For Socrates, it was the unexamined life that was not worth living. In America, we are guilty of too much examination – of our feelings, our relationships, our parenthood, our tastes and our entitlements – even our TV shows are over-analyzed as the media attack of Downton Abbeyitis will attest.

More significantly, American society is beset by a plague of unaccountability across the board. At the highest financial echelons, it manifests itself in bonuses, golden parachutes and government bailouts for people who rightfully should have been fired and/or prosecuted. Educationally, it’s a case of bureaucracy clogging the public school system so that ineffective teachers and uncontrollable students can’t be expelled. It’s also a case of administrators and principals not being axed when known pedophiles are transferred from one school to another. Chancellor Walcott has just promised to fire the teachers and aides who perpetrated these crimes – he said nothing about the enablers who facilitated them. Most significantly, from the perspective of drastic changes to our mores and values, has been the steady rise of single motherhood among women under thirty. Today 53% of children born to women in this age group are illegitimate.

In her new dual biography, Wanted Women: Faith, Lies & the War on Terror: The Lives of Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Aafia Siddiqui , journalist Deborah Scroggins works hard at ferreting out what she calls a “weird symmetry” in the lives of the Somali-born Hirsi Ali, an outspoken critic of Islam as well as a champion of Muslim women and Western humanistic ideals, and the Pakistani Siddiqui, an Islamist terrorist known as “Lady Al-Qaeda” and a fanatic Jew-hater.
By “weird,” Scroggins means to suggest that the two women are uncannily alike. Yet all they basically have in common is their youth, high intelligence, Muslim upbringing, U.S.-education, and bold temperament. Otherwise, what is really weird, in the sense of odd, is Scroggins’s glaringly inappropriate attempt to mesh – find congruity between – the life of the valiant Hirsi Ali and that of the nefarious Siddiqui.

Stealth and violent jihadists have discovered the alchemist’s secret of turning gold into lead – that is, of turning freedom of speech into a risky and unwanted liability. It’s really quite simple, obvious for all to see. The formula is similar to the “good cop/bad cop” routine of detective movies.

Start with a cartoon of Mohammad, or a dozen of them, or with public remarks that directly or indirectly hold Islam and Muslims responsible for terrorism, or publish a scholarly, cogent paper on the totalitarian and brutal natures of Islam, or give a mooning “arse-lifter” on a public street the literal boot in a heart-felt moment of disrespect for a manqué bowing to meteorite and who’s in your way.

Of course, the remarks, the charges, the papers, and even the disrespect are responses to about thirty years of irrational Muslim behavior.

Any one of those actions will precipitate riots, calls for death to apostates and insulters of Islam, noisy, ugly demonstrations, chants of “Islam will dominate,” the waving of black jihad flags, and general pandemonium across the globe. And a few dozen or few score deaths at the hands of the insulted. All incidents starring Muslims. Not to mention the self-censorship of newspapers and book publishers, who abandon the issue for safety reasons; who, to borrow a line from “Seinfeld,” draw their heads into their shells like frightened turtles.


Pop/rock recording artist Ava Aston is a conservative trying to make her way in a liberal dominated industry. Her new hit and conservative anthem is We The People. Her song I Carry You With Me deals with grief and loss and is dedicated to the military.

She has performed those two songs, as well as the National Anthem and God Bless America for The Faith & Freedom Coalition events as well as The Tea Party Patriots. I Carry You With Me has been featured in several independent films and took grand prize in a songwriting contest that had over 5,000 entries from across the globe. Her husband is a disabled veteran who was injured on base while serving in a support role for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Her mom works as a National Service Officer at the Purple Heart Service Foundation that helps veterans.

The following interview with Ms. Aston was conducted by Jamie Glazov, Editor of FrontPage Magazine.

REZA KAHLILI: IRAN’S PLAN TO ANNIHILATE THE JEWS For many years, I have tried to raise awareness not only of the threat posed by the fanatics ruling Iran, but also of the injustices done to the Iranian people.  This has drawn the ire of the mullah-appeasers and those in alliance with the criminal Islamic regime in Iran. Recently, I revealed a shocking […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE IDIOT COUSIN THEORY OF GOVERNMENT The first and foremost purpose of government is to create government jobs. Going back to the early days of American history a time honored tradition of newly elected politicians was to obtain positions for their friends, their nephews and assorted cousins. In those more innocent times appointing someone an inspector of something was a […]

Anti-US protests rage on for third day in Afghanistan

Anti-American protests erupted in Afghanistan for a third straight day on Thursday to protest against the burning of copies of the Koran at a US-run military base, witnesses said.

More than 600 people chanting “Death to America” marched in the Laghman provincial capital of Mihtarlam east of Kabul, while about 300 students took to the streets in the eastern city of Jalalabad, AFP journalists said.

