Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told the House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday that the days of private health insurance are coming to an end in the United States. “The private market is in a death spiral,” Sebelius said, contending this would be the case whether or not President Barack Obama’s […]
Confrontation on Islam — on The Jamie Glazov Show
Robert Spencer and Eric Allen Bell go toe-to-toe with Muslim caller who promotes Mohammed’s actions and teachings.
Born-again Zionist supermodel: Ilan Evyatar
For former supermodel turned businesswoman Kathy Ireland, her support of Israel stems directly from her faith.
For former supermodel turned businesswoman Kathy Ireland, her support of Israel stems directly from her faith.
She’s 178 cm. with red hair and blue eyes, a former supermodel with a figure to die for and the owner, founder and CEO of a $1.4 billion lifestyle business: Kathy Ireland might just be Israel’s perfect public diplomacy ambassador.
“I love Israel, it’s very close to my heart,” says the 46-year-old born-again Christian. “Because of my faith it’s very special to me.”
Ireland was here recently to film a promotional documentary for Sheba Medical Center. Titled Holy Land Heroes, the documentary aims to expose the work being done at Sheba with wounded soldiers and victims of terror attacks.
“Holy Land Heroes is bringing awareness of these heroes of Israel to the rest of the world,” says Ireland. “I’ve had some incredible life-changing experiences spending time at the hospital meeting with patients, doctors, researchers, nurses and volunteers who are dedicated and committed to rehabilitating these heroes.”
Ireland is a passionate advocate for Israel, with an unwavering belief in the righteousness of its actions. Her faith is such that even the most adept spin doctor would be hard pressed to come up with so much positive PR.
“I think so often Israel is not fairly portrayed in the media,” she says. “Meeting with the military, the air force, [I saw] the efforts that go into the strategy of not hurting civilians and the heroic efforts of these soldiers who put themselves in harm’s way to rescue the wounded, even when the wounded might be their enemy.
The Ennahda Party, elected to rule for one year, looks as if it is planning to stay a while.
Voices of concern have been growing louder in Tunisia as the Islamist party, Ennahda, which won a relative majority and is presently leading the interim government coalition, is acting as though it is planning to stay a while longer than its allotted one year. Several Tunisian commentators have therefore begun wondering aloud whether the country has just switched from one dictatorship to another.
On October 23, 2011, Tunisia held the first free and democratic elections in the history of the country. Tunisian voters were called upon to elect 217 members of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA), whose task was to appoint an interim government, to draft a new constitution within a year, and to prepare the country for general election.
Recently, however, the media outlet published an article by Khaled Boumiza, comparing the present Ennahda-led government to that of the former Tunisian dictator, Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali, to outline the authoritarian turn the country has been taking. “Ennahda resembles more and more the Ben Ali couple’s regime … we can see that their [authoritarian] approach is the same and also the means that they use. Similarities are striking between the two.”
Has Ashrawi, the self-declared human rights advocate, never heard of the thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip who try to infiltrate into Israel every morning in search of work and a better life?
Prominent PLO spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi is demanding that the international community declare Israel an “Apartheid State.” Her demand was included in a statement she published in Ramallah this week: she accused Israel of incitement against Arabs and of violating international laws.
How come she never mentions the incitement of Palestinians against Israelis in the Palestinian government-issued textbooks, or in the schools and summer camps named after terrorists, or in the government-controlled TV stations which just last week again glorified terrorists with video celebrations again and again of the tenth aniversary of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a group that over the years has ikilled dozens of Israelis, including many children?
By Julie Kay
For most people, a trip to the Caribbean is all about sandy beaches, crystal-clear water and relaxing in the moment. But for tourists with an interest in Jewish history, the Caribbean is also home to some of the oldest Jewish communities in North America, dating back to the 1600s.
Whether traveling alone or on one of several Jewish-heritage cruises, the old synagogues, cemeteries and even a Torah still in use since 1659 reveal a rich history of Jewish culture that took root here around the time of the Pilgrims.
