WSJ: BACHMANN’S VIRAL DEBATE The Republican primary field is understandably debating the role of the state in American life, but some of the contenders seem determined to fulfill President Obama’s caricature of conservatives as favoring no government at all. Take Monday night’s rumpus over cervical cancer. In 2007, Rick Perry issued an executive order requiring sixth-grade girls to […]


First: Michelle Bachmann’s overheated and hypocritical challenge at the debate. When Bachmann was part of the Minnesota legislature the Hepatitis B vaccine was mandated without parental opt-out and there is no record that she opposed it in any way. After the debate on the news she quoted a mother who claimed her child developed “mental retardation” after the vaccine. That charge is beyond stupid and bows to the uninformed Americans who are opposed to all vaccines and claim that they cause autism. Like the global warming cultists no mount of scientific facts will convince them. When she accused Governor Perry of taking contributions and potentially risking the lives of children, CNN got really busy checking up on candidates they don’t like….namely, all Republicans. In ten years as governor Perry got a total of (gasp) $28,000.00.

Pharmaceutical companies have contributed a great deal of money in America…..Does anyone stop to think that they would naturally favor candidates who want tort reform? After all, much of the money that could go to development and research is spent on defending themselves from spurious litigation.

Furthermore, much of the brouhaha is because it is a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease and abstinence is preferable, but a little realism is best. Does Bachmann really think abstinence can be pushed on American teenagers? Why doesn’t she ask Sarah Palin, who has the experience of millions of mothers who tried to maintain scrupulous morals at home but in spite of it her teenage daughter was unmarried and pregnant.

2.Immigration: Again, Bachmann should be asked about her home state where radical Mosques have proliferated, and its legal immigrants have taught Jihad and many have gone to fight along side of the Jihadists in Somalia.

Rick Perry’s decision to permit children of illegal immigrants to attend college is humanitarian. Not one of the other self righteous contenders has a border with Mexico and an in state large population of illegals. If those young people do not get a chance for education they would be in the street, and until I hear one real proposal for reform that deals with the illegals already within our borders, I’ll stick with the Perry solution of guest worker cards. As to building a huge wall, again, he is right. Just read about all the tunnels that have been built wiht direct access to all our southern border towns.

I liked Bachmann but her attacks were outrageous and her role is now that of a spoiler rather than a contender.

SAUDI PRINCE’S VEILED THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES IN A NYTIMES EDITORIAL Saudi prince threatens U.S. in NYT editorial: Support Palestinian statehood or lose Saudis as allies and provoke “uproar among Muslims worldwide” The mentality in many corners appears to be: let’s get the state now and worry about the particulars later. Thankfully, the U.S. has continued to threaten to veto this reckless adventure, and Prince […]


On the Friday after Thanksgiving 1962, Cuban agents planned to detonate 500 kilos of TNT inside Macy’s, Gimbel’s, Bloomingdale’s and Manhattan’s Grand Central Terminal. Che Guevara was the head of Cuba’s “Foreign Liberation Department” at the time.

On September 11th 2001, roughly 50,000 people worked at the World Trade Center. Macy’s alone gets roughly 50,000 shoppers on Black Friday. Castro and Che planned their Manhattan holocaust short weeks after Nikita Khrushchev foiled their plans for an even bigger one. “Say hello to my little friends!” Castro had dreamed of yelling at us in October of 1962, right before he imagined the mushroom clouds blooming. But for the prudence of the Butcher of Budapest, Castro and Che might have pulled it off.

THOMAS SOWELL: BACK TO THE FUTURE PART 2 Editor’s note: This article is Part II in a series. Click here to read Part I. Some people are hoping that President Obama’s plan will get the economy out of the doldrums and start providing jobs for the unemployed. Others are hoping that the Republicans’ plan will do the trick.Those who are truly optimistic […]

EMILY MILLER: IT IS A PONZI SCHEME Texas Gov. Rick Perry during a Republican debate Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Mike Carlson) The Texas governor is under attack for telling the unpleasant truth. At the GOP debate in Florida on Monday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked presidential contender Rick Perry whether he was changing his tune after other Republicans […]


Every Single One: The Politicized Hiring of Eric Holder’s Criminal Section Posted By J. Christian Adams URL to article:   Today marks the latest installment of PJMedia’s multi-part series investigating the politicized hiring practices of the Civil Rights Division at the Obama Justice Department. The series has revealed a liberal litmus test for landing […]

YEOL MELTZER: WHY DOES A BRAVE AND INTELLIGENT MELANIE PHILLIPS STILL CONSIDER THE TWO STATE “SOLUTION?”….WHY INDEED!!  “A Question for Melanie Phillips”  Last night I had the pleasure of attending a lecture in Jerusalem by British journalist Melanie Phillips.  In a world turned upside down where right is wrong and wrong is right, it was a pleasure to listen to this courageous and intelligent woman.  Despite the intense pressure against her […]

MARCO RUBIO’S : OBAMA IS SO SLOW AND HESITANT On Foreign Policy, Obama ‘So Slow and Hesitant’ Back in April, Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) told NRO that the late Jesse Helms is his model: Sen. Marco Rubio sailed into office on the tea-party wave, wagging his finger at the Obama administration’s fiscal mischief. But in the Senate, foreign policy has become his […]

DIANA WEST: MAKING THE WORLD SAFE FOR JIHAD AND SHARIA The Daily Mail today reports: Libya’s interim leader has said Sharia law will be used as the basis for new legislation as the country removes all traces of the Gaddafi regime. Mustafa Abdel Jalil, making his first public speech in Tripoli in front of 10,000 people, warned against reprisals by rebel forces against elements […]