
Between the modern and the post-modern worlds, peace negotiations took on the fevered air of senseless enthusiasm that was once the sole preserve of wars. Once upon a time it was treasonous to oppose wars, now it is virtually mandatory to do so. Today it is treasonous to oppose peace processes, no matter how ill-founded, how senseless and how pointless they might be. The treason is no longer toward a country, but toward an ideal.

What ideal is it that the peace process represents? The ideal that we are all basically alike, that we might speak different languages, wave different flags and have differently shaped borders, but that we are all basically alike. We all want peace and wars only happen when our jingoistic leaders mislead us into a conflict. Peace happens when ordinary people of goodwill under the leadership of a few enlightened peacemongers get together and realize how much they have in common and that any disputes they have can be settled over some coffee or tea…….READ IT ALL

The Price of a Koran
What does a Koran cost? You can get a full color one for the Kindle for only 99 cents, just don’t expect it to feature any pictures of old Mo. If you want to go deluxe, you can get a hardcover edition that runs three different translations side by side for around 40 bucks. But if you want to be more practical about it, the price of a Koran is the lives of six American soldiers.
That butcher’s bill doesn’t count the soldiers who burned the Korans, who despite following procedure will be penalized on orders of the White House which thinks that punishing American soldiers will somehow satisfy the Koran fueled bloodlust of men who aren’t satisfied with their corpses. READ IT ALL


Schneider: Preserving the U.S.-Israeli Alliance http://thedartmouth.com/2012/02/09/opinion/schneider/print In his recent column (“The Case Against the Israel Lobby,” Feb. 7), Don Casler blindly leveled the highly controversial assertion that the so-called “Israel Lobby” manipulates American foreign policy against our national interest. In his piece, Casler fails to provide any legitimate evidence supporting his claims, but instead, he […]


Hamas Preacher: Al Aqsa Can’t Remain under Apes, Pigs
‘Palestinian’ incitement against Jews; Hamas preacher declares Al Aqsa cannot remain under the control of “asses carrying books.”

Media Research Institute (MEMRI) exposed another disconcerting video of ‘Palestinian’ incitement against the Jewish people. The video relays a Hamas preacher from Khan Yunis, Gaza, which aired on Al Aqsa TV on February 24, declaring that the Al Aqsa mosque cannot remain under the control of “apes and pigs.”

“We say loud and clear: The struggle for Palestine is not a political struggle. It is a purely ideological struggle. It is a clear religious struggle between Islam and Zionism. It is a struggle between Truth and Falsehood, between Islam and heresy, between light and darkness, between good and evil,” the preacher stated.

“We cannot possibly accept (Al Aqsa) remaining under the control of those whom Allah described as a bunch of apes and pigs, the scholars of whom Allah described as asses carrying books, or as a dog that pants when you beat it and pants when you don’t.”

“After all these description of the base position that befits them — these contemptible people cannot lord over the great people, these slaves cannot lord over the masters. The masters today are all the Muslims,” he continued.


Don’t believe Obama when he says he has Israel’s back.

Breira is the organization to which Stephens refers when he says Wolf started an organization in the early 70s. Arnold Jacob Wolf, whom Beinart singles out as the center of the far left coterie who shaped Obama’s attitudes toward Israel, was chairman of Breira, the first of the Jewish organizations (J Street is its current descendant) which sought to destroy Israel in the name of saving her soul. In 1977 AFSI published an expose of Breira by Rael Jean Isaac that the organization itself credited with leading to its demise. Readers interested in learning more about Breira and the ideas and role of Arnold Jacob Wolf can find the Breira pamphlet on the AFSI website. I will reproduce in a subsequent Ruthfully “The Rabbis of Breira” which has more material on the writings of Arnold Jacob Wolf. Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee. Isaiah 49:17

Should Israelis and pro-Israel Americans take President Obama at his word when he says—as he did at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference in Washington, D.C., on Sunday—”I have Israel’s back”?


Here is a president who fought tooth-and-nail against the very sanctions on Iran for which he now seeks to reap political credit. He inherited from the Bush administration the security assistance to Israel he now advertises as proof of his “unprecedented” commitment to the Jewish state. His defense secretary has repeatedly cast doubt on the efficacy of a U.S. military option against Iran even as the president insists it remains “on the table.” His top national security advisers keep warning Israel not to attack Iran even as he claims not to “presume to tell [Israeli leaders] what is best for them.”



