Containing Israel on Iran General Dempsey sends a message of U.S. weakness to Tehran.…/SB1000142405297020335870457723542194935…

Is the Obama Administration more concerned that Iran may get a nuclear weapon, or that Israel may use military force to prevent Iran from doing so? The answer is the latter, judging from comments on Sunday by Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey.
Appearing on CNN, General Dempsey sent precisely the wrong message if the main U.S. strategic goal is convincing Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions. He said the U.S. is urging Israel not to attack Iran—because Iran hasn’t decided to build a bomb, because an Israeli attack probably wouldn’t set back Iran by more than a couple of years, and because it would invite retaliation and be “destabilizing” throughout the Middle East.
“That’s the question with which we all wrestle. And the reason we think that it’s not prudent at this point to decide to attack Iran,” the General said, referring to a possible Iranian response to an attack. “That’s been our counsel to our allies, the Israelis. And we also know or believe we know that the Iranian regime has not decided that they will embark on the capability—or the effort to weaponize their nuclear capability.”
In a single sound bite, General Dempsey managed to tell the Iranians they can breathe easier because Israel’s main ally is opposed to an attack on Iran, such attack isn’t likely to work in any case, and the U.S. fears Iran’s retaliation. It’s as if General Dempsey wanted to ratify Iran’s rhetoric that the regime is a fearsome global military threat.



1. VIDEO: Analysis: ‘Fair share’ in taxes? Not by the numbers – For half the working population, fair means paying almost no income taxes at all.
2. SHOCKING VIDEO: Major Muslim Town in England and BBC Exposing its Radical Islam – “British Police Go To Hell” – Coming soon to the U.S.A.!!
3. VIDEO: Lt. Col. Ralph Peters portrays scary scenario of Israel’s imminent attack on Iran.
4. VIDEO: Islamic Worshipers Caught Hurling Stones at Christian Tourists Near Temple Mount
5. VIDEO: Ousted Daily Kos Writer Speaks Out More On Radical Islam
6. Saudi Arabia nixes women in Olympics
7. Immigrants will be expected to speak English and champion British culture
8. VIDEO: Netanyahu: Islamic ‘Wave’ Pressuring Israel
9. MUST WATCH VIDEO: Government Debt Simplified
10. VIDEO: Food Police: Lawmaker Says Food Trucks ‘Threat’ To Kids’ Health

Complacent No More: The 2012 Election War to Save America Lawrence Sellin, PhD Malfeasance is defined as the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law. Federal governmental malfeasance fueled by political corruption is the single, most important issue of the 2012 election. Driven solely by political expediency and a craving for personal power and profit, while remaining […]

One shouldn’t wonder much about why Norway, Sweden, and Demark are willing to submit, like “Britainistan,” without so much as an audible whimper, to their steady Islamization, to their becoming de facto departments of a growing international caliphate. All three countries are welfare states that welcomed Muslim immigrants by the planeload over the decades to perform the work which entitlement-obsessed and welfare benefits-seduced Scandinavians no longer wished to perform. “Islamophobes” they were not. And still aren’t, even though their skyrocketing crime rates are directly attributable to immigrant and second-generation Muslims.

All three countries are governed by leftist elites, by political parties that redistribute other people’s money and spread the wealth around a lot. The Left has made an alliance with Islam, which wants to spread its creed around across the board and impose its ideology on non-Muslims by guile or force. There are, however, two camps of the Left. There is the Left that hates the West as much as do the Muslims, and will do anything to destroy it, even if it means its own dhimmitude and demise under Sharia law and submission. One could not imagine another group in that part of the globe more dedicated to the destruction of their own country. “We will be multicultural and non-judgmental, even if it means our own deaths. It is the right thing to do. We will be virtuous, even if it means accepting penance for our culture being superior to Islamic culture.”

Islamist Lobbies’ Washington War on Arab and Muslim Liberals Dr. Essam Abdallah It was just revealed two days ago that FBI Director Mueller secretly met on February 8 at FBI headquarters with a coalition of groups including various Islamist and militant Arabic groups who in the past have defended Hamas and Hizballah and have also issued blatantly anti-Semitic statements. At this meeting, the FBI revealed that […]


The rehabilitation of an underground revolutionaryYoung people turned out in droves this year to mark the 70th anniversary of Avraham ‘Ya’ir’ Stern’s death


Seventy years ago this week, on the 25th of the Hebrew month of Shvat, three British officers burst into a small apartment in south Tel Aviv, in the now trendy neighborhood of Florentin, and searched the flat for the most wanted man in Palestine. He was a Polish-born doctoral student of Greek poetry, a scholar of Eros from the Hebrew University, a melancholy romantic by the name of Avraham Stern who had left the University of Florence in Italy and returned to the land of Israel in order to declare war on the British Empire.

