02/21/12 Z STREET’s claim that the IRS engaged in unconstitutional behavior by subjecting our application for tax-exempt status to special scrutiny and consideration of whether our positions on various issues relating to Israel are “contradictory to those of the Administration” has been recognized by a Pennsylvania federal district court as properly raised in the Complaint we filed there on August 25, 2010. Over the past 18 months the IRS has repeatedly insisted that our complaint was one merely about the granting or denial of tax-exempt status and therefore barred from raising the claim when we did, where we did, and in the way we did. The opinion states: “The Court share’s Plaintiff’s view that this case is about [a] constitutionally valid process.”
Z STREET v. IRS has been transferred to the federal district court of the District of Columbia for further action.
We’ll let you know what happens next.