Back during the early days of the Tahrir Square protests I wrote, “59 percent of Egyptian Muslims want democracy and 95 percent want Islam to play a large part in politics. 84 percent believe apostates should face the death penalty. That is what Egyptian democracy will look like. A unanimous majority that wants an […]
The Sad Story of Judith Clark: How Ideology can Ruin a Life. The Question Remains: Should She Go Free? Posted By Ron Radosh
“The clearest example of this is the Brink’s robbery on October 20, 1981, in which three people were murdered. Remnants of 1970s terrorist groups, the Weather Underground, the Black Liberation Army, and the Republic of New Africa, banded together as the May 19th Communist Organization and attempted to rob a Brink’s truck in order to finance an expansion of their activities. In early 1979, more than two years before the murders, this terrorist group issued a document called Principles of Unity of the May 19th Communist Organization. The document pledged support to terrorists in the United States, South Africa, and Puerto Rico, as well as to terrorists in the Middle East.This was not enough to alert the FBI. Nor was the fact that Judy Clark, a member of the group, had attended an international conference organized by the PLO in Lebanon in September 1981, shortly before the abortive terrorist “expropriation.” Five hundred supporters of the PLO and other international terrorist groups were in attendance. Clark remained in Lebanon with the PLO for a time after the conference.”
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The incredible story [1] by Tom Robbins about Judith Clark that appears in today’s New York Times — an advance posting of a feature in their coming Sunday Magazine — tells the story of Clark, one of the four arrested on Oct. 20, 1981, after a failed attempt to rob a Brink’s truck in a shopping mall in Nanuet, New York. The action led to the murder of one black and one white police officer, in what Robbins correctly calls “one of the last spams of ‘60s-style, left-wing violence.”
Battlefield South Carolina Posted By J. Christian Adams
“Eric Holder is conducting a war on southern election integrity. He blocked Georgia’s law to verify that only U.S. citizens are voting in American elections. He has sued Governor Bobby Jindal because not enough voter registrations were coming from his welfare agencies. He has blocked S.C. Voter ID. He will block the Texas law shortly. Florida seeks election integrity changes his DOJ wrangled over. Come to Charleston and learn what is happening, and what can be done about it.”
The battle for the GOP nomination moves to South Carolina, and there are signs that Romney faces a tougher path in the Palmetto State. I wrote last year of the South Carolina primary at PJ Media:
Pro-business mainstream conservatives who give no offense to evangelicals and mainline Protestants — and, ideally, who have demonstrable national security credibility — are the candidates who win the South Carolina primary. Everyone wondering who will be the GOP nominee in 2012 should read that last sentence ten times over. Failure on any point means failure in South Carolina.
It was the first week in October in Newton, an upscale suburb of Boston, and Tony Pagliuso’s daughter, a sophomore at Newton South High School, was visibly disturbed. When Tony asked her the problem, she showed him a passage from the chapter she was assigned in her World History Class. It was a chapter called “Women, an Essay,” from a supplemental text called the The Arab World Notebook. In a paragraph devoted to women “in the struggle for independence from colonial powers,” we find:
Over the past four decades, women have been active in the Palestinian resistance movement. Several hundred have been imprisoned, tortured, and killed by Israeli occupation forces since the latest uprising, “intifada,” in the Israeli occupied territories.
Pagliuso assured his daughter that this was “total propaganda,” and took the matter up with the young teacher, a Miss Jessica Engel, who couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about. The material had been “vetted” and was deemed “appropriate,” she said, “and would stay in the curriculum. After all, she continued, the head of the history department had gotten this material at an outreach workshop of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard!
Thence to the principal, Joel Stembridge, who glared at Pagliuso and asked, “How do you pronounce ‘Pagliuso’?” and dismissing him brusquely with a refusal to apologize, added: “If you’re unhappy with this, you should know that next year we’re planning to teach material that will be even more inflammatory to your sensibilities.” (Where is Ferris Bueller when you need him?) Since Miss Jessica Engel had devoted one day each to Judaism and Christianity while spending 2 ½ weeks on Islam, Tony wasn’t sure how much more imbalanced things could get.
A couple of weeks later, nine stalwart Newton citizens presented themselves at the Newton School Committee meeting, where superintendent David Fleischman, and even the mayor, Setti Warren, were present. The citizens were courteously received, and as it happens Fleishman announced shortly thereafter that indeed the chapter “didn’t meet the learning goals of the class” and had been removed from the curriculum.
“Didn’t meet the learning goals” is Eduspeak for “What the hell is this and how the hell did it get in?” The answer to the latter is, as noted, Harvard, which, as it happens, held a seminar on Israel and Palestine at Newton South in April 2011. And Newton is far from the only community to take its lead on matters Islamic from Harvard. Public and private schools all over Massachusetts send teachers to the Outreach Center at Harvard for guidance and (free) materials. The program, like the Center for Middle Eastern Studies itself, is heavily Saudi-funded.
