While the current administration has a stake in referring to the Muslim Brotherhood as “moderate” and largely secular, there is a reality very different from the view at Foggy Bottom.
The Brotherhood is a popular movement of Islam founded in 1928 by Hasan al Banna, the most prominent representative of what is sometimes referred to as Islamism. For al Banna whatever ails the Muslim world – the umma – can be addressed by the simple sentence, “Islam is the solution.” Religious law – shariah – is to be restored to its central place as an organizing principle for every sphere of life.
From the Brotherhood point of view, whatever ails the world can be traced to the West’s pernicious influence. It stole scientific secrets, deprived Muslims of their religious faith and converted them into docile subjects. While resentment is the main current of Islamism, it is curiously united with modern mass media to spread the faith. Similarly, while the West is deplored, the technical achievements of the West are often welcomed and even aspects of democracy – such as the civil code – which can be exploited to advance Islam is admired. The Brotherhood openly calls for free elections, but only as a way to legitimate its authority. This duality is what confuses the detractors of Islamism. Hoping for the best, some critics rely on the assertions of Western preference to conclude that the Muslim Brotherhood is secular or moderate.