They didn’t find him at first, but a wet shaving brush in the apartment of an unmarried woman encouraged them to look further, and when Assistant Superintendent Jeffrey Morton thrust a hand deep into a wooden closet through a thicket of dresses, he touched flesh. Stern was pulled out into the light and shot twice. The British officers contended a struggle had ensued; the faithful members of the underground group Stern headed have always said he was executed on the floor of the apartment.


Richard Baehr Poison Ivy League

For generations, Jewish parents have looked to a small collection of colleges as the tickets to success in America for their children. Foremost among the elite institutions are the eight Ivy League schools, and a handful of others, including Stanford, MIT, Duke and the University of Chicago.

Jewish students are substantially over-represented at all these schools, given that Jews make up but 2 percent of the country’s population. Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Brown, Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania, routinely have a 20 to 25% Jewish component, or even higher, in their entering classes. The others are in the 10 to 15% range.

Jewish philanthropy to these schools is even more disproportionate. As Jews have prospered in America, the Ivy League and elite school alumni have learned that not all their children, the “legacies,” will be admitted. With many schools admitting fewer than 10% of all applicants, the competition is fierce for spots even among the alumni’s children. As a result, stepping up with big gifts is a key to establishing a favored position when admissions committees look at the legacy pool.

One thing the Jewish parents of future hedge-fund managers, lawyers, professors, elected officials, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, journalists and corporate leaders are probably not counting on is that their children will be entering the most toxic environment in America – at least when it comes to attitudes toward Israel. For Jews, there has always been the belief that there is safety in numbers. If their children, heaven forbid, chose to go to Brigham Young University or the University of Oklahoma, that would be dangerous on three fronts: not prestigious enough, not enough Jewish students and too Christian. But at Harvard or Penn or Columbia, what could go wrong? Hillel is large and active at each of these schools. Buildings are named for Jewish donors. Many professors are Jewish. There are Shabbat services, kosher food options and Jewish holiday observances. But if Jews in America care about the future of the state of Israel, they might want to
think twice about their commitment to schools that are at forefront of delegitimizing the Jewish state.


As’ad Abu Khalil And The Angry Jew News Service…
Cinnamon Stillwell over at Professor Daniel Pipes’s Campus Watch recently reported about a California State University Arab professor’s reaction to Dr. Norman Finkelstein’s apparent flip flop on some key Arab-Israeli issues…

Best known for his own rabid, one-sided anti-Zionism, for some unknown reason, Norman seems to have suddenly received a revelation about the true nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict–the genocidal nature of the Arabs, that is.

Whatever…he’s still not to be trusted.

Well, Arabs don’t take kindly to anyone who challenges their rights to what they routinely call their exclusive “purely Arab patrimony” (i.e., practically all of the Middle East–despite scores of millions of native, non-Arab folks who also live there), so it’s no shock that their venom is now being directed not only against any who challenge that notion, but especially towards former sycophants and banner wavers like Finkelstein as well.


Black History Month honors the achievements of African Americans throughout history and that is a good thing. Unfortunately, a reliance on family and faith, which allowed many African Americans to survive the horrors of Reconstruction, racial injustice and violent acts of discrimination, has become a casualty of the modern welfare state, which has contributed to the destruction of family cohesion, supplanted faith in God with faith in government and fashioned many African-Americans into a Democratic voting bloc that has not improved the lot of the impoverished among them.

While African-American history is important, the way it is most often presented through a liberal political lens skews the contributions and examples of African Americans who do not toe the liberal line. One especially sees this in the civil rights establishment’s response to Justice Clarence Thomas and more recently to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.)

West took to the floor of the House last week to praise what he called the Republican Party’s contributions to civil rights. It is a history practically unknown among many African Americans, who have been taught that Republicans are racist and care nothing about black empowerment. When examples to the contrary are presented to them, they often call white Republicans disparaging names and vilify Black Republicans as insufficiently black.


It is fascinating to see people accusing others of things that they themselves are doing, especially when their own sins are worse. Academics love to say that businesses are not paying enough to people who work for them. But where in business are there people who are paid absolutely nothing for strenuous work that involves risks to their health?

In academia, that situation is common. It is called college football. How often have you watched a big-time college football game without seeing someone limping off the field or being carried off the field?

College athletes are not to be paid because this is an “amateur” sport. But football coaches are not only paid, they are often paid higher salaries than the presidents of their own universities. Some make over a million dollars a year.

Academics also like to accuse businesses of consumer fraud. There is indeed fraud in business, as in every other aspect of human life — including academia.

When my academic career began, half a century ago, I read up on the academic market and discovered that there was a chronic over-supply of people trained to be historians. There were not nearly enough academic posts available for people who had spent years acquiring Ph.D.s in history, and the few openings that there were for new Ph.D.s paid the kind of salaries you could get for doing work requiring a lot less education.