Voting for Santorum Equals Electing Obama in November! URL to article: There is a reason that the United Automobile Workers and its troops are urging its Michigan members to vote Tuesday in the crossover Michigan primary, and to cast their vote not for Barack Obama, but for Rick Santorum. They understand, as evidently many […]
Catching Up with Rep. Allen West
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Q. Congressman West, you have decided to run for reelection in newly drawn Florida District 18, where there are more Republican registered voters, instead of your current Florida District 22 that will also be redrawn to include more registered Democrat voters. This decision points to a realization that your conservative message only plays well in Republican-leaning districts, and that if you stayed in your current District 22 your chances of reelection would have been substantially reduced. Why do your strongly held conservative principles seem to be so polarizing among the general voting population?
A. Conservative principles are not new — after all, our nation was founded on conservative principles of limited government, individual responsibility, and a strong defense. The problem is these principles have been ignored by the liberal progressive politicians and certain media which have convinced much of the voting population that government can solve all their problems, will take care of them from cradle-to-grave, and it is our nation’s fault that our enemies wish to do us harm.
Saving Muslims From Themselves
After September 11 the reasonable thing to do would have been to take steps to save ourselves from Islamic terror, instead we went on a crusade to save Muslims from themselves. The latest stop on that crusade is Syria, where the foreign policy experts responsible for decades of horrifying misjudgements tell us that we are duty bound to save the Syrian people from their dictator.
Rarely do we ask why it is that Muslims so often need saving from their dictators. Or why a party that campaigned on improving America’s reputation by promising not to bomb Muslims anymore, is now improving America’s reputation by bombing so many Muslims and so often that it makes George W. Bush look like a tie dyed hippie.
The Obama Administration has had a role in regime change in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya all in one year. Along with the other “Friends of Syria” it would like to bomb its way to regime change in Syria. The point of all this regime change is to replace totalitarian Muslim regimes with democratically elected totalitarian Muslim regimes on the theory that will make everyone happier.
1. VIDEO: Guantanamo detainees get new $750,000 soccer field, compliments of the U.S. Taxpayers
2. VIDEO: Colonel Ralph Peters shares that yesterday was an ABSOLUTE LOW POINT when White House spokesman Carney blamed President Bush for this week’s problems with the Koran burnings
3. VIDEO: Does AG Eric Holder lose his cool during House hearing when asked about Fast and Furious?
4. VIDEO: Secretary Sebelius: Obamacare Not the Cause of Drop in Employer-Based Health Care
5. SHOCKING VIDEO: Israeli Victim of Palestinian Stoning Attack Tells Her Story
6. VIDEO: What ABC, CBS and NBC Ignored: States File Suit Against Obama’s HHS Mandate
7. VIDEO: Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control
8. VIDEO: ‘It Is Not, Per Se, a Tax’: Does Secretary Sebelius Contradict the Administration’s Legal Defense of Obamacare?
9. Is President Obama in a Secret Nuclear Deal with Iran?
10. VIDEO: Defense Secretary Panetta: U.S. Debt Will ‘Hurt This Country’s Security’
The Fertile Soil of Jihad: Terrorism’s Prison Connection by Patrick T. Dunleavy
In the latest outcry against the NYPD’s successful Counter Terrorism strategies, caused in part by an article from the Associated Press’s Washington-based Investigative team,Islamic and civil libertarian groups such as the ACLU and CAIR are once again calling for the resignation of Commissioner Ray Kelly and a federal investigation of the police department for alleged spying on the Muslim community in the Greater New York area
At the center of the accusations is the release of an NYPD document that details in part intelligence gathering on Mosques in the state of New Jersey. Newark, New Jersey mayor Cory Booker voiced outrage telling the press that the city was never notified of the NYPD conducting a surveillance operation in their city. However the evidence shows that the NYPD did notify New Jersey law enforcement officials and that police officers from the Garden State acted as liaisons between the New York Police and Newark PD.
Questions on the issue of jurisdiction were also raised asking, “What gives NYPD the right to go outside the city limits to conduct investigations?”
At first glance the average reader might think that this is a clear case of government abuse of power and of law enforcement collecting information on innocent citizens in violation of constitutional rights. Those that do so suffer from a case of short memory syndrome. Looking back over the history of Islamic terrorist activity in New York prior to 9/11 is a sure cure for the malady.
In 1990 a little known Egyptian immigrant committed a homicide in Manhattan. What was once looked at as just a single act of violence by a lone individual in a crime ridden city has now come to be known as the vanguard attack of the jihadists on the United States. The victim of the killing was Rabbi Meir Khane, an outspoken Jewish activist, and founder of the Jewish Defense League, with a reputation for making inflammatory speeches. The shooter was El Sayyid Nosair. The investigation into the murder revealed that Nosair was a member of Al Gama’a al Islamiyya, an Islamic terrorist organization whose spiritual leader was Omar Abdel Rahman, the Blind Sheik. Nosair prior to the shooting had participated in raising money for an organization known as Maktab al Khadamat. That organization was founded by Abdullah Azzam and Osama bin Laden in Pakistan as a means of providing financial support for the mujahadeen fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980’s.
The headquarters for the organization in the United States was run out of a mosque, Al Farouq, in Brooklyn. But funds were also supplied from several mosques in New Jersey which both Nosair and the Blind Sheik had visited and with whom they maintained ties.
In February of 1993 a truck loaded with explosives was detonated in the World Trade Center by radical islamists. The jihad had now moved from a single killing to an attack on innocent civilians and a landmark structure in the United States.
