PJ Media Poll: Obama Losing Some Minorities, Independents Posted By Rich Baehr

Yesterday, Roger L. Simon summarized the results [1] of a PJ Media-sponsored poll which compared the four contending Republican candidates in head-to-head matchups with Barack Obama. (Topline results here. [2]) The survey of 800 registered voters, conducted by the firm CrossTarget, also looked at potential matchups of various candidates who could be late entrants into the race — or consensus choices at a deadlocked convention — versus President Obama. The alternative candidates included Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

The poll, conducted February 21 and 22, produced generally more favorable numbers for the GOP candidates than some other surveys conducted contemporaneously [3].

An examination of the crosstabs (see below) indicates that an equal number of those participating in the survey identified as Democrats and Republicans. In surveys that have produced the most favorable numbers for President Obama, the number of Democrats has exceeded the number of Republicans, sometimes by ratios of four to three.

The racial/ethnic makeup of the survey: 70% white, 11% African American, 11% Hispanic, and 8% other. The GOP candidate always won the white vote and always lost the votes of every other group in the survey.

DANA LOESCH: WILL KARZAI APOLOGIZE TO OBAMA FOR AFGHAN RIOTING AND MURDER? Troops at a Bagram Airfield were ensnared in controversy after burning copies of the Koran, it was revealed this week. The Korans, as reported by CNN, weren’t just Korans; they apparently also served as a form of communication between detainees with “extremist” writings in them: A military official said the materials were removed from […]

5 Biggest Whoppers In Obama’s Energy Speech

02/23/2012 06:55 PM ET – Energy: The White House billed President Obama’s energy policy speech as a response to mounting criticism of record high gas prices. What he delivered was a grab bag of excuses and outright falsehoods. Obama’s main message to struggling motorists was: It’s not my fault, so stop … More »

Oil Execs Say Obama Lead Us To “Energy Abyss”

02/23/2012 06:05 PM ET – Energy: Industry leaders gathered in Houston say rising fuel output comes in spite of, not because of, the president’s policies and the pain at the pump will soon be excruciating. Energy executives and other industry players gathered for the North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) in … More »
Growing Solyndra Green Scandal Is Just One of Many

02/23/2012 06:55 PM ET – Corruption: Outrageous bonuses and White House stonewalling guarantee that the Solyndra scandal, in which betting on green lost taxpayers $535 million, won’t go away. But Solyndra is no isolated failure. With 24 million Americans either without any job or underemployed, and 7 … More »


Prominent Anglo-Jewish pro-Israel activist Jonathan Hoffman (pictured), a longterm leading figure in the Zionist Federation, has written an Open Letter as follows to the Vice-Chancellor of Middlesex University, Professor Michael Driscoll. I understand that blogger Richard Millett will be describing the events herein described in more detail, but meanwhile here’s Jonathan’s letter, which also appears on the Jewish Chronicle blogs:

Writes Jonathan Hoffman:

‘Last night‘s Middlesex University Palestine Society meeting at Hendon was every bit as vile as might have been expected given the speakers – Ken O’Keefe, Ghada Karmi and ‘Jihad’ Jenny Tonge. O’Keefe was subsequently reported to the Police for aggravated Public Order Act Offences.

Let me introduce you to O’Keefe if you have not had the pleasure:…

It being Hendon there were quite a few Israel supporters in the audience and O’Keefe’s worst statement was to them:

You like the Nazis [he meant the Germans who resisted the Nazis] have a special obligation [to oppose Israel]”.

You must know that Jew/Nazi comparisons are antisemitic:…

He also repeated the “troofers'” lie that “Israel and Mossad was directly involved in 9/11.

Tonge alleged falsely that “the Jewish Constitution is being changed to make Israel a Jewish-only state”

O’Keefe falsely claimed that Mandela compared Israel to apartheid South Africa. The truth is that in April 2000 Mandela came to London and spoke to the Board of Deputies of British Jews. He spoke of the need for Israel to leave the lands taken in 1967 but not unless there was first recognition of the Jewish State by the Arab States: “I added a second position, that Israel cannot be expected to withdraw from the Arab territories which she legitimately conquered when the Arab States wanted to whip her out of the map of the world.” No mention of ‘apartheid’ in Israel – from a man who spent 27 years as a prisoner of the loathsome apartheid regime in South Africa.