On Wednesday at least nine demonstrators were shot dead and dozens wounded in violent protests across the war-torn country, where the United States heads a 130,000 foreign military coalition trying to put down a Taliban insurgency.

The Afghan interior ministry blamed at least one of the deaths on “foreign guards of Camp Phoenix”, a US military base in eastern Kabul attacked by protesters, but most were attributed by local officials to clashes with police.

US officials have apologised repeatedly for the burning of the Korans, which were sent to an incinerator pit at the Bagram airbase north of Kabul.


“A Failed Movement Of Radical Activists”: Israel’s Man In Oz Slams Australia’s BDSers
At the relaunch in New South Wales of Parliamentary Friends of Israel last evening, Israel’s ambassador to Australia, Yuval Rotem, slammed the local BDS movement as represented by such Greens as Fiona Byrne and Senator Lee Rhiannon.

“It has been close to a year since the last State election since Marrickville and the BDS issue found a national stage. It was one of the achievements of not just the Australian Jewish community but the Coalition and the Labor Party that BDS faced an abrupt rejection on that stage.

The concern throughout NSW was that the row during the BDS debates was expected. Commonsense does not comply with a local council self-imposing economic sanctions on one nation which is locked in a struggle for peace. [My emphasis]

Senator Lee Rhiannon’s Greens looked likely to pick up a cluster of seats”in the NSW State election but were left demoralised finishing behind Labor on primary votes in the only seat they ended up winning.

The candidate for Marrickville, Fiona Byrne, tripped over herself in many public statements…confused that her Utopian vision of a world with a weakened Israel was poorly received outside the confines of her urban hamlet.

BDS in Australia has since then become another a failed movement of radical activists which shamefully attached itself to a municipal council for a few months.

This humiliating public defeat of the BDS was an achievement of the people in this room. The politicians, Liberal, National, Labor and some Greens. When we hear about BDS now, it’s not coming from the mouths of prominent politicians or mayors or respected journals. It’s been shouted from poorly-attended protests or the back of police cars or from Communists who stayed with Stalin.

One year on and the movement in New South Wales to undermine the economy in the Middle East’s only democracy is as dead as Fiona Byrne’s brief career in international diplomacy.”

In Obama’s ‘1984’-Speak, Unemployment Is A Plus

Economy: Failed presidents always come up with excuses, but Obama spinmeister Valerie Jarrett has repeated a White House ploy that takes the cake. In true “1984” style, she says bad times are really good.

One of George Orwell’s most chilling images was that of a totalitarian government that succeeded in convincing people their oppressed existence was the opposite of what it was.

“War is Peace,” the ruling party insisted in Orwell’s novel 1984, “Freedom is Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength.”

On Tuesday evening, speaking in Durham, N.C., White House adviser and close Chicago friend of the Obamas Valerie Jarrett took the argument that government spending is “good for the economy” to a new level.

Referring to unemployment benefits, Jarrett contended that “people who receive that unemployment check go out and spend it and help stimulate the economy,” which is “healthy” for the economy.

Being such an insult to the millions of Americans now seeking work, Jarrett’s claim has attracted plenty of attention. But it’s nothing new for this White House.

Last summer, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney lectured Wall Street Journal reporter Laura Meckler for not knowing it “as part of the entrance exam” that jobless benefits are “one of the most direct ways to infuse money directly into the economy because people who are unemployed and obviously aren’t running a paycheck are going to spend the money that they get.”…. READ IT ALL AT THE SITE


Climate Change: There are no laws that say that the global warming alarmists can’t feel strongly about their beliefs. There are, however, ethical lines. And they keep crossing them.The history of the Great Global Warming Scare is filled with exaggerations, deceit, unnecessary hype and cover-up.It’s all OK, say the alarmists, because they are concerned with the greater good, and if they have to cheat a bit, well, then the ends justify their means.

This attitude was evident in the climate-gate e-mails.

Rather than deal with the truth that man-made global warming is a scam, or simply unproven scientific speculation, researchers discussed hiding “the (temperature) decline” and using a “trick” that would help them make their point that human activity is harming the planet.

There was also the attempt “to make the MWP (medieval warm period) go away in Greenland” in the researchers’ data because they contradicted the swindle they are trying to pull off.

Things were so bad that one researcher expressed concern that “the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it.” It apparently went unheeded by the alarmist community.

The alarmists’ inclination to cheat was also made clear in the screeching defense of the discredited “hockey stick,” the celebrated chart that supposedly shows global temperatures sharply increasing in sync with the industrial age.
Those are but a few of many examples of their duplicitous, at times deceitful, behavior.

And now comes one Peter Gleick, a climate scientist who misrepresented himself — lied — in an effort to trap the Heartland Institute, a think tank on the record as a strong skeptic of the climate change claim. READ IT ALL AT THE SITE