DEROY MURDOCK: OBAMACARE’S BI-PARTISAN CRITICS The ongoing controversy over President Obama’s universal female-contraception entitlement decree reportedly found Vice President Joseph Biden, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, former chief of staff Richard Daley, and five Democratic senators opposing Obama’s fusillade against religious liberty and economic freedom (it being tyrannical to force faith-based organizations to commit what they consider sins and dictate […]


Richard Falk, Princeton University professor emeritus of international law and United Nations Human Rights Council special rapporteur for the Palestinian territories, is well-known for his hostility towards Israel. Indeed, this antagonism, and his high-profile involvement in any number of anti-Israel organizations, led to his expulsion from the country in 2008.

A recent lecture at Stanford Law School entitled, “Imagining Israeli-Palestinian Peace: Why International Law Matters,” provided a platform for more of the same vitriol. Approximately 100 people attended, about evenly split between students and local residents. One of the latter, when asking a question, described himself as an “activist” and an elderly couple sporting keffiyehs and political buttons sat in the front row, nodding enthusiastically in agreement throughout the lecture.

Falk’s solution for how to achieve “peace” in the Middle East was to “move from the domain of reason and analysis to the domain of imagination,” which, throughout his lecture, trumped facts, analysis, and history.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: IT’S THE LAST PICTURE SHOW Once again the movie industry is throwing itself a lavish party, one in a series of them, even though there is surprisingly little to celebrate. Movie attendance in 2011 hit a fifteen year low and while the industry isn’t doing as badly as its counterparts in the music industry, beneath the greasepaint and glamor, […]


“My point is this. We can’t stop people in Islamic nations from being what they are — can’t stop them from oppressing women, murdering gays, banning other religions and tormenting non-believers. But it’s not too much to ask that we stand up for our own values contra theirs — especially in our own, once Christian, countries. We can stop penalizing and insulting those who speak the simple truth about Islamic values, good or bad; we can de-bench judges who don’t stand up for our freedoms; we can stop sentimentalizing Islamic rights to the point of sanctioning intolerance, especially while our own government is attempting to stomp on the rights of Catholics and ignoring the rise in hate crimes against Jews; we can stop confusing Islam with a race — it’s a religion, a metaphysical philosophy of life, and has to be open to question, debate, ridicule and attack like every other.”

Whenever I find myself swelling with a pleasant sense of righteous indignation, I wonder what exactly I’m getting wrong.

Thus, for instance, when I hear that Afghans and other Muslims are rioting and murdering [1] people — including American soldiers — because the American military burned some Korans at Bagram Airfield in Kabul, I try very hard not to harrumph and start spouting such banalities as: “Ungrateful savages and their benighted religion! Ought to be gunned down, the lot of them!” Sure, the Korans had already been defaced by detainees trying to send extremist messages. And yes, American officials from the president down to a guy cleaning latrines at FOB Kalagush have apologized profusely. But before we condemn the rioters, American flag burners and murderers out of hand, let’s be fair.

Importing Violence: Immigration, Crime, and Why We Need Assimilation
A Third World culture of misogyny comes to America.

When he was arrested for burglary in early 2006, Kesler Dufrene [1], a Haitian native residing in Florida’s Manatee County, already had a long history of sometimes violent criminality. His first arrest was at age 14 when he assaulted a teacher, and he has built up a long rap sheet since then. Often described as a drifter, Dufrene was caught burglarizing a home in July of 2006. Already on probation for theft, a judge gave him five years and ordered him deported after serving his sentence.

He never was. Dufrene emerged from prison in 2010 during a moratorium on deportations to Haiti enacted by the Obama administration. Due to his history, he was being “supervised” by immigration authorities, but that supervision was lax to say the least. Weeks after his release Dufrene committed a vicious, seemingly random triple homicide [2]. One of the victims was a 15-year-old girl.


This is why anti-sharia legislation is so essential. What happened to equal protection under the law?

Back in October, I reported on Ernest Perce, a parade-goer wearing a “Zombie Muhammad” costume while marching in a local Pennsylvania Halloween parade. He was viciously attacked and choked by Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim (who was enforcing the sharia — he assumed that it was illegal in this country to insult Muhammad). “He grabbed me, choked me from the back, and spun me around to try to get my sign off that was wrapped around my neck,” reported Perce.

Last week, an American judge in Pennsylvania, Judge Mark Martin, ruled on the case and sided with the Muslim, and said that the victim would have been put to death in Muslim societies for his “crime.”


War On Terror: As the Taliban assassinate U.S. military officers and poison troop chow in Afghanistan, the president secretly plans the release of Taliban prisoners from Gitmo.

Whose side is this commander in chief on? Just days before members of the Taliban took credit for infiltrating the Afghan Interior Ministry and murdering two American officers, the Obama administration was finalizing a secret deal with the terror group.

“If all goes as hoped,” reported Reuters, “U.S. and Qatari negotiators will meet soon to nail down final details for transferring Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo prison — a momentous step for President Obama, the Afghan war and perhaps U.S. foreign policy as well.”

The deal reportedly includes a political office for the Taliban in Qatar and possible power-sharing for the banned terrorist group in Kabul. What does the U.S. get out of the deal? More treachery and bloodshed.

On Saturday, a Taliban agent planted inside the high-security Interior Ministry murdered in cold blood a U.S. major and lieutenant colonel while they were visiting the building. The Taliban operative, posing as a ministry employee, pulled out a gun and shot the two unarmed officers in the head at close range.

The Taliban also claimed credit for infiltrating a NATO base in Afghanistan and poisoning fruit and coffee with bleach in a mess hall…….READ THE REST AT THE SITE

HERBERT LONDON: THE JEREMY LIN STORY For die hard New York Knicks fans the last four decades have been years of promise and years of frustration. The Patrick Ewing era began with dreams of championship rings and ended with ringless fingers. For a time Madison Square Garden resembled a tomb of interred memories from Clyde “The Glide” Frazier, to Willis […]

Only Full Vetting will Defeat the Obama-Mainstream Media Machine Lawrence Sellin, PhD
Only Full Vetting will Defeat the Obama-Mainstream Media Machine
“In his brilliant book, “Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism,” Stanley Kurtz wrote:
“From his teenage years under the mentorship of Frank Marshall Davis, to his socialist days at Occidental College, to his life-transforming encounters at New York’s Socialist Scholars Conferences, to his immersion in the stealthily socialist community-organizer networks of Chicago, Barack Obama has lived in a thoroughly socialist world.”

The Republican establishment is fully aware that Barack Hussein Obama is surrounded and protected by a fraudulent personal narrative.

Despite constantly ranting and railing about the dire need to defeat Obama in the 2012 election, Republicans and conservative pundits, because of fear or complicity, withhold their most potent weapon against Obama – the truth.

And that approach will guarantee an Obama victory.

DANIEL PIPES: PECULIAR PROLIFERATION OF PALARAB “REFUGEES” Of all the issues that drive the Arab-Israeli conflict, none is more central, malign, primal, enduring, emotional and complex than the status of those people known as Palestine refugees. The origins of this unique case, notes Nitza Nachmias of Tel Aviv University, goes back to Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations Security Council’s mediator. […]