MOSHE DANN: A NEW APPROACH ON IRAN,7340,L-4148188,00.html
A new approach on Iran

Op-ed: Iranian nukes could be blessing in disguise if they prompt new way of thinking

Failure to divert Iran from becoming a nuclear power has prompted calls for military action, but a pre-emptive attack against Iran would be unpredictable and therefore unwise. There are better alternatives.

Assuming that Iran develops a nuclear warhead, it is still unclear whether it is capable of launching a nuclear-tipped missile from its territory. Using proxies, like Hezbollah, Hamas, and Jihadists, and planes and ships is possible, but risky.

Rather than engaging in irresponsible rhetoric, threats and boasting, the situation requires strategic watchfulness. The deployment of allied anti-missile-equipped ships in the Gulf is a serious commitment and missile defense systems amplify the chances that an incoming missile will be intercepted. The launch of a first strike, however, should trigger a response with full force.


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Back in the 1990s, a publication no one had ever heard of, Asia Times, began to run a column written by someone calling himself “Spengler” — as in Oswald Spengler, the German author of the classic Decline of the West. These columns were so insightful, and so well-written, that the urge to forward them to other readers was irresistible. (I seemed to get about 10 copies of each Spengler column from various friends and ex-colleagues in the intelligence business, and I probably forwarded each column to a dozen of the ex-spooks I’d worked with during the Reagan administration.) Before long, more than a million people each week were reading these columns, and a lot of them were asking one another: who’s Spengler?

Given the extraordinary depth and breadth of his columns, several of us assumed that “Spengler” was merely the nom de guerre for a top-secret cadre of geopolitical geniuses operating clandestinely from somewhere in Hong Kong or perhaps Singapore. Not quite. It turns out that “Spengler” is actually David P. Goldman, who’s based in New York and who once headed global bond research for Bank of America. He’s also a highly regarded literary and music critic with a Ph.D in music theory.

TED BELMAN: THE END OF THE “PEACE-PROCESS” ERA The Palestinian/Israeli conflict has entered a new era.  Since the UNSC passed Res 242, it had been focused on the “peace process,” which included the Madrid Conference, the Oslo Accords, the Roadmap, Annapolis, and, finally, Obama’s heavy-handed attempts to impose a solution. One of the reasons why Obama couldn’t get the PA to negotiate […]


Suddenly, it seems, President Obama is all about the Pacific. As he put it at a weekend summit of the region’s leaders in Hawaii, “The United States is a Pacific power and we are here to stay.” Unfortunately, thus far in his presidency, Mr. Obama has caused many of his guests to see America as less and less of a power and prompted them to have serious doubts about our willingness to stay in a strategically significant way.

Such perceptions have been greatly aggravated by the dynamic that has characterized the Pacific in recent years: the increasing emergence of Communist China as an economic and military hegemonist while the United States appears to be poorly led, in decline economically and in retreat militarily.

Friends and adversaries alike have responded to such perceived changes in the geopolitics of the Pacific and its vast periphery. America’s formal or de facto allies there – a group that has of late come to include a few unlikely nations like Vietnam – are panicking at the prospect that this country will be neither willing nor able to serve as a bulwark against Chinese imperialism.

President Obama is overseas on a nine-day Blame America First tour. He’s ostensibly spending time on the other side of the Pacific to explore ways the United States can work better with Asian economies. Instead, he’s using his time in the spotlight to criticize the nation he’s supposed to be leading.

“We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades,” Mr. Obama said at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Honolulu over the weekend. “We’ve kind of taken for granted — ‘Well, people would want to come here’ — and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.” This is the height of chutzpah from the elected official who has done more than anyone else to undermine the competitiveness of U.S. industries. Economic uncertainty is the chief reason businesses aren’t hiring or investing in new projects. The main causes for corporate uncertainty are out-of-control government regulation, spending and taxation – problems Mr. Obama has exacerbated.