People are freezing to death in their homes and in the streets. What will it take to drive a stake into the heart of the global warming monster? By Friday, February 10th, an estimated 500 Europeans had died from the freezing weather gripping the continent. This is the price they and British citizens are […] He has three weeks left and if he can’t — forget about it. Cold, bleak February has turned into a happy time for us. It’s given us a short break from the constant barrage of debates, speeches and “crucial” primaries in the Republican presidential nomination contest. February has given us, and the candidates, a […]
Limited Government, Religious Liberty, and Joe Biden’s Rosary Posted By Roger Kimball URL to article: I was talking to a friend in California yesterday about the Obama administration’s latest assault on religious liberty — the “interim final rule” issued by the Department of Health and Human Services requiring all health plans, including those at […] From time immemorial, security fences have been built around the world often in disputed territories to disrupt terrorists, drug smugglers, and illegal immigrants from entering. No doubt, these fences often cause difficulties for native populations in the vicinities where they’re built. To name just a few: India/Pakistan: India is constructing a fence along the majority of […]
GERMANY’S ANTI-SEMITISM PROBLEM: By Melody Sucharewicz WHY HAVE JEWS GONE TO LIVE IN GERMANY? ….I’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND IT…. RSK The complex context within which German youth learn about the Holocaust, relate to their fellow Jewish citizens or form an opinion about Israel, requires more creativity, coordination, long-term budgets and interdisciplinary synergy. The beauty of […] He’s proposing higher spending and deficits this year. Federal budgets are by definition political documents, but even by that standard yesterday’s White House proposal for fiscal year 2013 is a brilliant bit of misdirection. With the abracadabra of a tax increase on the wealthy and defense spending cuts that will never materialize, the White […] Americans will get their first close look this week at Xi Jinping, the man who’s expected to replace Hu Jintao later this year as China’s paramount leader. Mr. Xi is one of the Communist Party’s original princelings—his father was a top Mao lieutenant until he was purged in the early 1960s—and press accounts of […] JERUSALEM — Israeli officials blamed Iran on Monday for nearly simultaneous attempts to bomb Israeli diplomats in India and Georgia in what some analysts suggested may be Iranian retaliation for a series of attacks on its nuclear program that have been widely blamed on Israel. In New Delhi, the explosion wounded four people, […] “Over the top” is the preferred destination of all politicians, and nothing inspires candidates to go over the top like a presidential primary season. Newt Gingrich goes over the top to fly off to the moon. Herman Cain goes over the top to buy a pizza for all the lovely ladies. Mitt Romney goes […]
Shariah’s Police? Over the weekend, a drama with potentially horrific consequences for freedom-loving Americans played out half-a-world away. A Saudi newspaper columnist named Hamza Kashgari was detained in Malaysia, reportedly on the basis of an alert by the International Criminal Police Organization, better known as Interpol. Reuters quotes a Malaysian police spokesman as saying […]