O’Keefe said that Israel’s objective was “to maintain perpetual conflict”


Sean Penn, Hugo Chavez’s Honored Guest

Sean Penn was Hugo Chavez’s guest of honor (again) last week, serving as keynote speaker at graduation ceremonies for Venezuela’s Salvador Allende Medical School. “Allow me to impart a little anecdote,” beamed the two-time Oscar winner to the enchanted crowd. “I had the privilege to introduce my children to comandante Fidel Castro and as he posed for a photo between them I told him: ‘President, I’ll now be denounced in the U.S. for educating my children as socialist revolutionaries.’”

So Castro responded: “That’s among the best things that could happen to them.”

Besides his fame as a baseball bat-swinging wife beater, Sean Penn also claims fame as an advocate against the death penalty. His Oscar–winning role in “Dead Man Walking,” where he played a convicted rapist and murderer who perished by lethal-injection in Louisiana seems to have made a deep impression upon Penn.

Unlike Louisiana’s penal system, however, the role model for Penn’s kids used firing squads, forced labor and prison beatings to murder his thousands of defenseless victims. And their “convictions” were curtly explained by Castro’s chief hangman, Che Guevara: “Judicial evidence is an archaic bourgeois detail. We execute from revolutionary conviction,” he once said.


Israel Builds, Obama Administration Squirms Posted By P. David Hornik

This week Israel’s Civil Administration approved a plan to build 500 housing units in the West Bank community of Shiloh. U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner complained like clockwork that such building is not “constructive.”

In so doing, he was following a U.S. practice of frequently publicly criticizing its ally Israel. No other U.S. ally gets this treatment; when was the last time you heard Washington publicly take Britain, Germany, or Japan to task? And this in a week when the U.S. is already heavily pressuring Israel both publicly and behind the scenes not to defend itself against a growing existential threat from Iran.

But is Toner right about the Israeli building plans not being “constructive”? In a world where there are mounting crises in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt, severe human rights abuses in America’s trading partner China, and so on, are housing units in Shiloh what Washington should fret about? In fact, these building plans not only pose no problem for the U.S. but are constructive, for several reasons.


Are we now ShariAmerica?

MUST hear ~ 37 min court room audio of this trial/travesty– AUDIO Link:

Muslim Admits to Attacking Atheist; Muslim Judge Dismisses Case

Submitted by American Atheists on Feb 22, 2012

By Al Stefanelli

The Pennsylvania State Director of American Atheists, Inc., Mr. Ernest Perce V., was assaulted by a Muslim while participating in a Halloween parade. Along with a Zombie Pope, Ernest was costumed as Zombie Muhammad. The assault was caught on video, the Muslim man admitted to his crime and charges were filed in what should have been an open-and-shut case. That’s not what happened, though.

The defendant is an immigrant and claims he did not know his actions were illegal, or that it was legal in this country to represent Muhammad in any form. To add insult to injury, he also testified that his 9 year old son was present, and the man said he felt he needed to show his young son that he was willing to fight for his Prophet.

The case went to trial, and as circumstances would dictate, Judge Mark Martin is also a Muslim. What transpired next was surreal. The Judge not only ruled in favor of the defendant, but called Mr. Perce a name and told him that if he were in a Muslim country, he’d be put to death. Judge Martin’s comments included,

“Having had the benefit of having spent over 2 and a half years in predominantly Muslim countries I think I know a little bit about the faith of Islam. In fact I have a copy of the Koran here and I challenge you sir to show me where it says in the Koran that Mohammad arose and walked among the dead. I think you misinterpreted things. Before you start mocking someone else’s religion you may want to find out a little bit more about it it makes you look like a dufus and Mr. (Defendant) is correct. In many Arabic speaking countries something like this is definitely against the law there. In their society in fact it can be punishable by death and it frequently is in their society.

Judge Martin then offered a lesson in Islam, stating,

“Islam is not just a religion, it’s their culture, their culture. It’s their very essence their very being. They pray five times a day towards Mecca to be a good Muslim, before you die you have to make a pilgrimage to Mecca unless you are otherwise told you can not because you are too ill too elderly, whatever but you must make the attempt. Their greetings wa-laikum as-Salâm (is answered by voice) may god be with you. Whenever, it’s very common when speaking to each other it’s very common for them to say uh this will happen it’s it they are so immersed in it.

