The struggle over Migron is a symptom of the government’s inability to make policy decisions.

“Moving Migron from one hilltop to another, destroying Jewish communities and homes and evacuating Jews won’t solve fundamental question of whether Jews have the right to live in Judea and Samaria, and to whom this area rightfully belongs.”

Confused about Migron? You should be after so much misinformation. Try these basic questions: Where is the alleged Arab owner of the land? Why doesn’t he show up with proper documents and demand his property? Answer: Because the person who registered this property with the Jordanian government died in or about 1965, apparently without heirs.

According to Ministers Dan Meridor and Bennie Begin, once land is registered it is considered private property. If someone else uses it without his/her permission, it’s against the law. This is true, except for one critical fact: the alleged Arab owner never bought the property. He received it as a gift from the then-king of Jordan Hussein, but never used it or paid taxes on it. That’s a problem.

Why members of the Islamic faith see him as one of the flock.
“Perhaps it is my–and most Muslims’– loyalty to the umma that is behind our insistence on seeing Obama as Muslim. Islam survived and continues to survive because Muslims believe we have to respect and take care of each other, as members of the umma. If we were to start excluding members, or revising our broad guidelines for admittance, the very essence of the community feeling that is important in Islam, that gives me and other Muslims comfort everyday, would be undercut. So when Obama says he’s not Muslim, my umma mentality says I know better. Once you have a Muslim parent, especially a dad, you’re in. Whether you like it or not, Muslims all over the world see you as one of them.”

I know President Obama is not Muslim, but I am tempted nevertheless to think that he is, as are most Muslims I know. In a very unscientific oral poll, ranging from family members to Muslim acquaintances, many of us feel, just as African-Americans did for the non-black but culturally leaning African-American President Bill Clinton, that we have our first American Muslim president in Barack Hussein Obama.


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