In the investigation that followed conducted by Federal, State, and City law enforcement, names, locations, and the activities of the conspirators were outlined in the successful prosecution by the US Attorney’s Office. Once again El Sayyid Nosair was involved in the jihad. From his cell in Attica state prison he was able to contact individuals in New Jersey and who were constructing the truck bomb. Among the other perpetrators led by Ramzi Yousef, were individuals such as Ibrahim al Gabrowny, Nosair’s cousin, and Mohammed Salameh. Both lived and attended mosques in New Jersey.
Madness: Bradley Manning, the Army private who allegedly leaked sensitive U.S. government information, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. If the award hadn’t already become a joke, we’d be offended.
It really doesn’t take much to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize these days. Bradley, who is currently in the brig and on trial for multiple counts of disclosing top-secret military files and State Department cables, is one of 231 nominees for the 2012 prize.
Also on this year’s list is Bill Clinton, confirming once again that promoting peace is less a qualification for the prize than being popular on the political left and objectionable to the political right. It certainly hasn’t taken much more to win the prize in recent years.
In this era of unseriousness, laureates have included the terrorist Yasser Arafat, the bungling Jimmy Carter, the useless Al Gore, the fraudulent Rigoberta Menchu and that darling of the political elite, Barack Obama, who had barely settled into the Oval Office when they fitted him for a wreath. READ IT ALL AT SITE YES! THE USURPING HASHEMITES SHOULD END THEIR ILLEGITIMATE “OCCUPATION” OF LANDS TO WHICH THEY HAVE NO HISTORIC RIGHTS AT ALL…..RSK Enass Musallam was attacked and stabbed for calling for justice for the Palestinians in Jordan. But her story speaks to something much bigger. But she is more, as many students are. She is idealistic, […]
Henry Kopel is a counter-terrorism prosecutor with the US Department of Justice in Connecticut. The views here are his own, and do not reflect the views of the Justice Department
In the intellectuals’ war against Israel, there is no truth in labelling. To paraphrase Orwell, War is Peace, Ignorance is Enrichment, and Genocide is Liberal Democracy
The campaign among western intellectuals to delegitimize Israel’s existence scored a major symbolic victory this month, with the announcement that Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government will host on March 3-4, a conference advocating a “One State Solution” for Israel and the Palestinians.
“One State Solution” is the latest fashion among Israel’s enemies. If implemented, Israel would be merged into a single country with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and both Jews and Palestinians living elsewhere would have a “right of return.”
Conveniently unmentioned in the Harvard conference brochure is that an influx of millions of Palestinians would create a majority vote for dismantling Israel and replacing it with a Palestinian-Arab state.
Palestinians may call this “One State,” but for Israeli Jews, the more accurate caption for this “solution” would seem to be “Final.”
That Harvard’s conferees have no intention of presenting a fair and honest debate on the implications of “One State” is made clear by the speakers list, which consists mostly of militant Palestinian advocates, plus a few left-wing Jewish extremists who question the validity of Israel’s existence. Such as:
– Ali Abunimah, the Palestinian-American Executive Director of the anti-Israel website “Electronic Intifadah,” who campaigns for “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” against Israel, and claims that Palestinian terrorism is all caused by Israel’s alleged “ongoing orgy of violence.”
– Sa’ed Atshan, a Harvard graduate student and pro-Palestinian activist, who condemns the United States as “the most anti-Palestinian country in the world after Israel,” and claims that Israel is an “apartheid state” comparable to the former South Africa.
– Diana Buttu, a Canadian lawyer of Palestinian descent, who has served as Mahmoud Abbas’s legal advisor, and has falsely claimed, among other things, that Israel “ethnically cleansed” millions of Palestinians in 1948, that no Israelis died from Palestinian suicide bombers in the late 1990’s, and that the thousands of Palestinian rockets launched into Israel contain no explosives.
This is the way your world ends
The end goal of many of the Occupiers, the end of capitalism, has not materialised, but rather we are all the more alert to the dangers of corporatism and state-led economic intervention
The Occupy London protestors were last night shifted from their makeshift commune, ushered quietly into the night – not with a bang, with a whimper.
The ‘protest’ has lasted for a measly 136 days, as scarcely coherent leftists descended upon one of London’s finest landmarks, leaving ruination and disappointment in their wake. The end goal of many of the Occupiers, the end of capitalism, has not materialised, but rather we are all the more alert to the dangers of corporatism and state-led economic intervention.
In l976, Pete du Pont was elected Governor of Delaware. He was re-elected in l980 to a second term, winning a record 7l% of the vote and becoming the first Delaware Governor reelected in 20 years. As Governor he signed into law two income tax reduction measures, the first tax reductions in Delaware’s history, and a constitutional amendment that restrained future tax increases and limited government spending. He balanced his state budget eight out of eight years. In selecting him as one of the “Delawareans of the Century,” the Wilmington News Journal said, “He set the stage for prosperity. As Delaware’s governor, du Pont revived [the] business climate.”
The Dependency Crisis More Americans live off government, and the Obama administration is encouraging the trend.
For the past several years, America’s public policy has been changing, not by chance but by an intentional effort to reshape our nation. The goal of the current federal government, led by the Obama administration, is to expand its influence and control of everything. Its regulatory policies, unprecedented peacetime spending increases, and expanding influence over private decision-making serve to increase government’s reach into everything, from schools, businesses, banks, families and individuals, to cars, roads, and personal health care.
The continual push of the Obama administration toward government-centric policies and large spending increases has compounded the lack of control of federal spending during the Bush administration. As a result, more and more Americans are dependent on the federal government. But what may be even more surprising is the historic magnitude of this increase in dependency on government.