Judge Martin further complicates the issue by not only abrogating the First Amendment, but completely misunderstanding it when he said,

“Then what you have done is you have completely trashed their essence, their being. They find it very very very offensive. I’m a Muslim, I find it offensive. But you have that right, but you’re way outside your boundaries or first amendment rights. This is what, and I said I spent about 7 and a half years living in other countries. when we go to other countries it’s not uncommon for people to refer to us as ugly Americans this is why we are referred to as ugly Americans, because we are so concerned about our own rights we don’t care about other people’s rights as long as we get our say but we don’t care about the other people’s say”

But wait, it gets worse. The Judge refused to allow the video into evidence, and then said,

“All that aside I’ve got here basically.. I don’t want to say he said she said but I’ve got two sides of the story that are in conflict with each other.”


“The preponderance of, excuse me, the burden of proof… “


“…he has not proven to me beyond a reasonable doubt that this defendant is guilty of harassment, therefore I am going to dismiss the charge”

The Judge neglected to address the fact that the ignorance of the law does not justify an assault and that it was the responsibility of the defendant to familiarize himself with our laws. This is to say nothing of the judge counseling the defendant that it is also not acceptable for him to teach his children that it is acceptable to use violence in the defense of religious beliefs. Instead, the judge gives Mr. Perce a lesson in Sharia law and drones on about the Muslim faith, inform everyone in the court room how strongly he embraces Islam, that the first amendment does not allow anyone ” to piss off other people and other cultures” and he was also insulted by Mr. Perce’s portrayal of Mohammed and the sign he carried.

This is a travesty. Not only did Judge Martin completely ignore video evidence, but a Police Officer who was at the scene also testified on Mr. Perce’s behalf, to which the Judge also dismissed by saying the officer didn’t give an accurate account or doesn’t give it any weight.

Here is a link to the video that includes the audio of the Judge during the trial:

Here’s coverage of the incident from the local ABC affiliate

Needless to say, this is totally, completely and unequivocally unacceptable. That a Muslim immigrant can assault a United States citizen in defense of his religious beliefs and walk away a free man, while the victim is chastised and insulted by a Muslim judge who then blamed the victim for the crime committed against him is a horrible abrogation.

This reeks of those cases we used to read about where a woman is blamed for her own rape because she “was asking for it” by virtue of the clothing she chose to wear, and then having the Judge set the rapist free.

I can promise you this, you have not heard the last of this issue. Not by a long shot


1. VIDEO: Muslims Screaming “ALLAH IS GREAT” Arrested after Causing Disturbance on Flight to Houston
2. McCain & Graham [Heart] the Muslim Brotherhood
3. VIDEO: See Where Gas has ALREADY REACHED $5 Per Gallon
4. VIDEO: Catholic University Sues the Federal Government over ObamaCare Contraception Mandate
5. Report: Obama Administration Is Giving Away 7 Strategic Islands to Russia
6. Don’t Fall for These Costly College Payment Myths
7. VIDEO: Can Israel Get U.S. Support for Attack on Iran? Former CIA Operative and Walid Phares on the growing tension in the Middle East over Iran’s nuclear program.
8. Study: Each Child Born Today Will Inherit $1.5 Million Worth Of National Debt

Hamas Prime Minister Compares Israel to “Cancer” During Trip To Iran: The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report
Global media is reporting on comments by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh during a trip to Iran in which he said Hamas will never recognize Israel and compared the country to a “cancer.”
According to a report in the Jerusalem Post:
Rounding up a three-day visit to Iran, Haniyeh reiterates refusal to recognize, compromise with Israel. By REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh continued Monday to issue fiery statements about Israel, which he compared to a cancer that is threatening to spread to other parts of the body. Rounding up a three-day visit to Iran, Haniyeh said in an interview with an Iranian TV station that Israel remained the “main enemy” of the Arab and Islamic world.

GOODBY TO LITTLE INTOLERANT MOSQUE ON THE PRAIRIE:MISCHA POPOFF After six years of tax-funded intolerance, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is finally putting an end to the show no one watched except out of a sense of duty, Little Mosque on the Prairies. After an initial splash at the beginning of its first season, Little Mosque plummeted in the ratings over the years. Why […]