The continuing existence of the Jewish people during the 2,000 years of the post-biblical era is surely a miracle, an enigma; indeed an astonishing testament to an enduring faith and that of its adherents.
For all of those long years the Jews lived in almost perpetual danger of extinction because they were stateless and at the mercy and whims from those within whichever nation they could find refuge.
Despite the oppression and misery endured by this most human of peoples, the People of the Book, defenseless and powerless, despised and persecuted, they nevertheless survived the fiery crucibles of the Church and the relentless subjugation of the Mosque.
The two daughter religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, though meting out horrific slaughters upon the Jews, nevertheless could not exist were it not for Judaism or Israel. And the world, be it religious or secular, has been forever touched by Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Maimonides, Spinoza, Freud, Einstein, and by so many others who have sprung from this remarkable people.
Yet another miracle occurred to the remnant of the Jewish folk who survived the Holocaust or the mass expulsions of Jews from Arab lands. The European Jewish remnant arose like a phoenix from what Europe had become: One giant Jewish graveyard.