The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus argued, “A man’s character is his fate,” by which he meant that we are all capable of shaping our futures. It is also true that a nation’s character is its fate and that countries prosper or perish by their own hands.
Taking these two truths together, it is easy to look around today and lose hope about what lies ahead. Western civilization is in moral peril and spiritual decay. Increasingly authoritarian political leaders have abandoned Enlightenment principles recognizing the sanctity of individual rights and a social compact ensuring that legitimate government arises only from the “consent of the governed.” Virtue is maligned, while sin is lauded. Constitutional protections and inherent freedoms are ignored. Manipulated language and propaganda supplant both meaning and the pursuit of truth. Surely, we are damned.
Or maybe the endless winds of chaos and change have conspired to make sure we are here to lead at this moment in history. Maybe you see the collapse around us clearly because you are meant to help rebuild and lift others up. When our brains and hearts tell us that something is terribly amiss in the world, then we are given an opportunity to fix what’s out of place. When everything around us seems wrong, then we are given the chance to change everything. That is either a heavy burden or an extraordinary gift, but which it is remains our choice. The great blessings of free will flourish only with sacrifice and duty. We are, as English poet William Ernest Henley reminded, the masters of our fates and the captains of our souls. It is our character that will decide what is to come. It is our choices that will shape what lies down our road.