MOSLEM SCHOLAR’S FATWA: “EVERY ZIONIST WHO ENTERS EGYPT….TOURIST OR NOT….SHOULD BE KILLED” BRACING IN TRANSLATION ISN’T IT? IS THERE A HIDDEN MESSAGE OF PEACE IN IT?…..RSK Last month Dr. Salah Sultan, a member of Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, declared on al-Jazeera that the IUMS would restore the fatwa they issued in 1994, which stated that “every […]


Roger’s Reality Show
First, Ailes dialed back the Tea Party talk. Now he’s turning the GOP race into a political X-Factor—and steering the election agenda one more time.

It was part political spectacle, part American Idol, part YouTube extravaganza, a pure Roger Ailes production—and the latest sign that the Fox News chairman is quietly repositioning America’s dominant cable-news channel.

Hours before last week’s presidential debate in Orlando, Ailes’s anchors sat in a cavernous back room, hunched over laptops, and plotted how to trap the candidates. Chris Wallace said he would aim squarely at Rick Perry’s weakness: “How do you feel about being criticized by some of your rivals as being too soft on illegal immigration? Then I go to Rick Santorum: is Perry too soft?”

“That’s going to get some fireworks going,” said managing editor Bill Sammon, grinning.

When showtime arrived, producer Marty Ryan choreographed the action from a crowded trailer outside the convention hall: he called for a two-shot when Wallace invited Mitt Romney to criticize Perry’s immigration stance, so the audience could watch both men’s agitated expressions. But Ryan barked, “Let’s just be on Perry,” as the Texas governor demanded to know whether Santorum had ever been to the Mexican border, capturing the moment. Afterward, Ailes phoned a top lieutenant: “Tell the team we’ve been kicking ass in these debates.”

WES PRUDEN: THE GAFFE PATROL These are high times for the Gaffe Patrol. A “target-rich environment,” as the old-timers in Vietnam called it, invites every pilot with “unexpended ordnance” under his wings to shoot down everything he sees moving. Sometimes the Gaffe Patrol just can’t miss. Rick Perry was such a juicy target after the Republican debate that even […]

THE LEAST WARREN BUFFETT CAN DO IS SHOW US HIS RETURNS Mr. Buffett’s Tax Secrets The least he can do is show Americans why he pays so little. Warren Buffett has forcefully injected himself into the U.S. political debate, with President Obama using the billionaire’s anecdote that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary as a bludgeon in favor of raising taxes on […]

CAL THOMAS: PAYING THE DEAD… There isn’t much about dysfunctional government that shocks me anymore, but this story did. According to a report by the Office of Personnel Management and reported in Ed O’Keefe’s “The Federal Eye” column in the Washington Post, our government has been sending checks to dead people. “In the last five years,” O’Keefe writes, “the […]

SANDY RIOS: PERRY…AN HONEST HESITATOR OVER A SLICKSTER Pundits seem hell bent on singling out a dismal performance by Governor Rick Perry on Thursday night’s FOX/Google debate, which was the most watched debate in history—proving voters are paying attention in record numbers as the economics tighten. Nine Republican candidates took the stage, but only one took the hearts of Florida’s Straw Poll […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY In the Washington Post’s “On Faith” section, a story asks; ‘Judaism without God? Yes, say American atheists’. You can have Judaism without G-D, much as you can have an “On Faith” section without anything to have faith in.  It’s all a matter of definition. If you define Judaism by its covenantal document as a […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: SERFS IN WARRENVILLE If nothing else, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for Commissar of Massachusetts deserves to be credited for getting at the heart of the issue. And the issue is private property. Is there such a thing as private property? According to the Warrens, private property is a false construct. Property is generated, maintained and protected through the […]

OCTOBER MIDEAST OUTPOST NOW ONLINE OCTOBER 2011 OUTPOST ISSUE #247: PUBLISHED BY AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL 41st Year of Publication WILLIAM MEHLMAN: ANARCHY AT TURTLE BAY  Barring a zero-hour capitulation by Israel to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ insistence on the 1949 Arab-Israeli armistice lines  and a renewed halt to Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria as  […]

PERRY IS NOT OVER…HE JUST NEEDS A REBOUND….SEE NOTE PLEASE RICK PERRY IS A BUMBLING DEBATER….SO WHAT? HE HAS IDEAS AND A RECORD AND HE STANDS BY HIS PRINCIPLES WHILE THE OTHERS NIP AT HIS HEELS…..STAY TUNED….RSK Orlando, Fla. — Florida voters may have closed the door on a Presidency 5 straw-poll victory for Rick Perry, but they haven’t shut the window on the […]