Stars Under The Southern Cross: Australians United For Israel
Just under a year ago, Melboune-based Luke William Martin, a part-time teacher completing a law degree, who has stood for state parliament in the Liberal interest, inaugurated a grassroots group, Australian Friends of Israel, intended as an expression of the views of what he considers the “silent majority”. It consisted mainly of non-Jews, drawn to Israel like himself. By October, the group had 300 members, about 60 per cent of them non-Jews.

As J-Wire noted at that time, the Facebook group has expressed concern over “the increasing rise of anti-Semitic violence and hatred in various sections of the world and even to some degree in the Lucky Country,” and unequivocally supports the Jewish State:

“The Jews have as much right as any other people to live in freedom and without fear of harassment or persecution. Israel, the only truly free democracy of the Middle East is a beacon of light to the entire world. Since 1948, it has been transformed into a productive modern industrialized nation. Often provoked with suicide bombings and even invasions from hostile regimes, Israel shows incredible patience and grace towards its neighbours. For such reasons and many more; we stand side-by-side with our ally Israel. Like everybody else, Israelis have a right to live in a secure homeland.”

REZA KAHLILI: ON PINS AND NEEDLES AND MISSILES IN IRAN Blast signals approaching nuclear danger On Nov. 12, two massive blasts at a nearby town rocked Tehran, the Iranian capital, and may have been an attempt to assassinate the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who had been scheduled to be there at the time of the explosions. Now Israel and the West must be […]

THOMAS SOWELL: NEWT GINGRICH AND IMMIGRATION Gingrich and Immigration His position is part of the baggage he needs to overcome. Now that Newt Gingrich has become the latest in a series of Republican frontrunners, he is getting the kind of scrutiny and attacks that have done in other frontrunners. One of the issues that have aroused concern among conservative Republicans […]


Why You Should Quit College Posted By Ben Shapiro URL to article:   Young people spend their time in college getting high, getting drunk, and getting off.  So why shouldn’t they major in it?  This seems to be the philosophy of Yale University, where a doctoral candidate is leading a course titled “Dance Music […]


Deadly ‘Diversity’ Posted By Bruce Bawer

URL to article:

The neighborhood of Grønland in Oslo, Norway, is not terribly large. It’s on the east side of town, adjacent to central Oslo, and has traditionally been a place of working-class flats and unpretentious pubs. Ever since Norway began to be the destination of immigrants from the Muslim world, however, Grønland has been home to an increasing number of Muslim families and businesses. In recent years, furthermore, it has become an attractive residential area for young Norwegian singles and families, for many of whom part of the lure of living in this part of town was that they wanted to be part of a “multicultural” community. As a result of the influx of these these young people – including no small number of gays – a number of hip restaurants and cafes have sprung up in the area.

Of late, however, as the city’s Muslim population has boomed, Grønland has been undergoing a transition from a mixed neighborhood to an essentially Muslim one.


Congress: Establishment media are swooning over the unexpected departure of ultraliberal Barney Frank. But this “champion of the little guy” actually helped cause the mortgage disaster, then kept the system broken.

‘Congress will now be a little dumber,” was the kind of nonsense we heard from the mainstream liberal media after Frank, D-Mass., former chairman of the House Banking Committee, said no to running for re-election next year.

Formally reprimanded by a heavily Democratic House on a 408-to-18 vote in 1990 for ethics offenses regarding his financial relationship with a male prostitute, Frank has for decades been a fast-talking, acidic presence in House debates.

But he wasn’t smart enough to realize that the politically correct poisoning of mortgages would lead to a calamity rivaling the Great Depression. “I, like many others, did not see the crisis coming,” Frank said Monday.

He sure didn’t. Back in 2003, what did he say when the Bush administration proposed what the New York Times described as “the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago,” including a new agency to supervise Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? READ AT SITE


“And no amount of irresponsibility, petulance and obnoxious behavior should give us the impression that our opponent doesn’t want to win. His contempt for us is a weakness, but it’s also a sign of how fortified his position is. We are the ones with the uphill battle and we cannot afford to rest at the bottom of the hill before we have taken the high ground.”

It’s downright strange that at a time when the field of Republican candidates has narrowed down to a few bad choices and the left has finally fielded its own answer to the Tea Party movement, that some pundits on the right are still cheerfully pushing the meme that Obama is all but done.


‘Homeland’ Beats ‘All-American Muslim’ Posted By Daniel Greenfield URL to article: Several weeks ago All-American Muslim debuted on TLC to a storm of publicity and high ratings, but the publicity has vanished and the ratings are dribbling away. The series had premiered to a 1.7 rating, but last Sunday’s episode had dropped to a […]

Chris Matthews: Gaffe Machine by Roger Aronoff One should always be careful, when criticizing and making fun of others, to not be guilty of the same offense. We try to be very careful, with a name like Accuracy in Media. It can come back to bite you. That is unless you’re some hotshot left-wing “news” person on MSNBC. Then it doesn’t […]

ROCKETS FROM LEBANON STRIKE ISRAEL  Military: 3 rockets from Lebanon strike Israel JERUSALEM (AP) — Rockets fired from Lebanon struck northern Israel early Tuesday for the first time in more than two years, drawing a burst of Israeli artillery fire across the tense border, the Israeli military said. No casualties or major damage were reported on either side, and […]