The answer to what it is can be found in a number of places. In 2005, responding to a complaint from a teacher in Anchorage, Alaska, the American Jewish Committee published a thorough critique of the Notebook (the full report Propaganda, Proselytizing, and Public Education, is available at the AJC website), thanks to which Anchorage stopped using the book. As background, the AJC report explains:
The Arab World Studies Notebook was first published in 1990 under the title Arab World Notebook [apparently Newton was using this edition], but was updated and republished in 1998 with its current title. The funding for the publication was provided by the Middle East Policy Council, formerly the Arab American Affairs Council….The Notebook was published in conjunction with Arab World and Islamic Resources (AWAIR), founded by Audrey Shabbas, who penned many of the articles…as well as the editorial commentary throughout. A video has surfaced of four United States Marines urinating on the dead bodies of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. The act took place after a firefight which resulted in the Taliban deaths. The firefight was extremely harrowing and could easily have resulted in any or all of the Marines getting killed or wounded. The […]
The name MK Zeev Elkin started making headlines only over the past several months. What began with a caricature continued on to radio and television programs. Until a year ago, he was unknown by the general public, although he has served in the Knesset for the past seven years.
The media’s interest in Elkin, which began only when he introduced the controversial boycott law, increased when he began, together with his fellow faction member, MK Yariv Levin, to advance a bill that obligates candidates for the Supreme Court to undergo a hearing in the Constitution and Law Committee. It accompanied criticism from Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch and continued in a disagreement over the candidacy of Justice Noam Solberg.
When Netanyahu made him head of the coalition, many people in the Knesset raised an eyebrow. Some thought that the task was too big for someone who was a fairly plain member of Kadima’s faction until he began rebelling against Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni.
But Elkin is considered to have proven himself the best at his job. For three years, the opposition has not managed to get a single bill passed in the Knesset that the coalition opposed.
And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the people of the land called America, having lost their morals, their initiative, and their will to defend their liberties, chose as their Supreme Leader that person known as “The One”.He emerged from the vapors with a message that had no meaning; but He hypnotized the people telling them, “I am sent to save you. My lack of experience, my questionable ethics, my monstrous ego, and my association with evil doers are of no consequence. For I shall save you with Hope and Change. Go, therefore, and proclaim throughout the land that he who preceded me is evil, that he has defiled the nation, and that all he has built must be destroyed.” And the people rejoiced, for even though they knew not what “The One” would do, he had promised that it was good; and they believed. And “The One” said “We live in the greatest country in the world. Help me change everything about it!” And the people said, “Hallelujah! Change is good!”
Then He said, “We are going to tax the rich fat-cats.” And the people said “Sock it to them!” ” And redistribute their wealth.” And the people said, “Show us the money!” And then He said, “Redistribution of wealth is good for everybody” And Joe the plumber asked, ” Are you kidding me? You’re going to steal my money and give it to the deadbeats??” And “The One” ridiculed and taunted him, and Joe’s personal records were hacked and publicized. One lone reporter asked, “Isn’t that Marxist policy?” And she was banished from the kingdom! The radical Islamist Nour party, or “Party of the Light,” has captured more than a quarter of votes in the post-Mubarak Egyptian elections. Nour, which ran second to the Muslim Brotherhood in the polling, is a Wahhabi party, reproducing the ideology of the rulers of Saudi Arabia, under the label of “Salafism.” Its rhetoric […]
Urination, also known as micturition, voiding, peeing, weeing, pissing, and more rarely, emiction. Whatever you call it….and I prefer “voiding” .
Our troops have been asked to avoid insulting the enemy, avoid hitting civilians, avoid harsh interrogation, avoid any infraction of the COIN doctrine or rules of engagement that leave them in harm’s way.
So, they voided on the bodies of dead and deadly murderers whose only rules of engagement are to avoid any human rights and compassionate concerns about “infidels.”
So it’s not nice…..who gives a damn? Not me.
I say void the enemy with firepower and overwhelming force.
The United States has so many problems that I find it amazing that President Obama has even the remotest chance of winning. Here is a short list of them in no particular order:
The national debt
The blah economy
Iran on the verge of getting nuclear weapons
An increase in anti-American terrorism
The decimation of the U.S. Military
A president who announced that he will rule by decree if congress doesn’t go along with him
More regulation
Failure to exploit American resources
I, as a voter, want to know how the candidates would tackle these problems. I want a complete picture. (Please note that I am not indicating any preference for any candidate except I abhor Rob Paul.)
What is the GOP giving us? They are giving us internecine battles that aren’t even honest.
Consider the attacks on Romney. To a large extent they are an attack on Capitalism, saying that there should be some moral limit on profits. Romney should respond by listing the jobs created and jobs lost while he was at Bain. Instead we get dragged out, non-informative discourse that does absolutely nothing to address the problems of the country.
Where is the GOP attack on the Rule by Executive order plan of the President? Where is the fight against Obama deciding when Congress is and is not in session when it is spelled out in the Constitution? It is non-existent.
The GOP won control of the House of Representatives in the 2010 elections. What has the GOP done with it? The silenced the new members and have yielded to almost all Democrat demands no matter how detrimental to the country.
How do they expect to win the Presidency when they just give us platitudes and President Obama victory after victory?
You don’t have to be a genius or on the inside to see what is happening to the parties or to our country.
It is depressing.
Jan Mel Poller