Harry Ezratty, Baltimore lawyer, historian and former resident of Puerto Rico, wrote the book “500 Years in the Jewish Caribbean.” He said American Jews tend to focus on the history of Jews “who immigrated to New York in the late 19th century” and are surprised to learn that Jews were the earliest European settlers to the Caribbean.
Changing Springfield
Arie Friedman is running for State Senate to change the direction of our state government.
As a physician, Arie will provide much needed experience and knowledge regarding our state’s fastest growing expenditure: health care. There currently is not a single physician in the General Assembly; despite this, the legislature routinely makes far-reaching health care decisions.
As a small businessman, Arie also knows employers are having a tough time creating new jobs – a problem made worse by the higher taxes passed in January of 2011. Arie will vote to repeal those taxes.
And, as a father with children in public schools, Arie knows their futures should not be tied to union rules and a bureaucracy more interested in tenure and pensions than in students. Arie believes in real education reform.
Friedman for State Senate
P.O. Box 831
Northbrook, IL 60065
PH: (847) 220-7337
FAX: (847) 793-7221
Less than a month ago, Pennsylvania’s state supreme court threw out the GOP redistricting plan, and I found myself back in the state senate district I had always wanted to run for. I am the perfect fit for this district.
Lacking time to prepare, a bunch of dedicated volunteers and I threw ourselves into Job #1, getting on the ballot, which we did with flying colors after two and a half weeks of walking door to door getting Republican signatures on our ballot petitions.
Now, less than a month later, we find ourselves in need of the most basic campaign materials: Yard signs and brochures.
Any donation you can make will take us far. You can donate online by using this link: , or you can send a check to First for Senate PO Box 5128 Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Please consider donating generously. Thank you!
The United Kingdom, or as Daily Mail pundit, Melanie Phillips calls it, Londonistan, has been mired in massive demographic change and concomitant Islamization brought on by its recent “open door” immigration policy. This was graphically evident in the July 7, 2005 London underground and bus system attack by four British Muslim suicide bombers who took the lives of more than 52 innocent victims and injured over 700. It was also reflected in the condoning of the more than 85 Shariah courts by the UK legal system and controversial Church of England head, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. Deeply disturbing has been the de facto creation of what former Bishop of Rochester Michael Nazir-Ali called “no-go areas” where native Britons are not welcome, especially if they happen to be homosexual or Jewish.
The current government coalition, led by Conservative PM David Cameron, officially admitted the failure of the long history of Labour and Conservative governments’ multi-cultural policies. In February 2011, Cameron criticized 30 years of failed multi-cultural policies that may have partially given rise to Muslim extremism. These policies have fostered massive immigration of Muslims who have rejected traditional British values of tolerance and fair dealing while placing an intolerable burden on the national health and welfare systems. During the past decade this has led to protests by groups such as the English Defense League, and most disquieting, the rise of racist, antisemitic leadership of the British National Party (BNP), founded in 1982 from what remained of the ‘whites only’ National Front.
The Afghan Debacle
The Obama administration’s strategy in Afghanistan is in tatters. This month’s violence, sparked off by the reported burning of Qurans at an American military base, has claimed at least thirty lives. Two of the dead were U.S. Army officers murdered at their post inside the Afghan Interior Ministry, supposedly one of the most secure locations in the country.
The killings prompted General John Allen, who commands U.S. and NATO forces, to pull his personnel from Afghan government buildings, while NATO advisers in Kabul have limited communication with Karzai’s ministries to telephone and e-mail.
The problem is not new. In May 2011 a U.S. Army study established that murders of Westerners by Afghan national security forces did not represent “rare and isolated events”: between July 2010 and May of last year, more than thirty NATO personnel were killed by Afghan soldiers or policemen. Even before the latest incident there had been little trust between U.S.-led coalition forces and their local Afghan “allies” in the elusive quest for peace and stability.