From Bad to Worse in Egypt
The repression of civil society is far worse than anything seen under Hosni Mubarak.
Egypt’s military rulers have spent the last several months provoking U.S. and European ire with their crackdown on civil-society groups. Last week they managed to ratchet up the diplomatic crisis further, by preventing a British aid worker from leaving the country on the eve of a visit by Martin Depsey, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Meanwhile, Egypt’s minister for international cooperation, Fayza Abul Naga, continues to accuse my organization, Freedom House, and other international groups of trying to “create a state of chaos and work to maintain it in Egypt.” All this comes more than a month after Egyptian authorities shut down the Cairo offices of 10 Egyptian and foreign civil-society groups, including those of Freedom House.
The ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) has decided to ignore mounting U.S. and European criticism and escalate its crackdown. Following a politically motivated investigation, 43 people, including 19 Americans and six Europeans, are about to face criminal charges for their work supporting a democratic transition in Egypt.
The impending charges are part of a larger assault on civil society led by Ms. Naga and other holdov