The Jihadist Vision of Tunisia’s New ‘Democratic’ Leader

When the final tally is completed, Tunisia’s Sharia-promoting Ennahda party is predicted to garner from 30% , to as much 50% of the popular vote (an unhappy medium of 40% was projected yesterday). Indeed the expatriate Tunisian vote tally for Ennahda has already been recorded as 50%, and, regardless, on the basis of its large plurality, the party is slated to play a major role in drafting Tunisia’s new constitution.


RUSH:  Rick Perry announced his tax plan today, which I’ll go on record as saying I, El Rushbo, think is great.  It’s fabulous.  I like it.  And the left is coming unhinged.  We have just two examples.  First from Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz, who was on MSNBC today, interviewed by the anchor Thomas Roberts, who said, […]


Revolution that eats its children nibbles at Hollywood’s Daryl Hannah, Alec Baldwin, Roseanne Barr

“One section leader proposed to cure economic distress by putting all rich people to death.”
— The French Revolution as described in The Age of Napoleon by Will and Ariel Durant

Why was the frequently outspoken actress Daryl Hannah suddenly so shy when talking to Sean Hannity?

Why was the always outspoken actress Roseanne Barr suddenly so angry with a celebrity financial website?

And why was the never shy Alec Baldwin twittering cagily in non-denial denial mode?

What could possibly make these three famous activist actors so respectively reticent, furious and coy?

The Occupy Wall Street Movement has received cheers from President Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats, with the President’s union and media allies swarming to support the protest.

ALLAH…OOP? PALARABS SHOOT THEMSELVES IN CELEBRATION OF TERRORIST HOMECOMING The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) reports 20 Palestinians were injured in Gaza due to celebratory shooting-in-the-air upon the return of convicted terrorists freed by Israel in exchange for Hamas’ release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. After surveying hospitals last Tuesday, the Center reported that among the injured were six children and three […]

CLARE M. LOPEZ: ISLAMIC LAW CONQUERING THE UNITED STATES In our last newsletter, we looked at the growing threat of Islamic (Shariah) Law across Europe. In Part 2 of our special report on Shariah Law, Clare Lopez, Senior Fellow at the Clarion Fund examines the impact of Shariah Law in the United States. As you will read, Shariah Law is already infiltrating our […]

FRANK GAFFNEY: WHO LOST THE WORLD? Who lost the world? – Obama has paved the way for an explosive era Conventional wisdom has it that the 2012 presidential election will be all about the dismal economy, unemployment and the soaring deficit. That appears a safe bet because such matters touch the electorate, are much in the news at the moment […]

THE POST GLOBAL WARMING WORLD….MOVING ON The Post-Global Warming World Moving on from climate virtue. The United Nations will convene its 17th annual climate-change conference next month in Durban, South Africa, with the purpose of sealing a new carbon-cutting deal to succeed the soon-to-expire 1997 Kyoto Protocol. It promises to be a historic event, if not in the way the […]

TEHERAN: TUNISIA ELECTION RESULTS PROVE ISLAMIC NATURE OF THE REVOLUTION ‘Election results prove Islamic nature of Tunisian revolution’  TEHRAN– Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani told an open session of parliament on Tuesday that the result of Tunisia’s general election proves the fact that the revolution that occurred in the country was Islamic in nature.   Tunisians went to the polls on Sunday to elect a […]

THE CLUB FOR GROWTH SUPPORTS PERRY ECONOMIC PLAN…KNOCKS ROMNEY The influential small government advocacy group Club for Growth heaped praise on Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s flat tax plan on Tuesday, and knocked former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for not releasing a similarly ambitious proposal. In a statement, Club President Chris Chocola said Perry’s plan to allow American to choose to pay either their […]


Honor Horror Trial Opens in Canada Posted By Stephen Brown

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“May the devil s**t on their graves.”
– Mohammad Shafia

These charming words, picked up by a police wiretap, were Mohammad Shafia’s ghoulish reaction almost three weeks after the murder of his three daughters and first wife, whose deaths he is accused of orchestrating. Daughters Zanaib, 19, Sahar, 17, Geeti, 13, by all appearances beautiful and vibrant teenagers, filled with life, and first wife Rona Mohammad, were found dead in a family vehicle in a canal near Kingston, Ontario, in June 2009. Authorities gave drowning as the cause of death.

An unrepentant Shafia, an immigrant from Afghanistan, appeared in court last week in Kingston to answer for this barbaric loss of human life. He is facing four charges of first degree murder along with his second wife, Tooba, the mother of all the family’s seven children, and oldest son Hamid, who was 18 at the time of the killings. The three have pleaded not guilty to the charges, setting the stage for the most sensational honor murder trial Canada has ever witnessed, particularly because of the number of victims involved.