ROMNEY’S 59 ECONOMIC FLAVORS Mitt Romney rolled out a major chunk of his economic agenda yesterday, and we’ll say this for it: His ideas are better than President Obama’s. Yet the 160 pages and 59 proposals also strike us as surprisingly timid and tactical considering our economic predicament. They’re a technocrat’s guide more than a reform manifesto. *** […]

DOROTHY RABINOWITZ ON SARAH PALIN But there was something more significant in this stump outing. It revealed a Sarah Palin still energetic, still capable of drawing impassioned supporters, but one also unsettled and defensive, aggrieved and struggling to extract a hard, clear message out of too many cloudy talking points. A far cry from the happy warrior who took […]

TERROR IN NEW DELHI….BRIEFCASE BOMB SUSPECTED 66 INJURED By AMOL SHARMA, VIBHUTI AGARWAL and GEETA ANAND NEW DELHI—A bomb exploded outside New Delhi’s High Court on Wednesday, killing at least 11 people and injuring 66, in an act of suspected terrorism in the heart of India’s capital that further heightened concerns about the nation’s security vulnerabilities. The high-intensity blast occurred at 10:14 […]


How Obama Protects the Teamsters The president and Jimmy Hoffa help each other more than workers. Barack Obama and Jimmy Hoffa are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Lady Gaga and hype, the Jersey Shore cast and hairspray: inseparable. The president can no more disown the Teamsters Union’s leader than he can disown his own id. […]


Civility for Thee, Not for Me Of course President Obama will not criticize Jimmy Hoffa’s ugly rant. Pres. Barack Obama delivered hi s loviest speech as president in Tucson, Ariz., after the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords. It was moving, pitch-perfect and — in its key passages calling for civility in our political discourse […]

ROBERT COSTA ON RICK PERRY Columbia, S.C. — Gov. Rick Perry missed Monday’s Palmetto Freedom Forum — a spirited, nationally televised discussion of constitutional questions — because of the wildfires in Texas. Yet even in absentia, Perry, a recent entry to the presidential field, loomed large, exciting the attendees, who talked up his chances. South Carolina Republicans, with their […]

HERBERT LONDON: THINKING ABOUT 9/11 It was a crystal clear September 11, 2001. I was on the 8:30 am shuttle to Washington D.C. The plane I was on hurtled down the La Guardia runway and then suddenly came to a halt. The pilot directed the aircraft back to the gate noting there would not be any other flights that […]

ALYSSA LAPPEN: SHARIA LOBBY SHIFTS INTO FIFTH GEAR Sharia advocates desperately want to convince legislators and the public that Islamic law is plain vanilla — and totally nonthreatening to existing U.S. legal codes. Notwithstanding a nationwide Muslim Brotherhood-backed pro-sharia push, nothing could be further from the truth. “There are many unpleasant doctrines within Islam,” including its “repugnant” criminal code, honor killings, female […]

HOT PICKS AND VIDEOS FROM FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS 1. OUTRAGE! No Firemen at Ground Zero This 9/11? Mayor Bloomberg says there’s just not enough room to include them. 2. VIDEO: ABC‘s Jake Tapper Presses White House on Hoffa ‘SOB’ Remarks 3. VIDEO: NBC News Pollsters ‘Concerned’ Over Administration’s Negative Numbers 4. VIDEO: Vice President Dick Cheney – no regrets about Iraq 5. […]

DAVID MALPASS: THE RISKS OF EUROPEAN RECESSION European developments have worsened substantially since the Merkel-Sarkozy Paris summit on August 16. We discuss the new European developments below followed by the eight negative developments listed in our August 25 piece. We think it will take dramatic action in Europe to break the downward spiral.  On its present course, the risks have increased substantially of major European […]