’s time in college. Over at the Breitbart sites, we are learning how Obama inserted himself into a fight to implement hiring on the basis of race at Harvard Law School. The Obama tapes also seem to show the other Obama – Michelle – occupying the Harvard Law School dean’s office. The occupiers were agitating for the race-based hiring of Harvard law professors.

The racialist fight at Harvard Law from 1988 to 1991 swirls around Professor Derrick Bell. As detailed over at Big Government, Professor Bell was a role model to law student Barack Obama. But he also openly advocated for a variety of racialist views wholly outside the American mainstream. Some of them are outright crazy. He deliberately used his position as a professor to teach racially charged theories of structural oppression by whites. Obama, nevertheless, now famously urged us “to open up our hearts and minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell.”


Discussing the constitutionality of Obamacare’s “preventive health” measures on MSNBC, Melinda Henneberger of the Washington Post told Chris Matthews that she reasons thus with her liberal friends: “Maybe the Founders were wrong to guarantee free exercise of religion in the First Amendment, but they did.”

Maybe. A lot of other constitutional types in the Western world have grown increasingly comfortable with circumscribing religious liberty. In 2002, the Swedish constitution was amended to criminalize criticism of homosexuality. “Disrespect” of the differently orientated became punishable by up to two years in jail, and “especially offensive” disrespect by up to four years. Shortly thereafter, Pastor Ake Green preached a sermon referencing the more robust verses of scripture, and was convicted of “hate crimes” for doing so.


Was Derrick Bell a radical when Barack Obama told us all to open our hearts and minds? Thomas Sowell was asked about Bell at the time. Here’s what he said:

SOWELL: Oh, political purposes. I just a couple of days ago was told by someone from Wellesley that there’s a divestment campaign at Wellesley, demonstrations, the whole thing, and that those black girls who did not want to participate in that were threatened with violence — and that’s not unique. At Stanford the Hispanic students, some Hispanic students, have complained that the Hispanic establishment has threatened them if they don’t want to go along with what’s being said and done, and they claim that only 15% of the Hispanic students at Stanford have ever attended a single event sponsored by the Hispanic establishment, which speaks boldly in their name. Ah, and so you have this kind of thing going on at these schools across the country. Again, notice, that once, once you let in the students who cannot make, meet the academic standards, you’re going to end up having to let in professors who can’t meet the academic standards. You’re going to have to create courses that don’t meet the academic standards.
LAMB: Correct me on the, on the names and everything. Derrick Bell?
LAMB: Harvard Law School, black man.
LAMB: Threatened the law school if they didn’t hire a black woman, he’s going, he’s leaving?
SOWELL: Well, if I understand it correctly, he’s taking unpaid leave until such time as they hire a woman of color, as he says. Well, he’s also said that by black, he does not mean skin color, he means those who are really black, not those who think white and look black. And so what he is really saying is he wants ideological conformity in the people that are hired to fill this position. That’s not uncommon either. I know a black woman, for example, who had a Ph.D. — she’s had a book published, she has another contract on another book, she’s taught at a couple of very nice places, she has a devil of a time getting a job — not a job in a prestigious institution, a job teaching at a college. And the reason is that she gets shot down, blackballed, whatever, by people who don’t like her ideology. That’s happening not only racially, it’s also happening where race is not an issue. In a law school, I learned recently, there’s a woman who was being considered for a tenured position, and all the men voted for her and all the woman voted against her, because she does not follow radical feminism, and so you’re getting these ideological tests, so that at the very time that there’s all this mouthing of the word diversity, there is this extremely narrow ideological conformity that is being enforced wherever people have the power to enforce it.