Netanyahu: Nuclear Iran Would Choke World Economy GAVRIEL QUEENAN Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu says if the world is worried over what Iran is doing to oil prices now, just wait until they get the bomb. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday warned a nuclear-armed Iran would exercise de facto control the major Gulf oil […]
Both demographically and politically, the republic has a precarious present and an uncertain future.
An Orthodox church was set ablaze in the southwestern part of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) on January 30. The incident reflects raising tensions between local Christian Slavs and Albanians, more than a decade after an Albanian rebellion brought FYROM to the verge of an ethnic war. It also evokes memories of the early stages of the conflict in Kosovo, in the late 1980s.
The Church of St. Nicholas, in the majority Albanian-Muslim village of Labuniste, was two centuries old and housed valuable icons. The arson at Labuniste followed the burning of a Macedonian flag and the raising of Albanian and Islamic banners in the neighboring town of Struga, allegedly in reaction to an incident of “mocking Islam” at a local carnival last month.
EDITORIAL: Afghan havoc
Washington Times
02/28/2012 12:49 AM
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has bemoaned the politicization of the current chaos in Afghanistan. She has yet to raise that objection against the Obama administration’s crowing about the death of Osama bin Laden. Read more…
Obama to force military to pay more for health care
The Washington Free Beacon
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Obama administration’s proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their health care, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers’ benefits untouched. Read more…
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Jackson: ‘It’s an honor to be a food stamp president’
The Washington Free Beacon
Monday, February 27, 2012
Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke about food stamps and said they help the White House in a speech to his Rainbow PUSH Coalition Saturday. Read more…
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Retired detective and writer John Work [1] has woven a potboiling, film noire parable of a yarn that may do more to educate Americans about the global jihad than anyone’s dry tome(s)…or simulacra thereof.
John’s gripping and fast-paced detective-written, detective story is available as a FREE download [2] for the next 24-hours (starting midnight 2/28/12).
Having just read “A Summons to Perdition” I heartily endorse my colleague Diana West’s [3] earlier recommendation, and summons:
Get Thee [2] and Read (and Share) This Book!
And let’s encourage the truly “braver” hearts in Hollywood to make the movie version of a “A Summons to Perdition [2]” !
All Articles Copyright © 2007-2012 Dr. Andrew Bostom | All Rights Reserved
Printing is allowed for personal use only | Commercial usage(For Profit) is a copyright violation and written permission must be granted first.
Last August in the Philippines a so called artist Mideo Cruz installed “Poleteismo” a large wooden crucifix adorned with a red dildo. This led to street rages, beheading, burnings in effigy and rampage of looting and violence and murder……..NOT.
In America we have seen crucifixes in urine (Andres Serrano”s”Piss-Christ”) and ants on a crucifix (David Wojnarowicz).
Catholics in America rioted, looted, burned and committed violence…..NOT.
Sure, there was controversy, there were demands for cut off in federal funding, and the Smithsonian Institute actually apologized and pulled a video deemed offensive to Christians…..but no one was murdered.
There really is a difference folks.
While Muslims riot in Afghanistan, murdering soldiers over the accidental burning of Korans – Korans which had been used by terrorists to transmit Islamist messages – it turns out that the U.S. military has routinely burned Bibles in Afghanistan to be more sensitive to Muslims.
As CNN reported back in 2009:
Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday. The unsolicited Bibles sent by a church in the United States were confiscated about a year ago at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan because military rules forbid troops of any religion from proselytizing while deployed there, Lt. Col. Mark Wright said.
So why is it that the United States burns Bibles to cater to Muslims in Afghanistan, but when it burns Korans, we’re supposed to think that we’re insensitive numbskulls? Weren’t we fighting for freedom of religion and speech in Afghanistan? Apparently not. We were just fighting to establish shariah law in our own, special way, according to the Obama Administration.
A newspaper in a small European country publishes a few cartoons of Muhammed, and millions of Muslims erupt in outrage – or in what we have become accustomed to seeing described as outrage. An obscure pastor of a tiny church in Florida threatens to destroy a Koran, and millions of Muslims erupt in that selfsame outrage. Some NATO soldiers inadvertently burn a few copies of the Koran, and millions of Muslims erupt, yet again, in outrage.
And the next thing you know, large numbers of people have been killed, Western embassies have been vandalized, mischief and mayhem of every imaginable kind has taken place. And meanwhile, the air is thick with apologies.
Not, of course, apologies by Muslim leaders for the primitive, brutal, and murderous conduct of their coreligionists, but apologies by Western leaders because somebody, somewhere, drew a picture or destroyed a book.
The Arab Spring, like the banking system and the national debt, has become too big to fail. The “too big to fail” label mandates the cover-up of a bad policy that has too many influential people, movements and countries tied into it to allow anyone to admit that the whole thing has gone pear-shaped.
The only way to deny the failure of the Arab Spring as a means for creating a better and freer region is by embracing its disastrous consequences. In other words, goodbye, Egyptian Twitter activists; hello, Muslim Brotherhood.
The triumph of Islamic parties in Egypt and Tunisia leaves Western “Springers” with only two choices: to either admit that the whole thing is a disaster and that the brakes need to be applied or learn to love the Brotherhood. Senator McCain’s delegation to Egypt, which included Senator Lindsay Graham, praised the Brotherhood for its opposition to the laws that the International Republican Institute activists ran afoul of in aiding the overthrow of Mubarak. The only good news for the Republicans coming out of the seemingly endless presidential candidate “debates” is that some Republican leaders are now belatedly thinking about how they can avoid a repetition of this debacle in future elections. What could they possibly have been thinking about, in the first place, when they agreed to […] The ongoing controversy over President Obama’s universal female-contraception entitlement decree reportedly found Vice President Joseph Biden, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, former chief of staff Richard Daley, and five Democratic senators opposing Obama’s fusillade against religious liberty and economic freedom (it being tyrannical to force faith-based organizations to commit what they consider sins and dictate […]