“Mr. Obama, with his high regard for his reputation as a man with singular gifts of pretty speech, no doubt imagines he has discharged his obligations to an ally with words (and a few notes of the music). If he were a true student of the Muslim mind, instead of being merely an admirer of the cultural gifts of Islam (such as they are), he would understand that the hard men in Tehran hear his rhetoric not as kindly sentiment but as evidence of weakness and flaccid impotence. That’s why they so eagerly get on with the pursuit of the weapons needed to “wipe Israel off the map.” The Islamic despots understand a thing or two about empty rhetoric.”

Words, words, words. Stonewall Jackson famously told soldiers to “make short speeches, and when you draw the sword throw away the scabbard.”

Barack Obama is obsessed with words, and he never learned to make a short speech, and he’s certainly no Stonewall Jackson. The Israelis understand that, however well-meaning he may be. The president may even believe most of the stuff he hears himself say.

Mr. Obama made another pretty speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, on Sunday that was thrilling only to those who gorge on the romance of rhetoric. Mr. Obama and his teleprompter put on a show of bluffery that was surely the envy of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. “Iran’s leaders should know,” the president said, “that I do not have a policy of containment. I have a policy to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. And as I’ve made clear time and again during the course of my presidency, I will not hesitate to use force when it is necessary to defend the United States and its interests.”

GAVRIEL QUEENAN: Netanyahu: Israel ‘Master of Her Own Fate’

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/153464 Netanyahu: Israel ‘Master of Her Own Fate’ PM Binyamin Netanyahu told US President Barack Obama that Israel’s right to defend itself would not take a back seat to US interests. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted Israel’s sovereign right to defend itself at his meeting with US President Barack Obama on Monday. Netanyahu made clear that […]



He can’t fool anyone most of the time, certainly not Iran or Israel.When President Obama meets Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu today, he will have only two goals. He may succeed in one and will certainly fail in the other.

Obama’s goals are simple. First, to avoid a repeat of the televised lecture by Netanyahu immediately after the two met. Before Netanyahu’s arrival last year, Obama harshly criticized Israel and demanded peace talks based on the pre-1967 war borders with the Palestinians. In what was supposed to be a friendly televised chat after their Oval Office meeting, Netanyahu politely but firmly took Obama to school and bluntly rejected the 1967 baseline. It was a public relations disaster for Obama that he can prevent this time by just refusing another such event. He may even deny Netanyahu the side-by-side press conferences common to meetings with other nations’ leaders.

Second, Obama wants Israel to commit that it will not attack Iran this year. His administration has been frantically trying to persuade Israel to delay any attack, and has been met with quiet opposition and growing silence from the Israeli side.

Obama’s two goals are based only on avoiding damage to his campaign. If there is another public break with Israel or if — as is most likely — Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear facilities, Obama’s campaign will be distracted and damaged. Any resemblance between Obama’s goals and America’s national interest is purely coincidental.

Obama is playing for time. He wants the world’s nuclear cauldron — Iran, North Korea, Pakistan et al. — not to boil over before his election. That is the primary reason that we’ve — again — filled the North Korean begging bowl to cease nuclear production. This is, what, the third or fourth time we’ve done this? And this time, like every time before, we’ll deliver the bribes (fuel oil, food, whatever) which will be used to prop up the Norks’ regime, their people will continue to starve, and they will go on with their nuke program. But nothing will be noisy until after the election.


http://www.timesledger.com/stories/2012/9/mohammadbirthday_jh_2012_03_01_q.html A Jackson Heights imam has started a campaign to make April 26, the birthday of the Prophet Mohammad, a national holiday. Mohd Qayyoom, head of the Muhammadi Community Center, at 37-46 72nd St., said he believes having a national celebration for the prophet’s birthday would enable the growing Muslim population in America to have […]


The Middle East’s real apartheid The Jewish State’s supporters find it difficult to agree on the best response to Israel Apartheid Week. http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-EdContributors/Article.aspx?id=260582 In light of Israel Apartheid Week, which hit cities and campuses throughout the world recently, supporters of the Jewish state find it difficult to agree on the best response to this hate […]


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=1484 Addressing the annual AIPAC conference in Washington on Sunday, U.S. President Barack Obama made it clear which side of the Israeli-Jewish divide he was on – that of Israeli President Shimon Peres. Peres, who immediately preceded Obama on the podium, was given a glowing greeting by his partner in preferring diplomacy to all else, […]