IRA STOLL: OTHERWISE OCCUPIED….THE OWS AND ANTI-SEMITISM Confused by the two apparently conflicting views of Occupy Wall Street’s relations with the Jews — The Emergency Committee for Israel portrays the occupiers as a bunch of anti-Semites, while the Forward described Kol Nidre services being held at Occupy Wall Street on Yom Kippur — I went down there myself Thursday night for […]


The tyrant is dead, and the head of Libya’s Transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, (who was also Gaddafi’s former Justice Minister), has declared that Libya has been liberated.

What a glorious day it is when a country is liberated from its justice minister by its justice minister. If only Gaddafi had been quicker on the ball, he could have staged a revolution against himself and liberated the country from himself.

We mustn’t laugh. Now that American troops are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan has declared that it will back Pakistan in any conflict with the United States, we must have the highest hopes for Libyan democracy. Didn’t we declare an undeclared war on Gaddafi to have a fallback position? Even if Egypt and Tunisia go down the tubes, and Yemen declares an official Bin Laden day, we’ll always have Libya.

SOEREN KERN: HEZBOLLAH PITCHES A TENT IN DENMARK ” YOUR ARE ENTERING A SHARIA CONTROLLED ZONE” A Muslim group in Denmark has launched a campaign to turn parts of Copenhagen and other Danish cities into “Sharia Law Zones” that would function as autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic law. The Danish Islamist group Kaldet til Islam (Call to Islam) says the Tingbjerg suburb of Copenhagen will be the first part of […]

Child abuse claims at UK madrassas ‘tip of iceberg’By Fran Abrams
Britain’s madrassas have faced more than 400 allegations of physical abuse in the past three years, a BBC investigation has discovered.But only a tiny number have led to successful prosecutions.
The revelation has led to calls for formal regulation of the schools, attended by more than 250,000 Muslim children every day for Koran lessons.
The chairman of the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board said he would treat the issue as a matter of urgency.
Leading Muslim figures said families often faced pressure not to go to court or even to make a formal complaint.
A senior prosecutor told the BBC its figures were likely to represent the tip of an iceberg.

France 2 TV Markets a ‘Palestinian State’ By Nidra Poller

Page Printed from: Eleven years after the al Dura hoax — produced and broadcast by state-owned France 2 TV — the same outfit treats us to a ludicrously staged Palestinian State promotional film.  Was the 2½ -hour “documentary” aired on October 3 in the geopolitical magazine Un �”il sur la planète (an eye on […]


Iraq won’t give us permanent bases, let alone immunity for our troops in Iraq to train demonstrably untrainable Iraqis. (I mean, come on; eight years and they’re still not “trained”?) Score: Iran.

Now, Karzai says he would back Pakistan in a war with the USA:

“God forbid, If ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will side with Pakistan,” he [Karzai] said in the interview to Geo television.

“If Pakistan is attacked and if the people of Pakistan needs Afghanistan’s help, Afghanistan will be there with you.”

Anything wrong with this picture?


An Islamic group whose presence in Montreal sparked controversy insisted Friday night that its message has been misunderstood.

The Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) is a UK-based group that describes itself on its website as an “international dawah organization committed to educating and informing humanity about the truth and noble message of Islam.”

However, a speech by the group’s chairman Abdurraheem Green (pictured), where he suggested it is alright for a husband to use physical force on his wife, drew a lot of negative attention to the group.

It led Concordia University’s Muslim Students’ Association to cancel a planned speech that was to be held Friday night, but a Montreal group affiliated with the Muslim Association of Canada found another venue for another iERA lecturer to speak.


A Middle East double-dip is ushered-in by the lynching of Gadhafi; the
violent alteration of alliances and regime in Libya; the inherent tribal,
ethnic, ideological and religious fragmentation in that oil rich country;
the volatile Arab Street from North Africa to the Persian Gulf; the
disintegration of nepotism-based Arab regimes; the artificial boundaries of
Arab countries, which exacerbates ethnic and sectarian violence; and the
1,400 years absence of Arab democracy and intra-Arab comprehensive peace and
compliance with agreements.

The call for Israel to assume additional risks for peace defies Middle East
reality. It is a derivative of the “Arab Spring” delusion, fueling Arab
radicalism and terrorism.

An Undeclared Victory, a Lack of Deterrence By Leif Babin (Former SEAL)

An Undeclared Victory, a Lack of Deterrence By Leif Babin
Leif Babin is a former Navy SEAL officer who served three tours in Iraq, earning a Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart.
The President announced yesterday that the United States will withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year. This ends months of speculation on U.S. troop levels in Iraq beyond 2011 and confirms the Associated Press reports from last week of a total withdrawal.
I wrote an Op-Ed for the Wall Street Journal last month entitled “We’ve Won in Iraq So Let’s Leave” and an editorial for last week calling for just this outcome. In these I argued it was time the United States declare victory in Iraq and shift precious military resources to the highest priority mission in Afghanistan. Despite the hope of many U.S. military commanders to keep a large U.S. force in Iraq beyond 2011, the decision to withdraw all forces appears to have been based on the Iraqi Parliament’s refusal to grant immunity in Iraqi courts to U.S. military forces. This, in effect, is Iraq politely telling us that it’s time to go. They are confident enough to stand on their own. And while different than we might have originally envisioned, I would argue that this is, in fact, what victory looks like.
But while I applaud the decision to withdraw all U.S. Forces, I offer harsh criticism of the President for the following reasons outlined below.

FRANK MIELE: ONE PERCENT LOGIC AND 99% BULL….SEE NOTE  The Occupy Wall Street movement has been aptly described as “Anarchists for Totalitarianism.”   Given the logical inconsistency of such a movement, the OWS folks have to be glad there is no official theme song yet; otherwise, the repetitive mindless chants emanating from Zuccotti Park would all have to end with “If I only […]