SOEREN KERN: RUNAWAY ANTI-SEMITISM TRAMPLING ITALY A jarring 44% of Italians are prejudiced or hostile towards Jews, according to a new research study released by the Italian Parliament on October 17. The report, titled “Final Document: Investigation on Anti-Semitism,” was commissioned by the Committee for the Inquiry into Anti-Semitism of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the […]

Our Libyan Adventure Qaddafi’s dictatorship was preferable to an Islamist Libya.
‘Are you suggesting that we would be better off with the Qaddafi dictatorship still in effect?” asked Chris Wallace, browbeating presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.
And why shouldn’t he? After all, the Fox News anchor had just gotten Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Lindsey Graham to perform the requisite “Arab Spring” cartwheels over the demise of Libyan strongman Moammar Qaddafi. Apparently, when leading from behind ends up leading to a vicious murder at the hands of a wild-eyed mob, even folks who once got the sniffles over fastidiously non-lethal waterboarding can feel good about pulling out their party hats.
Imagine, then, the gall of Bachmann. The Minnesota Republican persisted in finding the cankers on the Arab Spring smiley face.
The most obviously ugly of these is that a throng of seething Islamists stripped, beat, paraded, and finally shot Qaddafi execution-style, all the while screaming the signature “Allahu Akbar!” battle cry with a fervor that would have made Mohamed Atta blush. They then shoved the despot’s corpse into a refrigerator — to maintain it for further triumphant display before thousands of gawking spectators. Too bad there was no official from the Obama administration’s Islamic Thought Police on hand to remind the mob of the Koran’s oft-quoted (but oftener ignored) teaching that to slay a single person is to slay all of mankind.

HMM…EVEN TOILET USE MUST BE SHARIA COMPLIANT: DIANA WEST Yesterday’s post netted some valuable and vivid addenda. 1) From Andrew Bostom came the canonical hadith that suports Shafiq Mubarak’s teachings to US Marines not to — how to put it? — excrete in the direction of Mecca. This, Andy explains, is more formally known as “facing the Qiblah,” which means turning toward the Kabaa […]


BREAKING: Homeland Security Adviser Allegedly Leaked Intel to Attack Rick Perry Posted By Patrick Poole

URL to article:

Texas Department of Public Safety officials are asking questions following a report that Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council member [1] Mohamed Elibiary may have been given access to a sensitive database of state and local intelligence reports, and then allegedly shopped some of those materials to a media outlet. He allegedly used the documents to claim the department was promoting “Islamophobia” — claims that the media outlet ultimately rejected. They declined to do the story.

Earlier today, I received confirmation from a left-leaning media outlet that Elibiary had recently approached them asking to do a story attacking Texas DPS:

Yes, he approached us and gave us some reports marked FOUO [For Official Use Only] that he said showed a pattern of Islamophobia at the department. He emphasized that some of the regional fusion centers were shut down a few years ago after the ACLU complained that they were targeting Muslim civil rights groups and said that this was being directed by [Texas Gov.] Rick Perry.

We looked at the reports and they weren’t as he had billed them to us. They seem to be pretty straightforward, nothing remotely resembling Islamophobia that we saw. I think he was hoping we would bite and not give it too much of a look in light of the other media outfits jumping on the Islamophobia bandwagon.

JAN POLLER: APPEASERS AND FIGHTERS There is a world-wide Islamic Jihad.  Even the Leftists know this.  After a visit by some Liberal relatives and talking to many Liberals on the Internet, some things become very clear. The Leftists/Liberals are fully aware of the threats of the Jihadis.  They know about the rockets on Israel, they know about the Honor […]

UPSURGE IN ARAB VIOLENCE IN ISRAEL: GIL RONEN ‘I Saw the Devil Inside Him’Arabs ambush a car full of Jews north of Jerusalem. Attacks seem to be on an upsurge. Residents of Judea and Samaria report an upsurge in terror attacks in recent days, although official statistics are not yet available to confirm this. Neria Avrahami of Psagot hitched a ride in […]

THE OLDEST RUNNING HEADLINE….QUARTET SEEKS NEW TAKS BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PALARABS Talks between envoys of the international peacemaking Quartet and Israeli and Palestinian officials in Jerusalem ended with a pledge to introduce “comprehensive proposals” but no deal on new peace talks. In a statement released late on Wednesday, the peacemaking group, which comprises the United States, United Nations, European Union and Russia, said its envoys […]

HOT PICKS FROM FSM Florida Appeals Court REJECTS CALL TO BLOCK JUDGE FROM CITING ISLAMIC LAW in Ruling [ST. PETERSBURG TIMES] Religious Violence, Uncertainty in Post-Mubarak Egypt Threatens Ties to Israel, U.S. [FOX] American Imperialism? Please… The Administration’s decision to leave Iraq should deal a staggering blow to America’s critics. [NRO] Eurozone debt crisis: talks break down as […]

Islamic Law Commands Death for Apostasy
In Iran, a Christian pastor named Yusef Nadarkhani sits on death row, condemned to hang because he converted to Christianity from Islam. From around the world, indignation and pleas for clemency pour in. The Iranian regime is excoriated for its barbarism. And indeed, the Iranian legal code is barbaric.

It is also firmly grounded in Islamic law, known as shariah. Shariah commands that any Muslim male who is mature and sane and willingly apostasizes from Islam must be executed. The Islamic scholars reached consensus (ijma) on this point when shariah was immutably codified in the early centuries after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad. The death penalty for apostasy is based on two Qur’anic verses and one important hadith from the authoritative collection of Bukhari.


Ruth King reviews a book that claims that Islamic population numbers are poised to go into unprecedented rapid decline and interviews its author, David P. Goldman.
Demographic predictions often affect national security policy. President Jimmy Carter’s smarter brother Billy put it succinctly. When questioned about his shady deals with Libya, he replied “The only thing I can say is there is a hell of a lot more Arabians than there is Jews.” American policy with respect to the Middle East has been stated a tad more elegantly but it is based on the same immoral and obtuse calculations.

With respect to Israel, misleading predictions of Arab population growth were used, mostly by soft-core supporters to suggest that Jews were doomed to become a minority west of the Jordan River and should concede that geography in order to secure demography. A study : “The million Person Gap: The Arab Population in the West Bank and Gaza-the American-Israel Demographic Research Group” was published by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies in February 2006 with Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger as head of the Israeli team. All the meticulous research, including birth and death records and emigration numbers, revealed a net loss of Arab births and a surge in Jewish births in the West Bank.

As Ambassador Ettinger stated: “the demographic time bomb became a demographic scare crow.”

Today’s demographic scare crow evokes resurgent Islam, growing by leaps and bounds- invincible and inevitable and never to be challenged or offended.

David P. Goldman is a columnist and editor who writes a weekly essay on Western culture, economics, and politics under the very apposite pseudonym “Spengler.” In his book “How Civilizations Die (And Why Islam is Dying Too)” he shreds this current “demographobia” with documentation, statistics, analysis and hard facts.