MARILYN PENN: SELF INFLICTED WOUNDS In its most flagrant example of Orwellian language inversion, the Times of Feb. 24th refers to the murder of two American soldiers as “self-inflicted wounds.”  Not that the soldiers themselves chose to court their own killings, but that the military’s decision to burn discarded copies of the Koran was “shockingly insensitive.”  Of course the […]

YORAM ETTINGER: PALESTINIANS AND ARAB POLICY U.S. President Barack Obama assumes that the Palestinian issue is a root cause of Middle East turbulence, the crown jewel of Arab policy-making and the crux of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He maintains that the resolution of the Palestinian issue would moderate the Middle East, facilitating the formation of a U.S.-Arab coalition against Iran. On […]

U.S. BULKS UP IRAN DEFENSES Pentagon Plans New Sea, Land Measures to Counter Any Attempt to Close Persian Gulf Oil Gateway By ADAM ENTOUS and JULIAN E. BARNES The Pentagon is beefing up U.S. sea- and land-based defenses in the Persian Gulf to counter any attempt by Iran to close the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. military has notified […]

Two US Congressmen Caught in Arab Rock Throwing Near Temple Mount: YORI YANOVER
A rock throwing Arab mob attacked on Friday, in front of a mosque in the Ras Al-Amud neighborhood, a group that included Congressmen Elliot Engel and Jerald Nadler. The two legislators from New York State were on tour of the Mount of Olives Cemetery, along with Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Malcolm Hoenlein, and Rabbis Abraham and Menachem Lubinsky, founders of the International Committee for the Preservation of Har HaZeitim. Their tour, which included some 40 Jewish American leaders, was guided by Managing Editor Yishai Fleisher.

Earlier, following Friday prayers, hundreds of worshippers hurled rocks at the Mughrabi Bridge at the entrance to the Temple Mount, and dozens gathered inside the Al-Aqsa mosque. Israeli police forces entered the plaza and attempted to stop the violent protest. Several policemen were injured.

Jerusalem District chief Nisso Shaham blamed the ongoing Friday’s riots on a poster announcing a Temple Mount visit by Likud member Moshe Feiglin, which was originally scheduled for ten days ago. The poster itself was a fake

Muslim leaders have been actively inciting their followers over the past month to “protect Al-Asqa”.

In response to the attack, Malcolm Hoenlein said he will be launching a campaign to “retake the Mount of Olives cemetery for the Jewish people.”

The oldest and largest Jewish cemetery in the world, the Mt. of Olives is subjected to non-stop violence against visitors, grave descriptions, an unlawful mosque expansion, illegal building – all part of a concerted Arab effort to assert control over the burial site used by Jews for 3,000 years.

OBAMAPOLOGY FOR BURNING KORAN IS WRONG…. EDITORIAL: Obama’s burning Koran apology President is wrong to pander to Islamic radicals who killed U.S. troops Raucous Afghan mobs have forced a presidential apology, even after two American soldiers were killed. The extremists win again. Yesterday, Afghanistan saw its third day of rioting after workers collecting garbage at NATO’s Bagram air base found […]

JEFF DUNETZ: MARCO RUBIO SCARES THE HELL OUT OF THE LEFT Marco Rubio Scares The Hell Out of the Left The song may say you only hurt the one you love, but in politics you hurt the one who gives you nightmares and Marco Rubio makes democrats wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat screaming at the top of their […]


Obama campaign gets $1m boost from Bill Maher
Friday, February 24, 2012
Comedian Bill Maher announced that he will donate one million dollars to President Obama’s re-election campaign at the end of his groundbreaking comedy special, “CrazyStupidPolitics: Live from Silicon Valley.” He said, “This is the wisest investment I think I could make.” Read more…

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Afghan Koran riots spread to Pakistan
Friday, February 24, 2012
Hundreds of Pakistani activists took to the streets on Friday, chanting death to America, demanding that their leaders resign and setting fire to a U.S. flag over the burning of Korans in Afghanistan. Read more…

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Prayers turn violent on Temple Mount
Ynet News
Friday, February 24, 2012
Friday prayers at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount turned into a scene of violent riots as protesters hurled stones at security forces who in turn broke into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound. Police dispersed the protesters using shock grenades. Several officers were injured. Read more…

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Times Opinion
DANNER: Dubious facts behind Obama’s economic optimism
Dan Danner
02/24/2012 12:30 AM
On the march to the November elections, President Obama has been painting an optimistic outlook for the economy. On the campaign trail last week, he noted, “People are starting to get a sense that the economy is on the rebound.” But Americans are still downtrodden, and we have heard these same promises for too long. Read more…
MILLER: Obama doubles down on windmills
Emily Miller
02/24/2012 12:29 AM
President Obama winked and nodded his intention Wednesday to close tax loopholes in exchange for lower tax rates. It was just for show. One day later, the commander in chief flew Air Force One to Florida to reiterate his support for expanding tax carve-outs for his political allies. Read more…
MURDOCK: Democrats rise against Obamacare
Deroy Murdock
02/24/2012 12:30 AM
The ongoing controversy over President Obama’s universal female-contraception entitlement decree reportedly found Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta, former Chief of Staff Richard Daley and five Democratic senators opposing Mr. Obama’s fusillade against religious liberty and economic freedom. Read more…

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In recent days, President Barack Obama has been stressing that his national-security record will help him get reelected. In a January interview with Time magazine, in his State of the Union address, and elsewhere, he not only recalls, with justifiable pride, the killing of Osama bin Laden, but also claims credit for “restor[ing] American leadership in the world.”
In common parlance, leadership abroad means something along the lines of identifying the U.S. national interest and enlisting foreign partners to join us in achieving it. What Mr. Obama means, however, is more or less the opposite.
Before entering office in 2009, Mr. Obama and his administration’s top foreign-policy intellectuals wrote extensively in favor of a less assertive, less militarily capable, less independent United States. This prescription fit their characterization of America’s post–World War II history as a story of bullying, selfishness, militarism, and violations of the rights of others.

SAUDI STUDY: Nearly a Quarter of Children Raped; Up to 46% of Students Suffer from Homosexuality
Saudi Study: Nearly a Quarter of Children Raped; Up to 46% of Students Suffer from Homosexuality
Posted by Translating Jihad Video translated from clip posted on YouTube in December 2008. Clip originally aired on the Arabic-language satellite station ‘al-Hurra’, on the program ‘Misawa’. Subtitled video is above, full transcript below (thanks to Nonie Darwish for finding the video):

Guest – More than 23% of children in Saudi society have been raped.


“Mohammed is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless

to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” Quran 48:29

2012.02.23 (Musayyib, Iraq) – Children are heavily represented among the casualties of an al-Qaeda car bombing near an elementary school.
2012.02.23 (Mandali, Iraq) – Two children are taken out by an al-Qaeda bomb at a soccer field.
2012.02.23 (Karrada, Iraq) – Body parts are strewn across roads as terrorists kill at least ten people with a bomb in a residential Shiite neighborhood.
2012.02.23 (Kadhimiya, Iraq) – Six patrons are taken apart by an al-Qaeda car bomb at a restaurant.
2012.02.23 (Kohat, Pakistan) – A Religion of Peace car bomb rips through a bus station, leaving at least a dozen dead.

2012.02.22 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) – Islamists slit the throat of a pastor’s 75-year-old mother and leave a note in Arabic for her son.

Islam is a religion that inspires violent outrage over the destruction
of inanimate objects, such as Quran copies, and relative indifference
toward the extermination of human beings in the name of God.